Donald Trump

REPORT: 5M First-Time Gun Purchases So Far This Year

Reuters reports: The number of first-time buyers has skyrocketed this year, according to industry analysts, trade groups and the CEO of major gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson Brands Inc, Mark Peter Smith. In a Sept. 3 conference call with investors, Smith estimated that firearms neophytes accounted for about 40% of sales this year, an estimate he called conservative and “double …

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Melania Says Barron Tested COVID+, Is Now Negative

From a statement issued by Melania Trump: It was two weeks ago when I received the diagnosis that so many Americans across our country and the world had already received—I tested positive for COVID-19. To make matters worse, my husband, and our nation’s Commander-in-Chief, received the same news. Naturally my mind went immediately to our son. To our great relief …

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Billboard Directs Iowa Cultists To Today’s Trump Rally

Des Moines’ ABC News affiliate reports: If you’re heading to President Trump’s rally at the Des Moines International Airport Wednesday, you may see a digital billboard along Fleur Drive. The billboard reads, “Trump Covid Superspreader Event,” with an arrow pointing toward the airport. Rural America 2020 posted the picture on Twitter commenting that it’s doing its part to warn Iowans …

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Anti-Abortion Alliance: It’s “Unfortunate” That Trump’s COVID Treatment Used “Cells From An Aborted Child”

Via press release published by Christian Newswire: “The production and testing of vaccines using the remains of human beings who were intentionally killed is wholly unethical and must be consistently opposed,” says Sarah Quale [photo], president of Personhood Alliance Education and chair of the vaccine ethics committee that created the organization’s official position. The committee consisted of representatives from eight …

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Trump To Flout WH Guidelines With Today’s Iowa Rally

The Washington Post reports: Trump on Wednesday is seeking to shore up support in Iowa, a state he won comfortably four years ago but that polls show to be in play this year. The president plans to stage a rally at the Des Moines International Airport amid a flurry of travel this week to battleground states that he carried in …

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Trump And Biden To Hold Competing Town Halls

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump will take part in an NBC News town hall event in Miami on Thursday, the network announced on Wednesday. The town hall, moderated by “TODAY” anchor Savannah Guthrie, will take place on the same evening — and at the same time — that Joe Biden is doing his own town hall in Philadelphia on …

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Russia Rejects Trump’s Bid For Pre-Election Nuke Deal

The Guardian reports: US-Russian nuclear arms control talks have sunk into confusion after the top American negotiator claimed there was “an agreement in principle” between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, a claim Moscow quickly rejected as a “delusion”. Marshall Billingslea, the US special envoy for arms control, said he had flown to Helsinki on Monday to meet the Russian deputy …

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Trump Tweets Meme Showing Biden In Wheelchair

The Daily Beast reports: Despite recent national polls showing President Donald Trump losing among voters aged 65 and older by more than 20 points, a key demographic that Republican presidential candidates have carried for 20 years, the president decided to mockingly tweet a photoshopped image of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden as a nursing home resident on Tuesday night. The …

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Yet Another Trump Ad Uses Footage From Russia

Politico reports: A new pro-Trump super PAC ad uses stock footage from Russia and Belarus in a major ad buy that’s airing in three swing states. It’s the fourth time in three months that an ad promoting President Donald Trump’s reelection has used footage from Russia. America First Action last Thursday launched an ad called “Pandemic Tax” in Florida, Pennsylvania …

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New DNC Ad Hits “Superspreader” Trump [VIDEO]

The Washington Post reports: The Democratic National Committee highlights Trump’s own coronavirus diagnosis in a new television ad as evidence of his mishandling of the pandemic — one of the sharpest attacks on the subject yet. “He was warned but ignored the evidence, holding rallies indoors, turning the White House into a superspreader and contracting the virus himself,” the narrator …

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Trump Retweets Article Ridiculing Wearing Of Masks

Days after taking a helicopter to the hospital, this morning Trump retweeted an article mocking face masks. From the Babylon Bee, which fashions itself as a right wing version of The Onion: In order to save lives and also because of science, Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced today that all restaurant food consumed in the state must come from …

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Trump Uses Pentagon Officials In Online Campaign Ad

And nothing will be done about it: President Trump’s reelection campaign is using the Pentagon’s senior civilian and uniformed officials in a new online advertisement, in violation of standing Pentagon policy. The ad, which appeared as recently as Monday and targets possible mail-in voters, features a photo of Trump with Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman …

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Anthony Fauci: The Trump Campaign Is Harassing Me

The Daily Beast reports: The nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci demanded that the Trump campaign refrain from using him in future campaign ads, saying Monday that it would be “outrageous” and “terrible” if he was featured in another commercial and it could “come back to backfire” on Team Trump. Asked by The Daily Beast if his comments …

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Trump Spends $10M+ In Last Ditch Pitch To Seniors

Axios reports: The Trump campaign is launching a new “eight-figure” advertising campaign this week that focuses, in part, on recovering President Trump’s standing among senior citizens, according to top officials. Why it matters: Senior citizens are the most reliable voting bloc and they formed the core of Trump’s political base in 2016. But that’s no longer the case. One of …

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Trump Campaign Now Planning Multiple Rallies A Day

But will there be balconies available for Covita? Trump is eager to increase his schedule to include multiple rallies a day, and his campaign thinks that the Barrett hearing will provide an enthusiasm boost with key groups, senior aides told reporters Monday. In a conference call held ahead of Trump’s return to the campaign trail after his coronavirus diagnosis, senior …

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NYT/Siena Poll: Biden +10 In Wisconsin, +8 In Michigan

The New York Times reports: Joseph R. Biden Jr. holds a significant lead in the pivotal states of Michigan and Wisconsin, with President Trump so far failing to retain the overwhelming advantage he enjoyed among white voters there in 2016, according to surveys from The New York Times and Siena College on Monday. Over all, Mr. Biden led Mr. Trump …

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International Survey: Trump Less Trusted Than Xi

The Jerusalem Post reports: Negative perceptions of China have soared over the past year across many advanced economies, reaching all-time highs in a number of countries including the UK, Germany and Australia, a Pew Research Center poll published last week has found. While the increasingly unfavorable view of China is driven in large part by belief that the country did …

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BOOK: How Trump Cultists Desire Authoritarian Rule

The Washington Post reports: A new book by a psychology professor and a former lawyer in the Nixon White House argues that Trump has tapped into a current of authoritarianism in the American electorate, one that’s bubbled just below the surface for years. In “Authoritarian Nightmare,” Bob Altemeyer and John W. Dean marshal data from a previously unpublished nationwide survey …

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Trump Wants Surprise Nuke Deal Before Election

Axios reports: President Trump is looking to Vladimir Putin to close the deal on a pre-election nuclear agreement, a timetable that’s an October surprise even for senior Republicans and some in the White House. The big picture: Trump and Putin have discussed arms control in a string of phone calls over the last six months, and they’ve dispatched envoys to …

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New Cases Hit Two-Month High, Increases In 19 States

Reuters reports: New cases of COVID-19 in the United States hit a two-month high on Friday with over 58,000 infections of the coronavirus reported and hospitalizations in the Midwest at record levels for a fifth day in a row, according to a Reuters analysis. Ten of the 50 states reported record one-day rises in cases on Friday, including the Midwestern …

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