Donald Trump

Facebook Shrugs At Trump’s “Shoot Them” Postings

CNN reports: Twitter decided to affix a warning label to Trump’s tweet — and an identical tweet later posted by the official White House Twitter account — for the first time, indicating that it violated the platform’s rule against glorifying violence. But the exact same message, saying “looting” will lead to “shooting” and referencing “THUGS,” was posted to Trump’s Facebook …

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Trump Declares US Has “Terminated” Relationship With WHO, Flees Alleged Presser Without Taking Questions

Reuters reports: President Trump has announced the United States is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization and directing its payments to other public health organizations. Last month President Trump announced that he would be instructing his administration to withhold funding for the World Health Organization while the White House investigates the organization’s role in how it handled the …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Presser Amid “Shoot Them” Furor

CBS News reports: President Trump is addressing reporters in the Rose Garden Friday afternoon, after he criticized China over its handling of the coronavirus outbreak and lashed out at Twitter for labeling his tweets. The press conference also comes after a devastating night in Minneapolis, where a police precinct was set ablaze during protests over of the death of George …

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Taylor Swift Rages At Trump: You’ve Stoked The Fires Of White Supremacy And Racism, “We Will Vote You Out”

USA Today reports: Taylor Swift took aim at President Donald Trump Friday, calling him out after he tweeted about shooting looters in Minneapolis. In a tweet that Twitter flagged for violating the site’s rules regarding “glorifying violence,” Trump referred to looters as “thugs” and said he’d offered military assistance to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. Swift’s tweet had been retweeted more …

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Biden: Trump Is Calling For Violence Against Citizens

The Guardian reports: “This is not abstract: a black reporter was arrested while doing his job this morning, while the white police officer who killed George Floyd remains free. I am glad swift action was taken, but this, to me, says everything,” the presumptive Democratic nominee wrote in a tweet. Biden said he would not “lift” Trump’s tweet that partly …

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White House Reposts Trump’s “Shoot Them” Tweet

CBS News reports: President Trump on Friday called protesters in Minneapolis “thugs” and vowed that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” He tweeted after protesters outraged by the death of a black man in police custody torched a police station. The tweet was quickly flagged by Twitter as “glorifying violence.” Twitter quickly tagged the post, saying, “This Tweet violated …

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Minneapolis Mayor Blasts Trump For Calling Him Weak: Weakness Is Pointing At Others During A Crisis [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) early Friday morning slammed President Trump’s criticism of his leadership amid the protests that have erupted in the Minnesota city after the police killing of George Floyd. Early Friday Trump lashed out on Twitter at Frey, saying that he would “send in the National Guard” if the mayor couldn’t “bring the City …

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Trump Vows To “Regulate” Twitter After Latest Warning

The Independent reports: Donald Trump has lashed out at Twitter after it limited access to one of his tweets. The social media firm said the post, in which Mr Trump suggested he would have people rioting in the wake of George Floyd’s death shot, had violated its rules on glorifying violence. The tweet that Jack Dorsey’s company decided had finally …

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Twitter Adds “Glorifying Violence” Warning To Trump’s Tweet: “When The Looting Starts, The Shooting Starts”

The New York Times reports: Twitter said early Friday that a tweet from President Trump implying that protesters in Minneapolis could be shot violated the company’s rules against glorifying violence, in a move that threatens to escalate tensions between Mr. Trump and his favorite social media megaphone over its content policies. The company prevented users from viewing Mr. Trump’s message …

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Writer: Trump Considered Role In “La Cage Aux Folles”

Tim O’Brien writes for Bloomberg: Donald Trump was at the steering wheel as we drove through the rain together on a New Jersey highway in 2005. He had recently considered taking the stage to play a politician in the Broadway comedy “La Cage aux Folles,” but he had other things on his mind as he glanced over at me. “I …

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Fox Host Blasts Trump’s Threat To “Shut Down” Twitter

Mediaite reports: Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto directly challenged President Donald Trump’s rhetoric after an Oval Office press briefing in which the president made a “shocking” threat to shut down Twitter because the social media site had fact-checked his tweets. Cavuto pointed out that Twitter was, in fact, correct that Trump’s tweets about mail-in ballots in California were factually incorrect …

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Trump Signs Order To Punish Critics Of His Lying

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump escalated his war on social media companies, signing an executive order Thursday challenging the liability protections that have served as a bedrock for unfettered speech on the internet. Still, the move appears to be more about politics than substance, as the president aims to rally supporters after he lashed out at Twitter for …

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Pelosi Roasts Zuckerberg, Says Twitter Is No Better

The Daily Beast reports: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ripped Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg for saying he didn’t believe social media platforms should be the “arbiters of truth” and fact-check political speech. “I think Mark Zuckerberg’s statement was a disgrace,” Pelosi told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Thursday. “And Twitter, they’re not taking off any accusations the president is …

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Trump Caves And Extends National Guard Deployment

Politico reports: The Trump administration is extending the federal deployment of over 40,000 National Guard troops aiding coronavirus relief efforts, reversing plans for an earlier cutoff following bipartisan backlash and pressure from top defense officials. The federal government will now keep funding National Guard troops in nearly the entire country through mid-August, President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday. The administration was …

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Report: Down-Ballot Republicans Increasingly Panicked

CNN reports: “Put it this way, I am very glad my boss isn’t on the ballot this cycle,” said one high-ranking GOP Senate aide. Republican strategists are increasingly worried that Trump is headed for defeat in November and that he may drag other Republicans down with him. Seven GOP operatives not directly associated with the President’s reelection campaign told CNN …

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Trump: “Big Win” In TX Ruling Against Voting By Mail

USA Today reports: Rejecting claims raised by state Democrats, the Texas Supreme Court ruled late Wednesday that a lack of immunity to the coronavirus does not entitle voters to a mail-in ballot under state law. Texas election law limits mail-in ballots to specific categories of voters, such as those with a disability that prevents them from safely traveling to a …

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Trump Acknowledges 100,000 Deaths “Milestone”

The Associated Press reports: U.S. President Donald Trump marked the coronavirus pandemic milestone of 100,000 U.S. deaths in a Twitter post on Thursday, a day after the threshold was reached and his silence noted. “We have just reached a very sad milestone with the coronavirus pandemic deaths reaching 100,000. To all of the families & friends of those who have …

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Hits Back At Zuckerberg: Fact Checking Trump Doesn’t Make Us An “Arbiter Of Truth”

Mashable reports: The executive tantrum, and a Fox News appearance by senior White House advisor Kellyanne Conway where she goaded viewers to harass Twitter’s head of site integrity Yoel Roth, spurred a stern response from Twitter cofounder and CEO Jack Dorsey. Dorsey also directly addressed statements Mark Zuckerberg made on Wednesday in response to the incident. Facebook’s CEO told Fox’s …

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Trump Retweets “Masks Endorse Culture Of Slavery”

From the Federalist piece just retweeted by Trump: Implementing mandatory mask policies across a society of 300 million because it makes some people feel better is absurd on its face. But the policy makes a lot of sense if you understand its purpose and usefulness to shift the American mindset. Mandatory masks are a critical predicate conditioning us to accept …

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Trump’s Order To Command FCC To Review Liability Protections For Social Media, Establish “Snitch” Hotline

Reuters reports: President Donald Trump is expected to order a review of a law that has long protected Twitter, Facebook and Alphabet’s Google from being responsible for the material posted by their users, according to a draft executive order and a source familiar with the situation. The executive order would require the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to propose and clarify …

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