Donald Trump

Romney: Trump’s Return Would Feed USA’s “Sickness”

Sen. Mitt Romney writes for The Atlantic: President Joe Biden is a genuinely good man, but he has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust. A return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable. Congress is particularly disappointing: Our elected officials put a finger in the wind more frequently …

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Trump Only +9 Over DeSantis In National GOP Poll

Mediaite reports: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is within single digits of ex-President Donald Trump in a new national poll, the closest he’s been in this or any other reputable poll — and that’s before Tuesday’s bombshell testimony. A sample of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents to a new Yahoo! News/YouGov poll were asked “Who would you rather see as the Republican …

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Fox Host Calls Trump’s Election Lies “Unhinged” [Video]

The Wrap reports: Fox News’ host Brian Kilmeade launched an unexpected broadside at Donald Trump, calling the former president “unhinged” after the 2020 election in the period before the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. Speaking on Howard Kurtz’s “Media Buzz” show on Sunday about the House Jan. 6 committee hearings, Kilmeade also rejected Trump’s repeated assertions that “he was …

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Trump Fears Roe Ruling Will Spur Backlash Against GOP

The New York Times reports: The man most responsible for shaping a United States Supreme Court that delivered the conservative movement a long-sought victory has spent weeks saying he didn’t think it will be good for his party. Publicly, after a draft of the likely decision leaked in May, former President Donald J. Trump was remarkably tight-lipped for weeks about …

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Filmmaker: Trump Had 2020 Mystery Call With Putin

Politico Playbook reports: On Tuesday, we broke the story about the details of Alex Holder’s film, that he had been subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 committee, turned over all of his footage and was coming to Washington this week for a closed-door deposition before the committee. On Thursday, shortly after he finished talking to Jan. 6 investigators, we met up …

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Fox News Host Hails GOP “Patriots” For Defying Trump

The Hill reports: Fox News anchor Bret Baier praised the elected Republicans, state officials and local elections workers who have testified before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol in recent days. “This testimony shows not only the Arizona House speaker, all of the state officials, these officials in [the Department of Justice], who …

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Fox Host: Hearing Made Trump Look “Awful, Just Awful”

“This just seems to make Donald Trump look awful. Just awful. If you knowingly make statements you know aren’t true and they’re proven untrue and yet you still make the statements – maybe because you’re totally and personally convinced you’re on the right and they’re on the wrong – at what point does that cross a constitutional line and maybe …

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Elon Musk “Undecided” On Backing Trump In 2024

Bloomberg News reports: Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said he’s undecided about who he’d support in the 2024 presidential election when asked specifically if he’d back former president Donald Trump. “I think I’m undecided at this point about that election,” Musk said in an interview with Bloomberg News. The world’s richest man also said he’s willing to put …

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REPORT: Trump World Is Working Against DeSantis

From a lengthy New Yorker piece on DeSantis: Trump told me that he was “very close to making a decision” about whether to run. “I don’t know if Ron is running, and I don’t ask him,” he said. “It’s his prerogative. I think I would win.” In nearly every poll of likely Republican contenders, Trump still has a solid advantage: …

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Hillary: US “On The Precipice” Of End Of Democracy

Newsweek reports: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said re-electing former President Donald Trump could help Russian President Vladimir Putin win the ongoing war in Ukraine. Clinton made the remarks in an interview with the Financial Times published on Friday where she also argued that the U.S. was “on the precipice” of no longer being a democracy. “If Trump …

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Car Smashes Into MA Trump Merch Store [VIDEO]

Boston’s NBC News affiliate reports: The Volkswagen Jetta plowed into the New England for Trump store on Washington Street about 5:10 p.m., according to Easton police. The driver, a 46-year-old man from Raynham, Massachusetts, was taken to the hospital after the crash. The man is expected to be okay, Easton police said. One employee was in the store at the …

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REPORT: Trump To Appear At QAnon/Anti-Vax Event

Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Last Tuesday, right-wing commentator Doug Billings, who has spoken at several of Clay Clark’s “ReAwaken America” events, interviewed Clark on his program. While introducing Clark, Billings reported that the tour is scheduled to continue through the midterms and that Trump himself is going to be participating at the final tour stop before the …

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DeSantis Tops Trump In Right Wing 2024 Straw Poll

Florida Politics reports: Another weekend brings another straw poll where Florida’s Governor outpaced former President Donald Trump. As reported by Fox News and other sources, Gov. Ron DeSantis had more support for a hypothetical 2024 presidential campaign than Trump did for another run. The Western Conservative Summit 2024 straw poll in Colorado this weekend saw 71% approval for a DeSantis …

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Trump Mocks “Desperate” Pence Over 2024 Aspirations

The New York Times reports: After four years of service bordering on subservience, the increasingly emboldened Mr. Pence is seeking to reintroduce himself to Republican voters ahead of a potential presidential bid by setting himself apart from what many in the G.O.P. see as the worst impulses of Mr. Trump. He’s among a small group in his party considering a …

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DeSantis +6 Over Trump In Wisconsin GOP Straw Poll

Florida Politics reports: In the latest in a series of indications of Gov. Ron DeSantis‘ rising position in the Republican Party, a straw poll of 325 Wisconsin Republican activists saw him outperform former President Donald Trump. The Saturday poll of attendees of the Wisconsin Republican Convention, reported on by, saw DeSantis get 38% of the vote in a field …

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Russia Bans Biden, Harris, And Clinton (But Not Trump)

The Washington Post reports: Russia is permanently banning nearly 1,000 Americans, including President Biden and Vice President Harris, from entering the country in response to the United States’ support of Ukraine and the historic sanctions facing Moscow nearly three months into its invasion. On Saturday, the Russian Foreign Ministry published the list of 963 Americans barred from entering Russia — …

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Anthony Fauci: I’d Quit If Trump Got Reelected [VIDEO]

The Insider reports: White House Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that if former President Donald Trump returned to the White House, he would not stay in the role. CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Fauci whether or not he had faith in Trump’s ability to deal with the pandemic and if he would continue his job under a Trump …

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Trump Wanted US To Retaliate Militarily Against China For Shooting Storms At America With “Hurricane Gun”

Rolling Stone reports: Near the beginning of Donald Trump’s time in office, the then-president had a pressing question for his national-security aides and administration officials: Does China have the secret technology — a weapon, even — to create large, man-made hurricanes and then launch them at the United States? And if so, would this constitute an act of war by …

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Ex-Twitter CEO Agrees With Musk: Let Trump Return

Axios reports: Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey says he agrees with Elon Musk that former President Trump should have his Twitter account reinstated. Dorsey was CEO of Twitter when the ban was put in place. Dorsey called the ban a mistaken “business decision,” and reiterated Musk’s belief that permanent bans are inappropriate in cases outside of illegal activity or spam. The …

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Musk: It Was “Morally Bad” For Twitter To Ban Trump

The Washington Post reports: Elon Musk said he would reverse Twitter’s ban on former president Donald Trump. Musk, the Tesla CEO who is soon to own Twitter, said it was a mistake for the website to ban the former president. Musk spoke virtually at a Future of the Car event hosted by the Financial Times. “I think it was a …

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