Donald Trump

Trump Whines About Legal Defense Team’s Time Slot

Politico reports: President Donald Trump, flashing the fixation of a former reality television showman, lamented Friday that his impeachment defense team was being forced to present its case during the “Death Valley” of broadcast time slots. The president’s complaint represents yet another indication of his eagerness for a captivating, media-minded showing by the squad of conservative attorneys arguing against his …

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Glorious Leader Posts “Obama Spied On Me” Meme

The meme is currently pinned to the top of Trump’s feed: Trump seems to be stuck in pre-2016 years when Barack Obama was still the President. Or so it would seem from a recent meme that the POTUS shared featuring a photoshopped image of Obama and himself. In the fake image, Trump can be seen standing while leaning against a …

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Trump Gets Triggered By Bloomberg Ad On Fox News

The New York Times reports: For weeks, President Trump’s advisers have urged him to ignore Michael R. Bloomberg’s nationally televised needling, warning him that it would only help the low-polling late entrant to the Democratic presidential primary by elevating his standing. Mr. Trump heeded the counsel for a while, according to several of his allies, even as he repeatedly expressed …

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Trump Goes After Obamacare Via Medicaid Grants

Politico reports: CMS Administrator Seema Verma plans to issue a letter soon explaining how states could seek waivers to receive defined payments for adults covered by Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, according to seven people with knowledge of the closely guarded effort. An announcement is tentatively slated for the end of next week, more than one year after Verma and her team …

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Napolitano: Impeachment Evidence Is Uncontradicted

“The House of Representatives — in proceedings in which the president chose not to participate — impeached Trump for abuse of power and contempt of Congress. Where does all this leave us at the outset of Trump’s Senate trial? It leaves us with valid, lawful, constitutional arguments for Trump’s impeachment that he ought to take seriously. “That is, unless he …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump’s Impeachment Trial Continues

The New York Times reports: What we’re expecting to see: The seven members of the House will continue delivering their opening arguments, building on the case against the president that they began on Wednesday. After spending about eight hours in session on Wednesday, of a maximum of 24, they have time to flesh out their case on Thursday. When we’re …

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Anti-Trump Ad: It’s Time For President Pence, Who At Least Doesn’t Brag About Committing Sexual Assault

Mediaite reports: Conservative organization Defending Democracy Together, which is led by Bill Kristol, is now pushing for Vice President Mike Pence to take the job as commander-in-chief from President Donald Trump. The 30-second ad begins, “Mike Pence doesn’t brag about sexually assaulting women; Mike Pence doesn’t pressure foreign governments to investigate his political rivals.” The ad concludes by stating, “Trump …

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Trump To Address Anti-Abortion Rally In Person

The Washington Post reports: President Trump announced Wednesday that he will attend Friday’s March for Life, the annual gathering of antiabortion protesters to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court’s landmark abortion decision. While other presidents have addressed the annual rally by phone or sent video greetings, Trump would be the first to speak to the crowd …

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Trump Admin To Finalize End To Wetlands Protections

Time Magazine reports: The Trump administration on Thursday will finalize a rule to strip away environmental protections for streams, wetlands and other water bodies, handing a victory to farmers, fossil fuel producers and real estate developers who said Obama-era rules had shackled them with onerous and unnecessary burdens. From Day 1 of his administration, President Trump vowed to repeal President …

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Busy Man Breaks His One-Day Record With 146 Tweets

Glorious Leader has had a busy day of trolling: President Trump on Wednesday shattered his previous record for most tweets issued since taking office, tweeting more than 130 times while House Democrats made their opening arguments in his impeachment trial. The president tweeted 132 times as of 6:20 p.m., according to Factbase Feed, a data firm that tracks Trump’s tweets, …

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Trump: We Have To Protect The Inventor Of The Wheel

Raw Story reports: During an interview with CNBC while at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the president was asked about what he made of the success of electric car company Tesla and its CEO Elon Musk. Well, you have to give him credit,” Trump replied. “I spoke to him very recently, and he’s also doing the rockets, he …

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FRANCE: 36% Say Holocaust Could Happen In America

Newsweek reports: One-third of French people believe a modern-day Holocaust could happen in the U.S.—more than say it could happen in their own country. A poll conducted by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, saw 36 percent of French respondents say something like a Holocaust could …

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Trump Open To Medicare Cuts After Being Reelected

The New York Times report: President Trump suggested on Wednesday that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements. The president made the comments on the sidelines of the World …

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Trump Proclaims National Sanctity Of Human Life Day

Just in via White House press release: Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value. Although each journey is different, no life is without worth or is inconsequential; the rights of all people must be defended. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our Nation proudly …

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LIVE VIDEO: Senate Impeachment Trial Resumes

USA Today reports: Republican senators’ rejection of Democrats’ requests for additional evidence and witnesses have cast a pall on the impeachment trial, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. charged Wednesday. “It was a dark day and a dark night for the Senate,” Schumer told reporters at a Capitol Hill News Conference following the marathon session Tuesday to debate the rules …

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Facebook OK’s Large Lie-Filled Pro-Trump Ad Buy

Popular Information reports: Facebook is allowing a major pro-Trump Super PAC, the Committee to Defend the President, to run ads with lies. The Committee to Defend the President, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, is one of the “two biggest non-party outside spenders of this cycle.” Since Saturday, the Committee to Defend the President is running multiple ads that …

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LIVE VIDEO: Senate Debates McConnell’s Trial Rules

The New York Times reports: Senator Mitch McConnell has proposed rules for President Trump’s trial that will be debated when the proceedings open at 1 p.m. His plan makes meaningful changes from the precedent in President Bill Clinton’s trial, such as making the trial faster. The impeachment managers from the House, all Democrats, accused Mr. McConnell of doing the president’s …

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Trump Confirms Plan To Expand Muslim Travel Ban

The Wall Street Journal reports: President Trump on Tuesday confirmed he plans to expand his controversial travel ban that bars citizens of certain countries from entering the United States. Trump told The Wall Street Journal in an interview on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland that he is looking to add more countries, though he would …

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Trump Slams “Climate Prophets Of Doom” At Davos

The BBC reports: US President Donald Trump has decried climate “prophets of doom” in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where sustainability is the main theme. He called for a rejection of “predictions of the apocalypse” and said America would defend its economy. Mr Trump did not directly name the teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was …

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Trial Poll: 51% Back Conviction, 69% Want Witnesses

CNN reports: About half of Americans say the Senate should vote to convict President Donald Trump and remove him from office in the upcoming impeachment trial (51%), according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, while 45% say the Senate should vote against conviction and removal. Nearly seven in 10 (69%) say that upcoming trial should feature testimony from …

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