
MINNESOTA: Woman Live-Streams Harrowing Video After Boyfriend Is Shot And Killed By Police [VIDEO]

The Minnesota Star-Tribune reports: A St. Paul man died Wednesday night after being shot by police in Falcon Heights, the immediate aftermath of which was shown in a video recorded by the man’s girlfriend as she sat next to him and which was widely shared on Facebook. The girlfriend started the live-stream video with the man in the driver’s seat …

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House Speaker Paul Ryan Asks Feds Not To Provide Hillary With Classified Data After Being Nominated

Reuters reports: Top Republicans in the U.S. Congress pressed for sanctions on Thursday against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information, with House Speaker Paul Ryan formally asking she be denied such information during the campaign. Ryan, the top Republican in the House of Representatives, sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper saying denying Clinton …

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Roger Ailes: I Never Hit On Gretchen Carlson

Fox News chairman Roger Ailes issued a statement last night in response to the sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by former anchor Gretchen Carlson. “Gretchen Carlson’s allegations are false. This is a retaliatory suit for the network’s decision not to renew her contract, which was due to the fact that her disappointingly low ratings were dragging down the afternoon …

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Marco Rubio To Skip GOP Convention

From the Tampa Bay Times: Sen. Marco Rubio will not attend the GOP convention, citing the need to stay in Florida and focus on his re-election campaign. Rubio joins a list of prominent Republicans — among them Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte — skipping the convention because of Donald Trump. But Rubio’s campaign — comfortably ahead …

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Bernie Sanders: House Democrats Booed Me Today Because We Look At The World Differently [VIDEO]

The Week reports: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said the reason that House Democrats booed him at a closed-door meeting Wednesday morning boils down to the fact that they simply “look at the world a little bit differently.” Though Sanders said that reports of the incident were somewhat exaggerated, he did acknowledge “differences of opinion.” “What I’m trying to do and …

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GMO Activists Shower Senate With Dollar Bills [VIDEO]

Roll Call reports: Dollar bills rained onto the Senate floor Wednesday as protesters called on senators to reject a bill relating to labeling products with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Alexis Baden-Mayer, political director ofthe Organic Consumers Association, and Adam Eidinger, a local activist and founder of “Occupy Monsanto,”dropped more than $2,000 worth of dollar bills onto the floor around …

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House Dems Boo Bernie For Not Endorsing Hillary

Politico reports: Sen. Bernie Sanders is still talking like a guy who’s running for president. But frustrated House Democrats — who booed him at one point during a morning meeting — say it’s time to stop. With the Democratic convention just weeks away, Sanders still hasn’t endorsed one-time rival Hillary Clinton and dodged questions about when he would during a …

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Fired Fox News Anchor Gretchen Carlson Sues Fox Television Chairman Roger Ailes For Sexual Harassment

Last month Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson was fired shortly after coming out in favor of gun control. But that may not be the whole story. From the Daily Beast: Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the network’s CEO Roger Ailes, alleging he fired her because she refused his sexual advances. The host of The …

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KENTUCKY: Anti-Gay Nutjob Sues Kim Davis And Gov. Matt Bevin For Refusing To Let Him Marry His Laptop

Remember the nutcase who sued Apple in 2013 because his MacBook didn’t block him from accessing the porn which ruined his marriage? And then in 2014 when he attempted to intervene in one of Florida’s same-sex marriage cases so that he could marry that porn-filled laptop? And then earlier this year when he sued the state of Texas, again for …

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Reince Priebus: It’s Obvious That Hillary Lied [VIDEO]

CNN reports: “I certainly don’t understand how you describe a textbook definition of gross negligence, and you have case after case after case of soldiers and other military personnel being kicked out of the military … for things that are far less egregious than what Hillary Clinton did,” Priebus told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room.” “First of all, …

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LIVE VIDEO: Obama Campaigns With Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton joined President Obama aboard Air Force One this morning to travel to North Carolina where the pair will campaign together for the first time. They are due to take the stage shortly. Expect them to make at least a quick acknowledgement of today’s FBI news. Watch below.

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Paul Ryan: The FBI Has Damaged The Rule Of Law By Not Charging Hillary Clinton For Her Criminal Actions

“While I respect the law enforcement professionals at the FBI, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law. But based on the director’s own statement, it appears damage is being done to the rule of law. Declining to prosecute Secretary Clinton for recklessly mishandling and transmitting national security information sets a terrible precedent. The findings of this …

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Cory Booker Dodges VP Vetting Question [VIDEO]

CNN reports: New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker is now referring questions about whether he is being vetted as a potential running mate for Hillary Clinton to her campaign — a shift from as recently as two weeks ago, when he flatly denied he was in the running for the job. “I’m just referring questions about the vice presidency to the …

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Bernie Wins Concessions In Democratic Platform: Minimum Wage, Death Penalty, Social Security

A draft version of the 2016 Democratic National Committee platform has been released with several new items pushed strongly by Bernie Sanders. The Hill reports: The platform explicitly calls for a $15 minimum wage, a position long espoused by Sanders. “Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage,” the …

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CNN Sources: No Charges For Hillary Over Email Server

From Mediaite: According to sources that are familiar with the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server, the former Secretary of State is not expected to face charges in the probe. This, according to CNN’s Senior Producer Edward Mejia Davis, who took to Twitter shortly ago to indicate the likely announcement of “no charges.” During an …

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Nobel Peace Prize Winner Elie Wiesel Dies At 87

The Times Of Israel reports: Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Holocaust survivor and human rights activist Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel died on Saturday at the age of 87 after a prolonged illness. A survivor of the Auschwitz and Buchenwald Nazi death camps, Wiesel dedicated much of his life to Holocaust education and promoting tolerance around the world. The Romanian-born Wiesel authored 57 …

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WaPo Reporter Grills Lynch On Private Meeting With Bill Clinton: What On Earth Were You Thinking? [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: The Washington Post‘s Jonathan Capehart spoke for many in Washington Friday when he quizzed Attorney General Loretta Lynch in an Aspen town hall, asking bluntly why on earth she thought it was a good idea to meet privately with Bill Clinton. Capehart, a liberal, praised Lynch for “having the highest integrity, utmost solid judgment. So when people heard …

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Hillary Pens Farewell Note To The Toast

Several weeks ago beloved literature blog The Toast stunned its devoted readership when it announced it was shutting down due to poor ad revenue. Today Hillary Clinton penned a fond, feminism-tinged farewell to the site. An excerpt: I know that today is the final day of The Toast, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what this …

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New iPhone Technology Remotely Disables Cameras

The Guardian reports: House Democrats were able to garner wall-to-wall media coverage of their sit-in by broadcasting live from a congressman’s smartphone on 23 June. Yet that may not be possible in the future if a new patent recently granted to Apple is an indication of technology restrictions to come. The patent shows that Apple may allow iPhone cameras to …

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Scientists See “Healing” In Antarctic Ozone Hole

Finally some good climate news. The Los Angeles Times reports: For the first time in 30 years, the gaping hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica is showing signs of healing. Every year since it was discovered in 1985, scientists have watched the hole grow bigger from one Antarctic spring to the next, eventually covering 10.9 million square miles in …

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