
NEW JERSEY: Researchers Claim 100% Accuracy With New Blood Test To Detect Early-Stage Alzheimer’s

CBS News reports: Early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease may be more possible than ever thanks to a group of researchers from Rowan University. The team of researchers was led by Dr. Robert Nagele from the university’s School of Osteopathic Medicine and Durin Technologies. The group announced that they have developed a blood test that uses the immune system to find …

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Reuters: Elizabeth Warren To Endorse Hillary

Reuters reports: Senator Elizabeth Warren will soon endorse presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and, while not currently interested in serving as her running mate, has not ruled it out, several sources close to Warren told Reuters. Advisers to Warren, a fiery critic of Wall Street and a popular figure among progressive Democrats, have been in close contact with Clinton’s …

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Arctic Sea Ice Levels Reach Record Low

The Guardian reports: Arctic sea ice fell to its lowest ever May extent, prompting fears that this year could beat 2012 for the record of worst ever summer sea ice melt. Data published by the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) this week showed average sea ice extent for last month was more than 500,000 sq km (193,000 …

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President Obama Congratulates Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders For Running “Inspiring Campaigns”

This came in late last night from the White House: Tonight, President Obama called both Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders. The President congratulated both candidates for running inspiring campaigns that have energized Democrats, brought a new generation of Americans into the political process, and shined a spotlight on important policy ideas aimed at making sure our economy and our politics …

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Hillary Projected To Win California Primary

Just after 5:30AM Eastern, the networks projected that Hillary Clinton will win the California primary. At this writing she leads Bernie Sanders by a comfortable 13 points with 88% of the precincts reporting. California is Clinton’s fourth win of the night, following New Jersey, South Dakota, and New Mexico.

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Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Montana Primary

At the same moment he was telling his California supporters that he intends to take his battle to the Philadelphia convention, news outlets declared Bernie Sanders the winner of the Montana primary. At this writing he leads Hillary Clinton by five points. Montana awards 27 delegates. Earlier tonight Sanders was declared the winner of the North Dakota caucus.

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Bernie Sanders Vows To Fight To Convention

After a lengthy preamble that felt to many like the opening to a concession speech, Bernie Sanders tonight vowed to continue his campaign through the Democratic convention. Sanders: “Next Tuesday, we continue the fight. We are going to fight hard to win the primary in Washington DC. And then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice …

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Hillary Projected To Win South Dakota Primary

Hillary Clinton has been projected to take her third win of the night in South Dakota, where she presently leads Bernie Sanders by just over two points. Voter turnout appears fairly low there, with about 51,000 votes recorded at this writing. South Dakota awards 25 Democratic delegates.

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Hillary Projected To Win New Mexico Primary

With 70% of the vote reported at this writing, Hillary Clinton has been projected to win the New Mexico primary. She currently has a six point lead and this is her second win of the night. There are 43 Democratic delegates up for grabs.

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Bernie Projected To Win North Dakota Caucus

As he tends to do in caucus states, tonight Bernie Sanders coasted to an easy victory in North Dakota. At this writing he leads Hillary by a whopping 39 points. There are 23 delegates at stake there.

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Hillary Projected To Win New Jersey Primary

The polls closed in New Jersey at 8PM local time and while Fox News called it for Hillary Clinton almost immediately, CNN waited until 20% of the votes were in. At this writing she leads Bernie Sanders by about 17 points. Now we wait for the moot (according to the AP) delegate counts.

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The Liberal Redneck Unloads On The NRA [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News has hired viral YouTube star Trae Crowder as their “Hillbilly-In-Chief” as part of their continuing campaign against the NRA. As always, no recap because the jokes must be heard firsthand. Watch below.

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AP Responds To Critics: We Counted Those Delegates

Last night Sanders campaign was quick to blast the Associated Press for “prematurely” declaring Hillary Clinton the presumptive Democratic nominee. This morning Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver appeared on CNN to again slam the AP for “suppressing voter turnout.”  Weaver added, “Let those people vote and decide before the media tells them that the race is over.” Here’s the official …

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Philadelphia Works To Stem Convention Arrests

From the Associated Press: Philadelphia wants to avoid a repeat of 2000 when it arrested more than 400 protesters at the Republican National Convention, only to see most cases end in acquittals. Less than two months before the Democratic National Convention comes to town, a City Council committee has passed legislation letting police issue $100 civil fines rather than make …

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Nancy Pelosi Endorses Hillary Clinton [VIDEO]

Politico reports: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California finally endorsed Hillary Clinton ahead of her state’s primary on Tuesday, and even weighed in on the growing calls for the former secretary of state to choose Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. It would be “fabulous” for two women to be on the ticket, Pelosi said — though …

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Bernie’s Final Plea: It’s All Down To Voter Turnout

Bernie Sanders today issued the below clip in which he tells supporters that only high voter turnout will give him a win in California. But he also seems to be backing away from his pledge to take his fight all the way to the convention. From the San Jose Mercury News: Appearing to soften his resolve on the eve of …

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No Charges For Child’s Mother In Gorilla Incident

NBC News reports: The mother of a toddler who fell into a Gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo won’t face criminal charges, the city’s head prosecutor said Monday. “By all accounts, this mother did not act in any way where she presented this child to some harm,” Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Deters said in a news conference. “She had …

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Bernie Sanders Bristles After Reporter Asks Whether It’s “Sexist” For Him To Keep Battling Hillary [VIDEO]

Via Talking Points Memo: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was visibly frustrated after a reporter asked during a Monday press conference whether it’s “sexist” for Sanders to remain in the race even though Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has more delegates. The reporter, who identified herself the New York Times’ Yamiche Alcindor, asked Sanders if it’s “sexist” for him to potentially be …

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Dem US House Rep. Filemon Vela To Trump: You Can Take Your Racist Border Wall And Shove It Up Your Ass

The Hill reports: A Hispanic House Democrat who represents a Texas district bordering Mexico tore into Donald Trump’s attacks on a Mexican-American judge, calling them blatantly racist. Rep. Filemon Vela didn’t mince words in a lengthy open letter to the presumptive GOP presidential nominee on Monday. “Mr. Trump, you’re a racist and you can take your border wall and shove …

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ABBA Performs Together For First Time In 30 Years

The Independent reports: Look who’s back – ABBA reunited on stage last night to celebrate Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson’s 50th anniversary as friends. The four musicians celebrated by throwing a private party in Stockholm, with an exclusive guest list. And they’ve almost broken the internet – with the majority of fans waiting with bated breath for video footage of …

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