
CUBA: Obama Poses Before Che Guevara Mural [VIDEO]

Teabagistan is aflame with the usual screaming today after President Obama posed for photos with a giant mural of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara visible in the background. Media Matters points out that Ronald Reagan once delivered a speech with a huge bust of Vladimir Lenin looming over his head. And then there was that time George W. Bush posed for …

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Trump Has Personally Spent $25M On Campaign

A pittance compared to his competitors. The Washington Post reports: Donald Trump put $6.9 million more of his personal money into his presidential campaign in February, significantly increasing his investment as he began racking up wins in the Republican presidential primary contest, new filings show. Since he began his White House bid last year, the billionaire real estate developer has …

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LIVE VIDEO: President Obama Arrives In Cuba

President Obama has just landed in Havana for his historic visit to Cuba. Watch below. Via Yahoo News: The three-day trip, the first by a U.S. president to Cuba in 88 years, is the culmination of a diplomatic opening announced by Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro in December 2014, ending a Cold War-era estrangement that began when the Cuban …

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Protesters Block Road To Trump Rally [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News reports: Make America late again. Anti-Donald Trump protesters blocked an Arizona highway and created a traffic nightmare in an attempt to keep the GOP frontrunner from attending his Saturday rally in Fountain Hills. The Trump haters parked their cars in the middle of the three-lane road that leads to Fountain park — where the candidate …

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UTAH: Court Dismisses Birther Suit Against Ted Cruz

Dismissed for lack of standing. From Salt Lake City’s Fox affiliate: A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed here in Utah over Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for president. In a ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Jill Parrish rejected Walter Wagner’s lawsuit that claimed Cruz is Canadian, and not eligible to run for President …

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FLORIDA: Jury Awards Wrestler Hulk Hogan $115M In Invasion Of Privacy Lawsuit Against

The New York Times reports: The retired wrestler Hulk Hogan was awarded $115 million in damages on Friday by a Florida jury in an invasion of privacy case against over its publication of a sex tape — an astounding figure that tops the $100 million he had asked for, that will probably grow before the trial concludes, and that …

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KENTUCKY: Atheist Group Seeks To Troll Ark Encounter Theme Park With “Genocide & Incest” Billboards

Via Raw Story: An atheist group has organized a fundraising campaign in order to mock the $101 million “Ark Encounter” theme park due to open in Kentucky this July. According to columnist and author Dan Arel, the Tri-State Freethinkers are seeking to raise $2,000 in order to erect billboards calling the facility “Genocide and Incest Park.” “The park celebrates a …

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CAPTURED: Paris Terror Attack Organizer

The Guardian reports: Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has been shot and arrested in an ongoing raid in the Molenbeek area of Brussels, Belgian police have told AFP. Police sources told AFP that Abdeslam was injured in the leg and was arrested. French president François Hollande said an operation was under way in Brussels linked to the Paris attacks, but …

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Bernie Sanders: If I’m Elected, I’ll Ask Obama To Withdraw Merrick Garland As SCOTUS Nominee [VIDEO]

Last night Rachel Maddow asked this of Bernie Sanders: “If you get the Democratic nomination and you are elected president in November, would you ask President Obama to withdraw that nomination in a lame duck so you could name your own nominee?” Sanders responded: “Yes, I would. I think I’m 100% prepared to support Judge Garland. I think he’s clearly …

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Threatening Letter Sent To Trump’s Son

CBS New York reports: Police and the FBI are investigating a suspicious piece of mail that was sent to Donald Trump’s son, Eric. Police were seen outside Eric Trump’s residence at 100 Central Park South early Friday morning. Authorities swarmed the building, known as Trump Parc East, on Thursday after sources told CBS News that a threatening letter was sent …

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Laura Bush: Don’t Ask Me About Voting For Trump

Laura Bush, who killed a guy, would appreciate it if you wouldn’t ask her about voting for Donald Trump. The Hill reports: “I’m not going to answer,” the former first lady told Susan Page on USA Today’s “Capital Download” in an interview published Thursday. “Don’t ask that.” Bush said she is uncommitted after former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, her brother-in-law, …

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Kremlin Slams Trump For “Demonizing” Putin

Via the Guardian: A few months ago, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin seemed on course to becoming best buddies. Asked in December for his view of the Republican presidential frontrunner, the Russian president described him as “a colourful and talented person without any doubt” and “the absolute leader of the presidential race”. Trump welcomed the praise, saying: “It is always …

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Cruz Enemy Lindsey Graham To Fundraise For Cruz

Lindsey Graham recently joked that if anybody were to murder Ted Cruz, nobody in the US Senate would vote to convict. But Graham is so worried about Donald Trump, he’s actually going to fundraise for Cruz. Via Politico: South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has thrown his support to Ted Cruz, calling him “the best alternative” to Donald Trump. According to …

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Senator Marco Rubio Returns To Actual Senate

The Hill reports: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) returned to the Senate on Thursday, two days after ending his presidential campaign. Alex Burgos, a spokesman for Rubio, posted a video of the senator walking in the Russell Senate Office Building, saying that “Senate staff welcomed him back to the office.” The video shows Rubio’s staff clapping as he walked toward his …

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House Rep Blasts Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s Inaction On Flint Crisis: You Haven’t Been In A Coma [VIDEO]

Whoa. The Detroit News has the exchange: Democrats on the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee attacked Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Thursday as he testified over the Flint water contamination crisis, with one member calling on him to resign. “I’ve had about enough of your false contrition and your phony apologies,” Rep. Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania told the governor. …

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The Economist Ranks Trump Presidency As One Of World’s Ten Greatest Risks To Financial Stability

The BBC reports: Donald Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US. However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as …

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SeaWorld Ends Killer Whale Breeding And Shows

NPR reports: In a major concession to critics and animal welfare groups, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment Inc. says it will stop breeding captive killer whales. SeaWorld’s treatment of its killer whales, or orcas, was put in the spotlight three years ago by Blackfish, a documentary that examined the death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was killed by an orca …

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FLOTUS: No White House Bid For Me [VIDEO]

The First Lady says there will not be another Obama in the White House any time in the near future. Via The Hill: “I’m going to continue to work with our young people all over the world,” the first lady said onstage during a conversation with rapper and actress Queen Latifah at the South by Southwest festival on Wednesday. “Not …

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Cites “Biden Rule” – Says There Will Be No SCOTUS Hearing [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday shot down the idea of Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland getting a hearing. McConnell insisted in a floor speech that the vacancy should be filled by the next president. “The next justice could fundamentally alter the direction of the Supreme Court and have a profound impact on our country, …

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LIVE VIDEO: Obama Makes SCOTUS Announcement UPDATE: Nominee Reported To Be Merrick Garland

President Obama will announce his nomination for the US Supreme Court at 11am Eastern. Embedded below is the official White House live-stream. Some expect the nominee to be present during Obama’s revelation. Exciting! UPDATE: CNN is reporting that Garland will be the nominee.

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