
Frequent Senate Absentee Marco Rubio Introduces Bill To Penalize Slacking Federal Workers

The Associated Press throws some delicious shade: After missing almost a third of Senate votes this year, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio made a rare appearance in the Senate Tuesday — to try and pass a bill that would crack down on federal employees who fail to do their jobs. “This should actually be the rule in the entire government,” …

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A Republican Salute To Hillary Clinton [VIDEO]

Ooh, snap! The Clinton campaign today needled her GOP opponents by posting a clip which features them saying very nice things about her “until she decided to run for president.” Appearing in the clip: Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Donald Trump.

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CNN POLL: Fiorina Shrinks Behind Trump & Carson

Ben Carson and Donald Trump continue to hold a commanding lead in the latest CNN/ORC poll as Carly Fiorina rejoins the rest of the GOP field further behind. CNN reports: Fiorina has lost 11 points in the last month, declining from 15% support and second place to 4% and a tie for seventh place. At the same time, Carson has gained …

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REPORT: Jim Webb To Drop Out Of Democratic Race, Might Run As An Independent Candidate

According to Fox News, today Jim Webb and his wig will drop out of the Democratic race: Webb is said to be disillusioned with the Democratic Party — as well as the Republican Party — and how the political parties are being pulled to allegedly extreme positions by the huge amounts of loosely regulated money fueling the campaigns. Webb has …

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Washington Post Jumps The Gun On Biden Presidential Announcement: “This File Was Inadvertently Published”

As multiple unnamed sources continue to claim that Joe Biden is about to enter the presidential race, last night the Washington Post jumped the gun with a canned story announcing just that. Media Equalizer reports: Embarrassed Washington Post editors were left scrambling earlier today after a story was accidentally published that declared Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy. With “XXX” showing in …

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CANADA: Justin Trudeau Makes PM Acceptance Speech: “I Didn’t Make History Tonight, You Did” [VIDEO]

CBC News recaps Trudeau’s acceptance speech: This will be the second time for Canada to be led by a Trudeau, as the 43-year-old Liberal leader follows in the footsteps of his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who served as prime minister for almost 16 years before retiring in 1984. “Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways,” Trudeau told his enthusiastic supporters in …

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John Oliver Lampoons Canada’s Election [VIDEO]

Vox recaps last night’s segment: Americans do not typically think of Canada as a particularly riveting political subject; journalist Michael Kinsley once joked that the most boring headline imaginable would be “worthwhile Canadian initiative.” But this year’s Canadian federal election, for which voting is today, is both important and, if you’ve been following its twists and turns, pretty interesting. John …

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TODAY: Canadians Go To The Polls

USA Today reports on today’s election in Canada: A young liberal leader with a famous pedigree in Canada, Justin Trudeau, threatens to upend nearly 10 years of conservative leadership under Prime Minister Stephen Harper as Canadians go to the polls Monday. Harper, who has held power longer that most major Western leaders, hopes to capture a rare fourth term in …

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Obama Delays US Departure From Afghanistan [VIDEO]

CNN reports: President Barack Obama announced Thursday that U.S. forces will remain in Afghanistan at their current levels throughout much of 2016, yet another delay in their scheduled withdrawal and an acknowledgment that America’s longest war won’t be concluded on his watch. Obama campaigned as the president who would end two wars, and Thursday’s decision was a major political reversal …

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Budweiser And Miller Plan Merger

The parent companies of Budweiser and Miller, the world’s two largest breweries, have agreed to merge and create an entity that would control one-third of the global beer market. After turning down five offers, British-based brewer SABMiller accepted in principle an improved takeover bid worth $106 billion from Anheuser Busch InBev, which along with Budweiser makes Corona, Stella Artois and …

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STUDY: Drinkers Of Black Coffee Tend Towards Evil

According to Austrian researchers, people who prefer bitter tasting things like black coffee have a higher propensity to be sadistic, selfish, vain, and manipulative. The Independent reports: In the study, led by Professor Christina Sagioglou from Innsbruck University in Austria, 500 men and women were shown a list of foods with equal numbers of sweet, salty, sour and bitter items. They …

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Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith Rips Into NBC For Flip-Flopping On Donald Trump [VIDEO]

Closeted Fox News host Shepard Smith this afternoon ripped into NBC for handing Donald Trump an SNL hosting gig after breaking all business ties with Trump over the Mexican rapists debacle. Mediaite recaps the clip below: Smith mock-applauded NBC for standing on principle and cutting all ties to Trump and deciding they don’t want him on NBC anymore… at least …

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SWITZERLAND: Gay Group Appeals After Hate Speech Charges Dropped Against Catholic Bishop

Back in August, Swiss Bishop Vitus Huonder declared that the bible “unambiguously” calls for homosexuals to be executed. Huonder later apologized, saying that he’d been misunderstood, but Pink Cross, a national federation of LGBT rights groups, had already sued under Switzerland’s recently approved hate speech law. On Friday their suit was dismissed and Pink Cross has now filed an appeal. …

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REPORT: Ben Carson Joined GOP In Late 2014

The top story on the Drudge Report today is that Ben Carson was not a Republican until just a few months before he declared his bid for the presidency. The American Mirror reports: Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump has received a lot of scrutiny for donating to Democratic politicians in the past. But Republican primary voters may be curious …

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Playboy Magazine: No More Nudes

Declaring that the “battle” to see naked women has been won thanks to the internet, Playboy Magazine says they will no longer publish nude photos. The New York Times reports: Last month, Cory Jones, a top editor at Playboy, went to see its founder Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion. In a wood-paneled dining room, with Picasso and de Kooning …

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ZIMBABWE: No Charges For Lion-Killing Dentist

The New York Times reports: The government of Zimbabwe said Monday that it would not call for the extradition of an American dentist involved in the hunt that killed a lion known as Cecil because he had all the proper documentation for the hunt. Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Zimbabwe’s environment minister, told reporters that the American hunter, Dr. Walter J. Palmer of …

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GOP Senator: Dick Cheney Should Be House Speaker

GOP Sen. Tom Cotton says he’s serious about making Dick Cheney the next Speaker of the House. Via Politico: Yep, Sen. Tom Cotton told us in an interview that with all the instability in the House leadership, it’s time to turn to the former vice president. “Look, these are trying times for our nation. It’s important to have a steady …

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NEBRASKA: Woman Charged With Child Abuse For Forcing Sons To Watch Mommie Dearest

The abuse charge comes because the kids were duct-taped to their chairs. This case made a bit of news back in August when the boyfriend was arrested and now the mother has been charged too. The Smoking Gun has the arrest details: A Nebraska woman whose two young boys were forced to watch the film “Mommie Dearest” while duct-taped to …

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China Joins Search For Alien Civilizations

China is constructing what will be the world’s largest radio telescope. The Independent reports: Assembly of the five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST, began in July and is expected to be completed in 2016. Once finished, the reflector dish of the telescope will be 500 metres in diameter, replacing Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory, only 300 meters in diameter, as the …

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VIRAL VIDEO: The Fucking News

Going viral this weekend is this clip in which a reporter melts down on-air and actually delivers “the fucking news.” A trip through the comments on Facebook and YouTube reveals that not everyone realizes that this a spoof. “Somebody just lost his job!”

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