
ALABAMA: State Prepares To Move Forward With DMV Closures Despite Strict Voter ID Law

Last month we learned that Alabama was set to close 45 of its 49 driver’s license bureaus despite a strict voter ID law. The number of planned office closures has since been reduced to 33 and the state is preparing to make that move. Via Montgomery’s NBC affiliate: Governor Robert Bentley is moving ahead with plans to close some driver’s …

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Edward Snowden Joins Twitter

The Intercept reports: Edward Snowden isn’t just a hashtag anymore. The NSA whistleblower joined Twitter on Tuesday, using the @snowden Twitter handle. Snowden, who has lived in Russia since turning over a trove of top-secret documents to reporters more than two years ago, has remained in the public eye thanks to frequent appearances and interviews using video links and sometimes …

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FLOTUS: I Wanna Go To Target [VIDEO]

The First Lady appeared on The Late Show last night where Stephen Colbert asked about her post-White House plans. TIME Magazine recaps: You know what First Lady Michelle Obama is most looking forward to when she leaves the White House? Opening a window. They say it’s the little things that matter most in life. In this case, that seems like …

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“Confrontational” Obama Speaks At United Nations, Calls Out Russia, China, & Iran [VIDEO]

ABC News reports: President Obama took on a confrontational tone in his speech this morning to the United Nations General Assembly, specifically calling out Russia, China and Iran for destabilizing activities in various world conflicts. Obama opened his speech directly decrying “strong states that seek to impose their will on weaker ones,” then alluded to Russian support for Syrian President …

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NASA: There’s Flowing Water On Mars [VIDEO]

NASA set the web aflame this weekend with a promise that they would have a “major announcement” about Mars today. Sadly, the big reveal is not about little green men – but it IS fascinating. Via the Guardian: Liquid water runs down canyons and crater walls over the summer months on Mars, according to researchers who say the discovery raises …

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Time Lapse: Supermoon Eclipse [VIDEO]

Over at Blood Moon Apocalypse World Headquarters (aka World Net Daily), they’re probably disappointed to wake up and find the planet still revolving. Here in Manhattan, we didn’t get such a great view due to the clouds. How were your skies last night? UPDATE: LGBT activist Inga Sarda-Sorensen got some great shots from Brooklyn.

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Dem Rep Steals Pope’s Water, Drinks Some, Shares Some, Saves Rest To Sprinkle On His Grandchildren

This is one of the more bizarre Pope Francis stories of the week. A congressman stole the water glass Pope Francis was drinking out of during his address at the White House on Thursday. Representative Bob Brady, a devout Catholic and Democrat from Pennsylvania immediately made his way to the podium after Pope Francis finished speaking and grabbed the glass …

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Pope Francis Apologizes To Sexual Abuse Victims: I’m Deeply Sorry You Were Not Heard Or Believed

“My dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, I am grateful for this opportunity to meet you. I am blessed by your presence. Thank you for coming here today. Words cannot fully express my sorrow for the abuse you suffered. You are precious children of God who should always expect our protection, our care and our love. I am profoundly sorry …

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80,000 Greet Pope Francis In Central Park

USA Today reports: Pope Francis cruised through Central Park early Friday evening to the cheers of tens of thousands who stood in line at security checkpoints for hours to enter the site. Waving to the cheering crowds, Pope Francis’ motorcade made its way from 72nd Street down to near 59th Street as he passed through on his way from Our …

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John Boehner: Why I’m Quitting [VIDEO]

Singing “Zip-O-Dee-Doo-Dah” (seriously), John Boehner held a press conference this afternoon to announce his resignation both as House Speaker and from Congress entirely.

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BREAKING: Boehner To Resign From Congress

WOW. The New York Times: “Mr. Boehner was under extreme pressure from the right wing of his conference over whether or not to defund Planned Parenthood in a bill to keep the government open.” Teabagistan is going to explode in utter joy. Story developing… UPDATE: The Hill reports. “Speaker Boehner believes that the first job of any Speaker is to …

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LIVE VIDEO: Pope Motorcades Through Manhattan

Pope Francis is just landing at an East River helipad for his motorcade through Manhattan to St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue. It’s a short ride but the security presence is the most massive ever seen in New York City.

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LIVE VIDEO: Pope Addresses US Congress

Pope Francis is on his way to the US Capitol where a large crowd is awaiting his unprecedented address to Congress. The below live-stream will begin at 9:30AM.  Last night Rachel Maddow reported that 16 members of Congress, eight from each party, have been assigned to perform as de facto papal bodyguards, should any of their colleagues breach protocol and …

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Happy Birthday Is Now Public Domain

Broadcasters and filmmakers may finally use Happy Birthday To You without paying royalties to Warner Music. Via the Guardian: A federal court judge in Los Angeles has declared the song Happy Birthday To You belongs in the public domain, dealing a blow to the music publishing company that has been collecting royalties from the song for decades. US district judge …

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Thousands Await Pope Outside White House

Thousands of people either camped out all night or arrived outside the White House in this morning’s predawn hours in advance of the arrival of Pope Francis. Reuters reports on today’s events: Pope Francis and President Barack Obama are set to hold private talks at the White House on Wednesday before the pontiff parades through streets of Washington on the …

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Philadelphia Issues Final Papal “Exclusion Zone”

A few weeks ago I posted a tentative look at Philadelphia’s “vehicle exclusion zone” for the visit of Pope Francis. Above is the final map. The rules: Drive your car outside the green box above after Thursday, Sept. 24, and you can’t drive it back in until sometime Monday, Sept. 28. If your car is parked either within the area …

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New York Times: US Soldiers Told To Ignore Sexual Abuse Of Boys By Afghan Commanders

The Afghan tradition of “bacha bazi” – literally “boy play” – is illegal both under Sharia law and civil code, yet few are prosecuted – especially if the perpetrators are powerful men. Yesterday the New York Times reported that the US soldiers have been told to ignore the practice, even when it takes place on military outposts. From their story: …

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Novelist Jackie Collins Dies At Age 77

Jackie Collins, whose 32 novels have sold over 500 million copies in more than 40 languages, has died of breast cancer at the age of 77. CNN reports: People magazine reported that Collns was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer six-and-a-half years ago and chose to keep the illness private. The magazine said she confided in her three adult daughters, …

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Lady Gaga – Till It Happens To You [VIDEO]

MTV reviews: Written and directed by “Twilight’s” Catherine Hardwicke, the video opens with a warning of its graphic content. “I hope that this PSA, with its raw and truthful portrayals, will send a clear message that we need to support these courageous survivors and end this epidemic plaguing our college campuses,” Hardwicke said in a statement. “Till It Happens To …

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MANHATTAN: Bedbug Infestation Chases Maze Runner Premiere Out Of Nation’s Busiest Movie Theater

Times Square’s AMC Empire 25, which bills itself as the nation’s busiest movie theater, is once again infested with bedbugs, forcing the glitzy premiere of Maze Runner to relocate across the street. More from the AV Club: In what was possibly a failed marketing stunt or an act of corporate sabotage, the New York City premiere of Maze Runner: The Scorch …

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