
BREAKING: The Iran Deal Will Happen

CNN reports: In a major victory for President Barack Obama, Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland announced support for the Iran nuclear deal Wednesday, providing the White House the votes it needs to prevent Republicans from scuttling the agreement. The announcement means that at least 34 senators — the number required by the Constitution to sustain a veto — will …

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OREGON: Case Against Terry Bean Dismissed, Lawyer Says He Never Met Alleged Victim

The sexual abuse case against HRC co-founder Terry Bean was formally dismissed today. Bean’s attorney says that he is now free to reveal details of the case previously unknown to the public. If true, these details change the narrative significantly. Via press release: While we are pleased with today¹s outcome, this is a case that should never have been brought …

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Facebook Hits Billion Users In Single Day

Facebook has announced that one billion users logged into their accounts last Monday. (If you are among those billion Faceborgs, please consider assimilating into the JMG hive.)  Mark Zuckerberg writes: “On Monday, 1 in 7 people on Earth used Facebook to connect with their friends and family. When we talk about our financials, we use average numbers, but this is …

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Mt. McKinley Is Now Denali Again [VIDEO]

The name change comes after a bill was jointly filed by both GOP Alaskan senators, but the Tea Things at Twitchy are furious that Marxist Kenyan “King Obama” gave his approval. More about the change from the New York Times: The peak, at more than 20,000 feet, plays a central role in the creation story of the Koyukon Athabascans, a …

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Author Oliver Sacks Dies At Age 82

Noted author and neurologist Oliver Sacks, who came out earlier this year, has died of cancer at the age of 82. USA Today reports: Sacks, 82, wrote in a Times essay in February that he was in the late stages of a melanoma that had spread to his liver. He died at his home in New York City, longtime personal …

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OREGON: Sex Abuse Charges Against Terry Bean To Be Dismissed, Alleged Victim Still Won’t Testify

Oregon Live reports: The sex crimes case against prominent gay activist Terry Bean of Portland and his ex-boyfriend will be dismissed Tuesday because the alleged victim refuses to testify. Bean, 67, and former boyfriend Kiah Loy Lawson, 25, are accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy at a Eugene hotel in 2013. They each are charged with two counts …

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Gizmodo: Ashley Madison Has Virtually No Real Females

The hackers who brought down Ashely Madison say they acted because the site defrauded would-be adulterous men by faking millions of female profiles. An exhaustive analysis performed by Gizmodo has confirmed this. They write: Three data fields changed everything. The first field, called mail_last_time, contained a timestamp indicating the last time a member checked the messages in their Ashley Madison …

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Erika Bears Down On Florida

<span style=”font-size: 14pt;”>It may seem hard to believe but it’s been nearly ten years since Florida suffered a direct hit from a hurricane. That was Hurricane Wilma in 2005, arriving just eight weeks after Hurricane Katrina, which made its initial landfall near Fort Lauderdale ten years ago this week. Here’s the latest on Tropical Storm Erika, which may reach hurricane …

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Ben Shapiro: Virginia Murders Are Part Larger Trend Of Gay People Using “Supposed Homophobia” As Justification For Violating The Rights Of Others

According to Ben Shapiro, the Virginia shooter was driven to murder by the left’s enabling of his gay black victimhood status. Bryce Williams’ self-described victim status, even while murdering innocents, will merit no rethinking of the divisive politics in which he apparently bathed. We won’t have a conversation about whether pushing a perennial picture of victimhood for blacks and gays …

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Matt Baume On The Raid [VIDEO]

“It’s a good day for Craigslist! The Department of Homeland Security just raided, putting an end to one of the best ways for escorts and clients to find each other online.”

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NEW YORK CITY: Feds Raid Office, Arrest CEO And Staffers On Prostitution & Money Laundering Charges

Breaking news from New York City’s NBC affiliate: Federal agents raided the Manhattan headquarters of as part of a money laundering and state prostitution investigation Tuesday, law enforcement sources tell NBC 4 New York. Seven people, including a high-ranking executive, were arrested as part of the raid at the offices on 14th Street and Fifth Avenue, the sources …

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REPORT: Ashley Madison Execs Hacked Competing Dating Site, Accessed Customer Details

The hackers who last week shoved Ashley Madison into the global headlines have yet another big reveal. Gizmodo reports: The revelation is buried in what hackers say is 30-gigabytes of [Ashley Madison CEO Neil] Biderman’s emails. One of those emails is from Ashley Madison’s founding CTO, Raja Bhatia, who claims to have hacked’s then-new dating website. Security expert Brian …

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CANADA: Ashley Madison Hit with $578M Class Action Suit

Two Canadian law firms have filed a joint class action suit against Ashley Madison “on behalf of all Canadians.” From the New York Post: “They are outraged that failed to protect its users’ information,” said attorney Ted Charney, who filed the suit last Thursday. “In many cases, the users paid an additional fee for the Web site to remove …

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PHILADELPHIA: Cop Caught On Video Extorting Driver, Mocking His “Faggot-Ass” Windshield Wipers reports: “Either you buy these or I take your car, ’cause it’s unregistered.” Officer Matthew Zagursky didn’t mince words Thursday when he flashed tickets to the Hero Thrill Show, a fundraiser that supports the families of fallen officers and firefighters, to two men after pulling them over. And yesterday, hours after a recording of that exchange went viral, Commissioner …

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NEW YORK CITY: Boobstroversy Grows As Cuomo And De Blasio Vow To Shut Down Topless Times Square Performers

Thanks to weeks of relentless front page outrage by New York City’s tabloids, both Gov. Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio have vowed to chase out the dozens of painted topless women who work Times Square for tips. Gothamist reports: “I believe this activity is illegal,” he [Cuomo] said, speaking to NY1. “I believe it is infringing on legitimate businesses. I …

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YouGov Survey: One-Third Of Young Americans Say They Are Not Completely Heterosexual

Following up on last week’s British survey, YouGov has released a poll taken in the United States in which 31% of those 18-29 say they are not 100% heterosexual.  From the latest report: Younger Americans are noticeably less likely than their elders to put themselves in a firm category. While 80% of all Americans say that they are completely heterosexual …

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Caitlyn Jenner Could Face Charge Over Car Crash

CNN reports: The report on the police investigation into a deadly four-car accident involving Caitlyn Jenner is being turned over to a prosecutor and could lead to a misdemeanor manslaughter charge against the reality television star, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detective said Thursday. “Jenner’s case is going to go to the district attorney next week to see if it …

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Rupert Muchoch’s New York Post Taunts Subway’s Jared Fogle With Front Page Prison Rape Joke

Gothamist weighs in: A few months ago, President Obama implored the media and entertainment outlets to stop making prison rape jokes, due to the fact that rape, in or out of prison, is a horribly insensitive thing to make light of. But not if you’re an editor at the NY Post, where they think it’s hilarious to advocate prison rape …

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ATLANTA: Lightning Strike On Delta Jet Caught On Video

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports: A video on YouTube shows what appears to be lightning striking a Delta Air Lines plane at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The video, according to YouTube, was shot by a man who identified himself as Jack Perkins. “While filming the line of planes all stacked up during a ground hold in Atlanta on 8/18/15,” he wrote …

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Sarah Palin Soon To Fail In Next TV Gig

From Fox News then to TLC then to the Sportsman Channel then to her recently aborted web show, Sarah Palin’s television career has spiraled down to smaller and smaller audiences. Now she’s signed a deal to guest host for a show on a far-right cable channel you’ve likely never heard about, the One America News Network, which claims to be …

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