
Huckabee: SCOTUS Can’t Overrule God

“I respect the courts, but the Supreme Court is only that — the supreme of the courts. It is not the supreme being. It cannot overrule God. When it comes to prayer, when it comes to life, and when it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the court cannot change what God has created. Somebody’s got to be willing to …

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CBN On “Disobey SCOTUS” Movement

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Obama Backs LGBT Foster Parents

The White House just issued a proclamation in recognition of National Foster Care Month in which President Obama backs LGBT parents. An excerpt via press release: We know that children are best raised in families, not institutions. And each year, men and women of all backgrounds open their homes and hearts to foster children. These selfless individuals step up and …

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Baltimore Protests Spread To Manhattan

Via AM New York: Several hundred vocal demonstrators marched through Manhattan streets Wednesday night to protest the death of a Baltimore man in police custody that has sparked widespread riots and looting across Maryland’s largest city. Police said dozens were arrested throughout the evening in Manhattan after they resisted officers trying to keep them on sidewalks and off streets clogged …

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New York City Might Freeze Rents

Via the New York Times: Possible rent increases this year for New York City’s rent-stabilized apartments will run up to 3.5 percent on two-year leases, with a possibility of a rent freeze also on the horizon for one-year leases, according to a vote by members of the Rent Guidelines Board. Facing a boisterous, sign-waving audience in a packed Midtown auditorium, …

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IRELAND: Gym Launches #Plank4Equality

In the clip below, staffers at a digital marketing agency take up the “planking” challenge launched by the Irish gym chain Flye Fit. Participants plank for 22 seconds because the marriage equality referendum is May 22nd.

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IRELAND: Teachers Say Yes Equality

A little long, but you’ll like this.

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Sen. Ted Cruz: Hispanics Don’t Panhandle

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Hispanic panhandler. And the reason is: In our community it would be shameful to be begging on the street. I think the Hispanic community is a fundamentally conservative community. If you look at the values that resonate in our community, they’re faith, family, patriotism, hard work,” Cruz said. “Now if you want people …

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TRAILER: What Happened, Miss Simone?

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Ben Shapiro: We’re Going To Lose

“The justices of the left, along with Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote the egregious opinion in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) in which he stated that those committing homosexual acts are Constitutionally ‘entitled to respect for their private lives’ will determine that yes, the Constitution mandates not merely that the state respect private lives, but that the state endorse those private …

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Duggar: It’s Discrimination Not To Allow Christians To Discriminate Against Gays

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Cyndi Lauper Testifies Before Congress On Behalf Of Homeless LGBT Youth

Yesterday Cyndi Lauper testified before a Senate subcommittee on youth homelessness. After the hearing, she and GOP Sen. Susan Collins discussed the Senate’s recent refusal to reauthorize an LGBT-inclusive funding bill. Via the New York Times: The problem, Ms. Collins said, was “confusion” over parts of the amendment, including a measure misinterpreted as a restriction on faith-based organizations’ ability to …

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Kate Kendell On The SCOTUS Arguments

Kendell is the head of the NCLR.

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Brian Brown: A Fresh Breeze Is Blowing

From today’s money beg: We have an incredible amount of work to do in the next two months… preparing for the pending decision by the Supreme Court; launching a nationwide effort to pass legislation to protect people from having to participate in same-sex ‘weddings’ in states that have redefined marriage (or in the event that the Supreme Court redefines marriage …

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Ben Carson: I’m No Homophobe But Let’s Impeach Judges Who Give “Extra Rights”

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FLASHBACK: That Time Ted Cruz Passed On Defending Sodomy Laws At SCOTUS

Bloomberg gives us some interesting history: [Ted] Cruz is making the gay marriage debate the cornerstone of a bid to rally conservatives to his 2016 presidential bid, but same-sex issues haven’t always been the top priority for a lawmaker who built his profile as a limited-government, Tea Party-aligned conservative. As Texas solicitor general when the Lawrence v. Texas case came …

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USA Today Interviews The SCOTUS Line

The first 14 people in line to enter the Supreme Court yesterday were paid placeholders who surrendered their positions to their sponsors after having camped out for days. The 15th person in line, however, was our very own Equality Case Files activist Kathleen Perrin. Meet her below. And notice who shows up at 2:00.

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Eighth Circuit Court Punts On All Cases

“On the court’s own motion, oral arguments and any further consideration of these cases will be deferred pending the Supreme Court of the Unites States’ decisions in James Obergefell v Richard Hodges.”

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Hillary Calls For Police Body Cameras

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Marriage Plaintiffs Meet In DC

On the eve of yesterday’s SCOTUS hearings, same-sex marriage plaintiffs from more than 30 states met each other, mostly for the first time, in a Washington DC reception hosted by Freedom To Marry. Tony Adams reports at South Florida Gay News: Freedom To Marry’s Executive Director, Evan Wolfson, said, “This is such an amazing gathering, where Freedom To Marry is …

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