
TRAILER: Spectre

Via the BBC: The first full-length trailer for the 24th official James Bond film, Spectre, has been released online. The two-and-a-half minute clip – which sees Daniel Craig reprise his role as the superspy for a fourth time – gives a closer look at the film after a teaser was released in March. Featuring car chases, exploding planes and shady …

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Introducing Windows 10

Via Engadget: With Windows 10’s launch little more than a week away, Microsoft kicked off its marketing storm last night with the first commercial for the new OS. It’s a bit more direct and human than the company’s infamous Jerry Seinfeld/Bill Gates ads, with a focus on children and how they’re growing up with touchscreens and a wealth of new …

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Tweet Of The Day – Lindsey Graham

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Nailed It

From the Onion’s fake op-ed by Donald Trump: You know what you have to do to make me go away. Just quit paying attention. Stop reading this right now. That’s right, I didn’t think so. I have the power to make the next 16 months one of the most incredible times in our nation’s history, and not a single one …

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Trailer: Matt Shepard Is A Friend Of Mine

Premiering Monday on Logo at 9PM.

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Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s Personal Number During Press Conference

Reporters are saying that calls to the number are going directly to voicemail. Well, sure. NOW they do.

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Where Liberty University Gets Its Money

Via the Washington Post: Liberty University is not just your average school down the road. The once small Christian college founded in 1971 by the Rev. Jerry Falwell now has the largest student body of any private nonprofit university in the country. With over 70,000 students, the university has become a destination for political candidates seeking the GOP’s more conservative …

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Pat Robertson: Obergefell Legalizes Love Affairs Between Men And Animals

Also polygamy and pedophilia!

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One Million Moms Needs A Million Dollars Because Everything Is Just So Horrible

“I know that many are discouraged because of the recent Supreme Court ruling but now is not the time for conservative Christians to retreat from the cultural battlefield. We must stand up for our religious liberties. We need to stand up now, more than ever before. For years, your voice – the voice of conservative Christian America – has not …

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We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Clown Car

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Brian Brown: We Can Still Undo This

Via press release from NOM: Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, recently joined Republican presidential candidates and conservative luminaries in addressing the 2,500 activists who attended the FAMiLY LEADER’s Family Leadership Summit, which NOM was proud to co-sponsor. In his interview, Brown discussed the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, and counseled conservatives on what to do next. “We …

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Yesterday’s Headline

Sorry not sorry haters!

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Rand Paul Chainsaws The Tax Code

(Tipped by JMG reader Rebecca)

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Martyr Touring With Ted Cruz

To promote his Iowa “Rally For Religious Liberty” Ted Cruz has interviewed the owners of Gortz Haus Gallery, who in 2013 sued the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, claiming that public accommodation laws violate their right to refuse to host same-sex weddings at their bistro. Their lawsuit came after a gay couple filed a complaint after having been turned away. In …

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Duggar Fest 2015 Is Coming

Publicity for the Family Research Council’s annual Values Voter Summit (hereafter known as Duggar Fest) is well underway. It will be interesting to see if any of the GOP presidential candidates take a pass this year. The full list of invitees is here.

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CONGRESS: Comprehensive LGBT Rights Bill Set For Introduction On Thursday

Via Chris Johnson at the Washington Blade: A highly anticipated bill that would explicitly bar anti-LGBT discrimination in all areas of civil rights law is set for introduction in both chambers of Congress on Thursday, the Washington Blade has learned. Capitol Hill sources said lead sponsors Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) will introduce the legislation on Thursday …

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Anti-Gay Group Vows To Boycott Major Retailer Over LGBT Rights Support

Since there are already at least a dozen “major” boycotts underway for the same reason, we’re not sure why this is supposed to be news. Pastor Bill Owens of the Coalition of African-American Pastors met with the delegation in Dallas and says religious rights of Christians have been harmed by the Supreme Court decision and will continue to be in …

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Today’s New York Daily News

(Tipped by JMG reader TJ)

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Laverne Cox On Caitlyn Jenner

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European Court Denounces Italy, Says Partner Recognitions Are Overdue

Via the Daily Mail: The European Court of Human Rights condemned Italy on Tuesday for failing to provide legal recognition to same-sex couples and said the country should introduce some form of civil union for homosexual couples. Italy is the only major western European country that does not recognise either civil partnerships or gay marriage. The country was taken to …

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