

Sunday night we collected our posse from the Dugout and hit XXL, the London-based occassional bear dance party at Element on Houston Street, where Rollerina was making her usual scene. I kind of adore Rollerina, a veteran of the Vietnam War, the Stonewall Uprising, Studio 54, and ACT-UP. Why hasn’t anybody made a movie of Rollerina’s life? The music at …

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The Peter Principle

“I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts.” – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace, adding that he supports DADT. Pace went on to say that no Marine should have a cock bigger than his own (shown), effectively ruling out Matt Sanchez. UPDATE: The Servicemembers Legal Defense …

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Holy crap! Last night I was feeling a little feverish, so I took a couple of the generic Walgreen’s fever/sleep thingys that Eddie picked up for me. Thirteen hours later, I woke up. Those suckers are strong!

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Facts Evasion

Here are the audio clips of Matt Sanchez’ appearance on the Michelangelo Signorile Show today, thoughtfully broken into 4 topics by Sirius producer David Guggenheim. (Thanks, David!) As those who listened live have already commented in the post below, Sanchez was annoyingly evasive during Signorile’s questioning, often responding to a question with a question. Signorile was led in circles for …

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Today the ACLU launches a new website, 10Couples.org, to support the campaign for same-sex marriage. In order to put a human face on the issue of marriage for same-sex couples, and to reach a wider audience using new media tools, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has teamed up with Emmy-award winning production company Public Interest to launch a video …

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Sanchez On Signorile

Tune into Sirius OutQ at 4:30pm today, when Matt Sanchez will appear on the Michelangelo Signorile Show. As most of you may know, Signorile is largely credited with popularizing the term “outing”, when his short-lived OutWeek Magazine (’89-’91) outed celebrities such as David Geffen for remaining silent on gay rights. It will be interesting to see how Signorile handles Sanchez. …

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True Colors Tour Dates Announced

Cyndi Lauper appeared on the Today Show this morning to promote this summer’s 15-city Matthew Sheppard Foundation and PFLAG will have information kiosks at each concert. Tickets go on sale nationwide this Friday . The True Colors tour will play NYC, DC, SF, LA, San Diego, Dallas, Houston, Boston, Chicago, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Toronto, Denver, Atlanta, and Salt Lake …

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HomoQuotable – Jason McCarthy

“O.K., everybody, remember what I told you. Smile a lot. Hug people a lot. Tell them how important the gay community has been to this place. O.K.?” – Roxy manager Jason McCarthy, giving his employees their final instructions Saturday night, as the legendary nightclub opened its doors for the last time. Over 4000 clubbers paid their last respects until noon …

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Harlem Nights

Last night I trekked up to Harlem for pal Damian’s birthday party, meeting up there with a gaggle of chattering nattering bloggers. Are all my friends bloggers, or are all bloggers friends? Damian’s apartment is hoooge, even by Harlem standards, six or seven rooms, airy and light-filled with interesting details. My entire 2-room UES studio could fit into his living …

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It Begins

From today’s Marine Corps Times: A Reserve corporal whose star has been rising in conservative circles over the past few months — including appearing on Fox News and being photographed with right-wing firebrand Ann Coulter — has acknowledged appearing in gay porn films. Cpl. Matthew Sanchez, 36, now a member of the Individual Ready Reserve, has made national headlines since, …

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Fall, Out

Slowly, some evangelicals are coming around to the belief that homosexuality is largely biology-based. However, Rev. Albert Mohler, leader of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, believes that there’s still a way to “fix” the problem. In a statement posted on his blog, Mohler advocates for advancing the study of ways to prenatally redirect the development of potentially homosexual fetuses, saying, …

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Haliburton OK’s Gays

Defense contractor Halliburton has amended its corporate governance rules to protect gays from discrimination. Last year, the Halliburton board of directors fought vigorously to prevent such an amendment. According to the news article, there’s no evidence that the move has anything to do with Mary Cheney’s pregnancy or if Grandpa Dick had a hand in the rule change. Still, when …

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An Escort We Love

Mike Jones has placed his infamous “Ted Haggard Massage Table” up for auction on eBay, to benefit Denver’s Project Angel Heart, which delivers meals to people with HIV/AIDS. Anybody want to own a piece of American political history? That massage table belongs in the Smithsonian. I love that Mike’s eBay seller name is “escortmjones”..

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Morning View – The Kenilworth

The 99-year old Kenilworth on Central Park West is one of my favorite Beaux Arts buildings in the city. Embiggen to make super-pretty..

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Tonight Little David and I attended Pirates Of Penzance at the New York City Opera. My first Gilbert & Sullivan. We sat in the Lincoln Center equivalent of Shea Stadium’s upper deck, but luckily I brought my binoculars, which I used to pick out how many of the pirates I recognized from the Eagle. (At least two.) Anyway, the tickets …

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Manhunt Mystery Man

I wonder who this is? Certainly couldn’t be someone who is putting his sordid gay sex career behind him. I wonder if he’s good at being gay? Is anybody “ready to fuck”? This guy is. Or at least he was, 12 days ago..

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Task Force Comes Out For Sanchez

The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force has issued a statement of support for Matt Sanchez, which reads in part: Porn, gay or straight, has no ideology. Porn stars and porn consumers are Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, atheists and evangelicals. There’s no inherent contradiction between Matt Sanchez being pro-military and being part of the adult film industry. The …

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Sirius 2:30PM EST

I’m doing a short phone interview with Michalangelo Signorile on Sirius OutQ at 2:30pm EST. If somebody can grab it off the air, I’ll post it here.

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“Semper Fi, Matt”

Some of you have probably seen last’s night MSNBC Countdown, where the Sanchez story was #1. Today Matt Sanchez has posted a letter on Salon..

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Battle Cry For Hate Crimes Bill

The current issue of The Advocate features a joint column by HRC head Joe Solmonese and activist Judy Shepard calling for immediate action on a national hate crimes law, as this may be the best year to get such a bill passed. Fear of violence remains a horrible reality for millions of GLBT Americans—even in places that many consider “tolerant” …

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