
Total Gay Overload

What could be gayer than a room full of drag queens watching Robbie Williams perform a song about Madonna? How about if the song was cowritten and produced by the Pet Shop Boys? How about if Robbie’s in drag too? Result: Total. Gay. Overload.

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Florida Calls Bluff

Of interest to those with homes or family in Florida, the Florida Senate has voted to ban insurance companies from “cherry picking” which coverage they will offer in the state. Some insurance companies have been retreating from offering home owner’s insurance in Florida ever since Hurricane Andrew in 1992, but they continue to sell auto and life insurance. (My mother …

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The Hottest Fake Cabbie In NYC

I’m actually watching a game show regularly these days. Discovery Channel’s Cash Cab is a neat concept: a NYC cabbie grills his passengers with trivia questions for cash prizes. But the real reason I’m drawn to Cash Cab is the superhunk host Ben Bailey. Sexy voiced Bailey is a 6’6″ shaven-headed comedian who reminds me of Chris Meloni. And that …

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Now, About That War Thingy….

Nancy Pelosi’s pledge to pass six critical bills in the new Congress’ first 100 hours has been met in only 42 hours, 15 minutes. – Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission enacted. – National minimum wage raised to $7.15. – Bush’s restrictions on stem-cell research overturned. – HHS required to negotiate Medicare prescription costs with drug manufacturers. – Federal student loan …

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Wifey’s Revenge

Former NJ Governor Jim McGreevey’s wife has a book coming out called The Silent Partner. Chapter 1: Rest Stops Of The Jersey Turnpike….

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Hot Photoblog: Atomische

Check out Atomische, the hot photo blog of Brooklyn photographer Tom Giebel, who adds a new gorgeous photo to his site everyday. There’s tons of great NYC images there and some striking nature photography. Recommended!

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Sing It!

In 1978 when I was budding 19 year old gay activist, one of my most treasured possessions was my copy of Tom Robinson Band’s Power In The Darkness. That summer I had gone shopping for the album just to get the hit single 2-4-6-8 Motorway, which I’d seen at the top of UK charts. Back in those days, I often …

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The Time Is Now 11:55

Yesterday the hands of the Doomsday Clock were moved two minutes closer to midnight. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists cited global warming and the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran as the reasons for the change. The time on the clock has been changed 17 times since its creation in 1947.

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Iraq War Cost Put In Perspective

Embiggen the chart to see the outrageous cost. Universal healthcare? Unaffordable! Thousands of lives to enrich Haliburton? Affordable! (via New York Times)

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Canadian Marriage Stats

Some interesting marriage stats came out of Canada today. British Columbia, which apparently tracks these things more than the rest of Canada, reported: -Those entering into same-sex marriage were an average of 13 years older than hets getting married. The average age for gay men getting married was 44, for lesbians it was 42. -As we’ve seen in Massachusetts, lesbians …

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Open Thread Thursday

What are you reading?.

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Back On The Chain Gang

According to Sunday’s New York Times there are now over 200 Starbucks in NYC. There are 220 Duane Reade drugstores and soon to be over 200 Rite-Aid stores. There’s more than 100 each of Payless Shoes and Gap. In Manhattan alone, there are two Home Depots and two K-Marts. It’s true, New York City is a shopper’s paradise! There’s a …

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Haloscan Malfunction

The comments tally has not been updating since last night, so new posts will appear to have zero comments. Hopefully Haloscan will have this issue resolved soon. The “recent comments” widget in the left column is working correctly.

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The War With Iran Is Coming

The war with Iran is coming. Bush is taunting Iran. Russia announced yesterday that they have sold air-defense missles to Iran. The new war is coming and the Democrats know it. What country are we living in? How is this happening? The president is insane and needs to be removed.

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Morning View – Gapstow Bridge, Central Park

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Diana Ross Loves You

“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about it. I’m going to see it with my lawyers.” – Diana Ross, joking on last night’s CBS Late Show, when David Letterman asked her if she wasn’t curious about Dreamgirls. Ross said that she’d been too busy to see the movie and had never seen the musical, but was otherwise gracious about Beyonce’ Knowles. …

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Maloney Lands On His Feet

Failed New York State Attorney General candidate Sean Patrick Maloney has been appointed by Governor Elliot Spitzer to be his Deputy Secretary. Maloney will work with Spitzer on policy priorities, presumably including Spitzer’s campaign vow to approve gay marriage. This appointment may help lay the groundwork for Maloney one day becoming NY’s first openly gay governor, unless Christine Quinn gets …

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Joe – 1, Bitch – 0

This morning a woman brazenly cut into the front of a long checkout line at the place where I pick up breakfast, bullying the cashier into waiting on her. Speaking for the rest of the customers, I told her that her manners were “as brittle as her fried dye-job”. Don’t you love it when you don’t walk away thinking, “Ooh, …

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Last FM

Always slow to jump on these social networking trends, I finally joined LastFM in December. LastFM is an service that tracks what its users are playing on their iTunes player, creating individual webpages for each user, allowing members to see each other’s playlists. For those interested, here’s my LastFM page and a listing of the last several hundred songs I …

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The Happy Hooker

Last night I had a drink with Mike Jones, your 2006 choice as Queer Of The Year. Jones is in New York City to meet with the publisher of his coming tell-all book, and to appear as the guest of the Gay & Lesbian Task Force at their cocktail reception tonight. Mike was charming, a gentle muscleman with arms so …

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