

According to Lady Miss Blogger, this is my 1000th post. It’s unreal that I’ve spewed that much nonsense in only 27 months, especially considering that for the first year I scarcely posted once a week. It reminds me of the woman who accused me of being with the CIA when she saw me taking pictures at the Iraq war protest. …

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An Important Letter From A Reader

Sharing my concern over the cavalier attitude that so many young gay men seem to have regarding HIV, on Monday a reader sent me the chilling letter reprinted below. Please read this guy’s story and reconsider what you think you know about HIV being a “manageable disease.” For some people, it may be. But for many others, including this reader, …

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Evening View – 9:08 PM

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My Lookout

Almost six years sitting here and I’ve never looked up and noticed that my building has a dozen creepy Conquistador-ish friezes adorning the floor above mine. Not to mention the hundreds of baby heads or Virgin Marys or whatever those things under the roofline are. Embiggen for a better look. That’s the thing about New York architecture, so many times …

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It Is What It Was

Orlando, Xmas, 1998My mother picked me up at Orlando International late in the evening. I’d had two connections on my all-day flight from Oakland (stupid Southwest) and I was exhausted. I was looking forward to getting to her house and crashing, as she usually took me around the local malls on the days before Xmas and I’d need all my …

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Morning View – Astor Place Building

Billing itself as a “sculpture for living” with “museum quality architectural loft residences” (whatever that means), the Astor Place opened last year to a chorus of boos in the East Village. Situated on a Flatiron-esque oddly shaped lot, the site was previously a parking lot. Still, locals had hoped for a building that reflected the neighborhood, namely something mid-rise and …

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Open Thread Thursday

The magazine publishing world in midtown is busily putting together their year-end issues and a couple of friends of mine are working on their magazine’s Best Singles Of 2006 articles. Rather than asking you what your favorite singles of 2006 were, and getting a lot of possibly-not-entirely-true answers, in the cause of maintaining your cool-cred, let’s do things another, easier, …

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Fighting Fraggots

Frag: verb {Mil.Slang} – a term from the Vietnam War (derived from “fragmentation grenade”) most commonly meaning: to assassinate an unpopular leader or member of one’s own fighting unit who is placing the entire squad in jeopardy through cowardice or lack of leadership. Fragging, while extreme, can be considered a form of self-preservation for those put in danger by bad …

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Case Studies: When Is Outing OK?

Senator Jones (R-Your State) is married with children. Senator Jones is a strident anti-gay activist who consistently authors, backs, and votes for legislation denying gay people to right to marry and the right to equal protection from discrimination in the workplace. He votes against adding sexual orientation to hate crimes legislation. Senator Jones secretly meets men in public places for …

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I think I may be going out too much. I just tried to tip the newsstand guy who sold me a can of soda.

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And The Loser Is…..Larry Craig

On national talk radio’s Ed Shultz Show, to the tune of Diana Ross’ I’m Coming Out, gay activist and blogger Mike Rogers today outed Senator Larry Craig (R-ID), claiming to have multiple independent sources from different parts of the country, all of whom say they have had homosexual sex with Senator Craig. Rogers’ sources include one man who claims to …

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Sandy Attackers Charged With Murder

Today the NYPD upgraded the charges to include murder, in the case of Brooklyn gay-bashing/robbery victim Michael Sandy, who died on Friday after being taken off life-support. Four young straight men laid in waiting for Sandy, after luring him for sex using a gay internet hook-up site (rumored to be Manhunt.net). Sandy broke away from from his attackers and ran …

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Who Will It Be?

The progressive blogosphere is on pins and needles today as BlogActive’s Mike Rogers is about to finally come through on his threat to out an anti-gay Republican Senator for having public restroom sex with men. The revelation (and I have no idea how Rogers is going to substantiate his claim) will come live on national talk radio on the Ed …

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T-Dance At Radio City

Actually, it’s intermission during the Pet Shop Boys. Most of the audience stayed in their seats, but several hundred of us decided not to waste a 20-minute mingle opportunity in one of the grandest rooms in NYC. Can you spot the woman? There was one there. We met her. Her name was Irene. Hi Irene! UPDATE: Vasco made a short …

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CNN: 36% Of Americans Complete Idiots

The latest CNN poll shows Bush receiving his all-time worst overall disapproval rating, 61%. And 64% of those polled say they disapprove of Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq. More and more of the nation is turning against Bush, but there’s no joy to be derived from his continued fall, just a continued sense of foreboding. And just who …

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HomoQuotable – Andrew Sullivan

“Those of us who supported this war cannot wash our hands of the blood of tens of thousands of innocents it has now claimed.” – Andrew Sullivan. Actually, the respected British medical journal Lancet, using well-established estimation techniques, puts the number of Iraqi deaths at somewhere around 665,000, a little bit more than “tens of thousands.” Still, I respect Sullivan’s …

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Mystery Date

Eagle roofdeck, Sunday, 9pm Guy 1: So he calls me and says, “Bitch, you gave me the clap!” And I was all, “When? We haven’t fucked around since like, Pride.” And he goes, “Wait, that wasn’t you at El Mirage?” Guy 2: Ha, ha, ha. Drug addicts are funny.

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Big Lug Opens October 24

Alfredo Troche’s crazy-fun and long-running East Village bar night, Big Lug, is leaving its once-a-week gig at Nowhere Bar and morphing into a full-time bear bar in its own space on Avenue A. I’ve been known to drop in at Nowhere for the weekly event and I’m looking forward to seeing what my DJ pals Paul & Damien have up …

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Cab Wars On The UES

Yesterday afternoon I got in the middle of a fight between two cabbies arguing over who had the right to pick me up. I’d stuck my hand up on 2nd Avenue and both cabs jerked over to get me, one of them from the middle lane, one from the curb lane. The middle-lane guy accelerated to pass the curb-lane guy, …

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The Mark Of Kane

Over on The Mark Of Kane, my dear friend Mark has turned in another heartripping episode of his NYC life during the plague years. If you are under 30 (and even if you aren’t) do yourself a favor and read his elegial story, My Best Friend. If the last line doesn’t rip your heart out, it’s entirely possible you never …

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