
Hot Dog

I ran across this tug-of-war going on in front of the Met. He was not interested in coming out of the fountain. Do you blame him?

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Thursday, 7PMI’m in the bike department of Paragon Sports, a block from Union Square. All the bikes on display frighten me. They are oddly-angled and futuristic looking. They look like their riders would require a special outfit. Something spandex. Probably in yellow. Yellow spandex from the future. A tall handsome young clerk approaches me and with a thick Italian accent …

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HomoQuotable – Edmund White

“As I was writing the book, I kept drawing up lists of chapters, and my AIDS was certainly one of them for a long time. And then, I don’t know, I thought I’d put it in the background.” – famed gay author Edmund White, (A Boys Own Story, The Beautiful Room Is Empty) who curiously does not mention his 20-year …

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OutQ On Sirius FM

Tune in Friday at 10AM to hear me on Sirius FM’s gay channel OutQ, on the OutQ In The Morning Show, with host Larry Flick. Non-subscribers can listen online (registration required). Sirius doesn’t time-shift, I’m on at 7AM on the West Coast. I first met Larry Flick back in the early 90’s, at the Billboard Dance Music Summit in San …

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Morning View: Lunchbox Diner

This stainless steel Art Deco diner sits smack on the busy West Side Highway across from the Christopher Street pier in the West Village. There are few of these left in the city, but the remaining ones are lovely.

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Open Thread Thursday

If you could undo one act in your life, one thing that you’ve done, what would it be?.

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JMG Vidcast #1

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Don’t Even Think About Dissing G_d

Scotland Yard is considering charging the UK’s Gay Police Association with a “faith crime” (PDF of English faith crime law), in the wake of complaints regarding their ad (below) placed in The Independent’s special Euro-Pride diversity section.The Gay Police Association has issued a lengthy defense of their ad. This is a good example of the slippery slope (groan) that is …

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Meta Time

I noticed over on Gawker (who hasn’t linked to me in like, ages) that a gambling site is taking bets on which blog will be at the top of Technorati’s Most Popular Blogs list on January 1, 2007. Technorati ranks that list by how many other blogs link to a blog, not by total hits or unique visitors or whatever …

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If This Sling Is Rockin’, It’s The Rapture

Times Square, Monday, 7pm Woman (waving bible): I talk to Jee-zus every day, do you? Me: No, but can you tell him he left his cockring in my sling? Woman (lowers bible): His what in your what? Me: That’s what I said to him!

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Libertad Cubano?

A friend called me from Miami last night and held the phone out of his apartment window so that I could hear the wild partying that had erupted on the streets with the news of Fidel Castro’s having (temporarily?) handed power over to his brother, Raul. During my years in South Florida, I was fascinated by the parents and grandparents …

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Random Homo Stat For Today

The chance of any gay man’s dog being named Max or Buddy is 63%. These odds increase dramatically if the dog is a large breed or if said gay man is tattooed, belongs to a gym, or drives a jeep. And if said gay man’s said dog is a black Labrador Retriever, 100% of them will be named Jake.

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Pride, A Steeper Love

Spearheaded by Toronto’s gay pride committee, Canadian LGBT organizations are attempting to trademark the word “pride”, ostensibly “to protect the trademark against for-profit individuals or companies exploiting it in the queer market.” Companies or organizations that wish to use the word “pride” to promote their products or event must pay a fee, assuming the usage is approved. Remember when the …

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Today’s Dose Of Cranky

“Push to speak” or “walkie-talkie” cellphones have replaced the shoulder-mounted boom box as the annoyance device of choice for teenagers. I can think of no other reason for owning one, other than the delight in the knowledge that you are pissing off every adult within earshot. Yesterday, at the 86th Street Barnes & Noble, some kid received five squawking “Where …

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Four Great SF Events

The 18th installment of Folsom Street Fair’s legendary closing party, Real Bad, takes place Sunday, September 24th, right after the fair ends. Always the hottest ticket of the weekend (and woe to the leatherman who waits too long to buy his ticket), this perenially sold-out volunteer-run event has raised over half a million dollars for dozens of Bay Area organizations. …

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First Things First

From the Department of About Fucking Time comes news that 260 gay scholars, writers and activists have co-signed a document saying that too much emphasis is being placed on the fight for gay marriage at the expense of other worthy causes important to the gay community. Longtime readers of this blog know it’s always been my position that ENDA should …

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OutGames Get PEP-y

Montreal health officials have begun a bilingual television and print campaign advising the 12,000 attendees of this week’s OutGames that they have stockpiled a large quantity of the the HIV post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP drugs, the so-called “morning after” HIV treatment, should any of the athletes do anything “risky” or have a condom break. Astoundingly, PEP treatment is scorned by …

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Pass The Tanning Butter

According to today’s AM New York, New York City is working on legislation that will require parental consent for children under 18 to patronize tanning salons, a law that exists in many other municipalities. The state is working on similar legislation. Unsurprisingly, the tanning salon industry is alarmed that these laws are the beginning of outlawing tanning salons entirely. This …

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Pride Radio

Yesterday I taped an interview at Clear Channel’s studios above Radio City Music Hall for The Ryan And Caroline Show, a gay talk show on Pride Radio, a new gay station. Pride Radio is a commercial-free, subscription-free station streamed on the Internet and broadcast on HD digital radio. The interview will air sometime next week, I’ll give a heads-up when …

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Caller ID

Thursday, 11amReceptionist: Joe, someone’s calling you from the Gay Attack Force. Do you want to take it? Joe: Wow! Cool! Who are they? Yes, I’ll take it. Caller: Hi, Joe. It’s Marci from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Joe (disappointed): Oh, hello..

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