
Wizzy Reminder

Come be part of the downtown (now almost entirely free of trucker-hats worn jauntily askew) hipster art scene! I’ll be appearing in the gay pride edition of WYSIWYG this Tuesday. Doors open at 7:30pm, show starts at 8pm. This show sold out last year, so I’d advise arriving early if you want to get in. I’m sharing the stage with …

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Alert Status Yellow

Midtown Manhattan, Thursday, 12:30PM Remember those rubber-band propelled balsa airplanes from when you were a wee lad? A co-worker came in today with one he found at a downtown dollar store over the weekend, and he had some fun putting it together and trying to fly to it around our office this morning. Then he went to lunch and I …

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Open Thread

What’s on your mind today? (Use this for rants, raves, bitches, plugs and other stuff that’s off-topic in other posts.)

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HomoQuotable – Wayne Besen

“The Bush Administration had always been at the intersection of Fantasy Street and Fanaticism Avenue, but inviting an ex-gay leader to a White House ceremony was beyond the pale. After all, the methods Exodus routinely uses to “cure” gay people are downright bizarre. For example, does Bush endorse youth boot camps where underwear is confiscated to ‘cure’ people who are …

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Aviance Email

Send your emails of support to Kevin Aviance in care of his manager: [email protected]..

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Book Woman

Manhattan, the 6 train, 730pm I’m standing in the doorway, where you’re not supposed to stand, but the train isn’t too crowded at this hour, so I’m really not in anybody’s way. The woman seated to my right takes a book out of her shoulder-bag and flips to her bookmark, near the end. The woman seated across from her gets …

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Mass. Marriage Stats Mirror 2004

Continuing the trend that was discussed here last year, statistics from the state of Massachusetts show that lesbians are still getting married at nearly twice the pace of gay men. When you factor in the much smaller size of the lesbian community relative to gay men, the difference is even more remarkable. The new data from 2005 shows a huge …

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Ain’t No Mountain Gay Enough

Gentle readers, I love my people. Truly, I do. But I had to throw back my head and emit a yowl of spiritual pain upon reading of the petition campaign to rename a Vermont hilltop “Brokeback Mountain”. I mean, COME ON. What’s next, “Mount Mommie Dearest”? I’d rather see a sign that said “Hedwig Hill, 3 miles.” Or maybe, “Next …

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Muscle Bear Sea Tea

My dear friend Mike Tully, formerly Mr. NYC Eagle, is again co-hosting the gay pride Saturday Muscle Bear tea-dance cruise with DJ Mark Cicero, aboard the party boat Queen Of Hearts, on June 24th. The cruise takes you out past the Statue Of Liberty and under the Brooklyn Bridge, then back up the Hudson River. The boat has a capacity …

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HomoQuotable – Andrew Sullivan

“There are flops, almighty flops and then there are books by Mary Cheney. Despite saturation media coverage, network interviews, cable interviews, blanket newspaper profiles, blog support, podcast interviews, the book “My Turn” had a very low first week’s sales of 2,445. Last week, a grand total of 574 books were sold. Not too shabby for a first author with not …

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“Straight” Gays Snuggly, Warm, And Irony-Free Under The Blanket Of Freedom Knitted By Queens And Butch Dykes

Below are two reader comments from AOL Gay & Lesbian editor Kenneth Hill’s excellent blogpost in which he quoted from my essay Watching The Defectives. Even more chilling in light of the Aviance story, is the below stated belief that gays who are gay-bashed bring it upon themselves by failing to live up to traditional standards of masculine carriage and …

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Moon Unit Redux

It was inevitable that the MySpace phenomenon would creep into pop music. Check out John B’s I’ve Been Stalking You On MySpace. (Warning: Sound.) I got a kick of the girl channeling Moon Unit Zappa’s Valley Girl. “I have more MySpace friends than Jesus. I write like, this really cool poetry inspired by Bright Eyes. I have 679 friends but …

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HomoQuotable – Clarence Patton

“This is something we tragically see a lot of as the weather gets warmer, as we head into June, which of course means a lot more visibility for the community….it’s not a New York problem, it’s a national problem for sure, and a human problem. This is really a problem, a condition, for our community, wherever we are.” – Clarence …

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“We’re Gonna Kill You, Faggot!”

Drag performance artist and musician Kevin Aviance was brutally gaybashed yesterday after leaving the East Village’s Phoenix bar. According to news reports, he was attacked by a group of six or seven men who shouted, “We’re gonna kill you, faggot!” Apparently, passers-by did nothing to stop the attack. Four young men were arrested and charged with hate crimes. Aviance is …

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Watching The Defectives

Gentle readers, this post first ran last year, a couple of days after New York City’s Pride Parade. I got so many wonderful emails wishing that I’d made this post before Pride, rather than after it, that I’m reposting it today. The original post is here, if you’d like to read last year’s responses to it. This weekend Pride events …

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Oh, It’s Broughten

“I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands deaths so much.” Ann Coulter, in reference to the 9/11 widows, in her new book, Godless: The Church Of Liberalism. “Ann Coulter drinks the blood of babies and kittens. It’s true! I totally saw her!” – Senator Hillary Clinton.

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Nom De Drag Roll Call

After I posted last week about Rita Beads, some of you wrote to me to tell me your own favorite drag names. We’re due for a giggle here, so let’s devote a post to that theme, yes? My own taste in drag names runs from the really infantile, like Suppositori Spelling, to the inexplicably funny, like Peaches Christ. See? It’s …

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As expected, the gay marriage ban failed in the Senate today, by a vote of 49-48 with a two-thirds majority (60 votes) need to pass. The 49 votes in favor of the ban was only a one vote increase over the last Senate vote on this issue in 2004, with a surprising 7 Republicans voting “No”. Only two Democrats voted …

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HomoQuotable – Simon Doonan

“It might take years to get the marriage thingy approved. In the meantime remember that you, as a fabulous person of queerness, are still ahead of the game. You are one of the chosen people. Unlike a straight person, you are free, free to stay down on the farm or free to move to the big city and spread your …

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Peeping Tom

I knew it!.

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