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Talkin’ About The Bear Wash, Yeah

“An exciting range of shampoo and conditioner formulated especially for beards, but it’s great for the hair on your head too!” – Bear Wash, a new product listed as “coming soon” on the XXL site. Does it also leave back hair soft and luxurious? Bear Wash, coming soon in exciting fragrances such as Musky Moonlight, Potato Salad Surprise, and Yesterday’s …

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A Funky, Funky Weekend

Fire, Fire IslandIt’s a funky weekendA funky funky weekendDon’t go in the bushes (Don’t go!)Don’t go in the bushesSomeone might grab ya!Someone might grab ya! –Fire Island, Village People, 1977 Summer season commences today and already the morning 6 train was noticeably empty. The destination of choice for the A-Gays continues to be Fire Island, a place I’ve only been …

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Folsom V. Folsom

It looks like a battle is brewing between two of the nation’s largest leather events, as SF’s Folsom Street Fair, now in its 23rd year, has filed a petition to cancel the trademark of New York’s Folsom Street East, about to celebrate its 10th year. I suppose there’s no jurisdiction to revoke the trademark of Toronto’s Folsom Fair North. (-via …

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Commercial Closet Awards

Tuesday night, I attended the 2nd Annual Images In Advertising Awards hosted by AOL at Time-Warner’s swank headquarters above Central Park at Columbus Circle. Produced by the Commercial Closet Association, whose mission is to “educuate and influence the world of advertising to understand, respect and include LGBT references in advertising”, it was a typically fun night of open bars, schmoozing …

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Diva On Slate

Troubled Diva, aka music journalist Mike Atkinson has a great piece in Slate called America, Meet The Eurovision Song Contest , in which he explains to us Yanks exactly how this year’s event, hosted by Greece, went down. My English coworkers are always amazed at how utterly unknown Eurovision is in the U.S., other than as a footnote to die …

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Way Gay Wizzy

If you are in NYC for Pride Week, I invite you to attend this year’s Pride edition of WYSIWYG, the monthly queer bloggers showcase, where I will perform with a fun cast including haikuist/go-go boy/composer Joel Derfner, who totally upstaged me in last year’s show with a song about sperm donation. Joining Joel and me will be my hilarious pal …

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Sign Of The < /Times>

Tonight there was a young punkish girl with purple hair sitting in a wheelchair outside the main entrance of Grand Central. She was holding a sign that said: “Will Code HTML For Food”. This town.

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Not to get all Gawker Stalker on you, but in the last couple of weeks I’ve seen the following celebrities hoofing it down Gotham’s sidewalks: Frank Gifford, Jon Stewart, Jeff Goldblum, Jackie Mason, Jane Fonda, Moby, Harvey Keitel, Lorraine Bracco, Chris Carrabba (only recognized him because of his tats), Star Jones (who has a really weird neck) and (most importantly) …

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Motormouth Maybelle Midweek Morale

If listening to Ruth Brown’s Lucky Lips doesn’t immediately cheer you up to the point where your cubicle mates wonder where you found the crack….well, there’s no hope for you. Download it here, then come back in 2:10 and tell me you aren’t grinning from ear to ear. (Lucky Lips, Atlantic Records, 1957. #24 Billboard Top Singles. Purchase The Best …

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Bulking Up With Pat

“Did you know that Pat Robertson can leg-press 2000 pounds! How does he do it? Where does Pat find the time and energy to host a daily, national TV show, head a world-wide ministry, develop visionary scholars, while traveling the globe as a statesman? One of Pat’s secrets to keeping his energy high and his vitality soaring is his age-defying …

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HomoQuotable – John Rechy

“Later I would think of America as one vast City of Night stretching gaudily from Times Square to Hollywood Boulevard–jukebox-winking, rock-n-roll-moaning: America at night fusing its darkcities into the unmistakable shape of loneliness.” – John Rechy, City Of Night. Yesterday I bought my favorite novel of all time, John Rechy’s City Of Night, for probably the 30th time. I’m not …

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Ah, Sunshine

After some dismal weather over the last week, and even though it was 45 degrees outside when I got up this morning, half of my office decided to take our lunch to Bryant Park, which we decided is one of the definite luxuries of working in Midtown. Oh, but what did we do while we ate? READ BLOGS, of course!

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Joe And Marty At The Dugout

Marty (watching a guy walk past): Why is it that guys with eyepatches are so hot? Joe: I don’t know, but they just arrrrrrrrr. You’re welcome.

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Double The Loads

Hustler Video releases The Da Vinci Load today. On Friday, PZP Video went gay-and-date with Tom Hanks, with their own The Da Vinci Load. Ho hum, about as amusing and certainly as predictable as Bareback Mountain. I’ll admit, I do love some punny porn titles. I have my favorites. You can keep Shaving Ryan’s Privates, Forrest Hump, and Titty Slickers. …

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Stop by tonight’s WYSIWYG as bloggers riff on the theme: Prom Trauma. A few months ago, Wizzy departed the venerated East Village performance space, P.S. 122, for the Bowery Poetry Club, located at Bowery & Bleecker. Doors open at 7:30, the show is at 8PM, and they’ve got a bar.

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Krebs Cycle Gets It Right

This kid pretty much nails my opinion on the end of Will & Grace. However, his commenters are having a field day ripping him apart.

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Madonna opened her world tour, Confessions, in Los Angeles this weekend. You have to hand it to the old broad, she hasn’t lost her touch (craving) for controversy. Now somebody hand me my nail gun. (via Madonnalicious.com.)

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HomoQuotable – James McGreevey

“I knew I would have to lie for the rest of my life – and I knew I was capable of it. The knowledge gave me a feeling of terrible power.” – former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, writing in his new book The Confession, which comes out on ReganBooks this fall. Hilariously, Amazon is currently offering a special deal …

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Instant Disco History #5: Disco Orchestra

The disco orchestra was a phenomenon of the very earliest years of disco. In the pre-synth and early-synth days, often producers of disco records would engage the talents of entire symphony orchestras, picking and choosing which particular elements best lent themselves to a particular track. Sweeping romantic strings, sassy horns, percolating timpani, whatever, the orchestra members were usually quite glad …

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