
When Gods Collide

Jeff, the God Of Biscuits, is visiting NYC this weekend and last night at Ty’s Bar in the West Village we had a mini-preview of next month’s blogger invasion. Those paying homage to the West Coast God included David of Someone In A Tree, Eric of We Like Sheep, Byrne of Crash & Bryne, Michael of Dogpoet, Glenn of Glennalicious, …

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How To Use A Toll Booth In New York

1. Select a racing partner several miles in advance.2. Exchange angry gestures and dirty looks until toll booth is within sight. 3. Refuse to yield upon approach.4. Too late, realize exact dimensions of a toll lane.5. Enjoy new internet popularity.

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What Are Your Essential Gay Movies?

Remember six months ago, we had some fun here telling each other our all time favorite movie quotes for gay men? Frameline, the presenter of the 30th Annual San Francisco International LBGT Film Festival, is asking “What is the essential list of gay movies?” , on its blog Persistent Vision. The blog is named for an uncoming conference, Persistent Vision: …

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I, Spaced

Every week or so, somebody emails me to ask if I know that some kid is blogging on MySpace as JoeMyGod. Yeah, I know about him. Like I would use Lil Kim as my blog template. Although it did tickle me immensely that the ersatz JMG listed Valley Of The Dolls and The Bible as his two favorite books. “Now …

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HomoQuotable – RuPaul

“We all came into this world naked, the rest of it is all drag.” – RuPaul. My summer bear drag: ringer-tees, cargo shorts, tattered ballcaps. Reminds me that I need to get to Old Navy. What’s your circuit boy, leatherman, dyke mommy, emo-girl, art fag drag?

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Gattaca Alert

Yesterday, I was clicking around a few of the DNA/geneology testing websites, thinking that finding out the precise ethnic origins of our family might be an interesting gift to my sister, particularly for her kids, as she is very interested in researching our family tree. But by coincidence, Aaron has just posted on this topic and he changed my mind …

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Hungry, Hungry Unicorn

As I love to pass along new expressions, such as angertwink and urban cougar, allow me to present hungry unicorn, which I felt compelled to look up after somebody landed on JMG while Googling it. I have never performed a hungry unicorn. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. UPDATE: Just in case you were wondering, and I know you …

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HomoQuotable – Ian McKellen

“We’ve got to peddle the lie that we’re all the same so we all buy the same products. That’s why they don’t like openly gay people on TV. We upset the view that we’re all the same. What is Magneto going to say about that? Well, what everybody should say: ‘Not on your life!’ There are people who think you …

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From The Department Of Empty Threats

According to today’s NY Times, conservative Xtians are getting serious about their threat to withhold their support in this year’s elections, if the Republican Party doesn’t ramp up their attacks on gay marriage, immigration reform, and abortion. Their thinking is that maybe if the Republicans suffer a sound thrumping, they’ll come crawling back on their hands and knees, ready to …

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Museum Piece

Monday, 8AM, the 6 train…The man sitting in front of me is listening to a cassette Walkman, something I only realize after I hear the unfamiliar / familiar sound of a cassette tape being snapped into his machine. I watch his fingers linger lovingly over the worn, but still bright yellow plastic buttons and I think that he must have …

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Karl Rove Indictment News Imminent

Judging by Technorati, the blogosphere is blowing up today with the news that White House Chief Of Staff Karl Rove has been indicted for perjury and lying to investigators and has tendered his resignation to President Bush. The buzz appears to primarily spring from Jason Leopold’s reporting on Truth Out. – (via God Of Biscuits)

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HomoQuotable – Rex Wockner

“We can lament that Mary (Cheney) is not everything we wish she could have been or could be — or we can reflect on just how mindblowing it is that the daughter of the U.S. vice president, in the most overtly antigay administration in U.S. history, is an open lesbian and is on national TV talking about it.” – Rex …

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Mailbag Addendum

Hey Joe, I think I saw you on the 6 train this morning, downtown bound around 830. I gotta ask, what’s up with the sunglasses on the subway, dude? You going rock star on us? What’s up with that? Barry the BXCub This is what’s up with that. I’m wearing the sunglasses to spare my fellow riders the horror of …

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Friday Mailbag, May 12th, 2006

Joe, I don’t know if you watch Bravo TV’s “Top Chef” but I was watching the reunion show and one of the lines made me think of you because it was one of those inadvertent things that was funny as hell and the guy didn’t even realize what he was saying and sometimes you have things like that on your …

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HomoQuotable – Matt Foreman

“Governor Dean’s record on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues since becoming DNC chair has been sorely and sadly lacking. ” – Matt Foreman, Executive Director, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, after Howard Dean misrepresented the Democratic Party’s gay platform on Pat Robertson’s nationally televised show, The 700 Club. The NGLTF then returned Dean’s $5000 donation in protest, as …

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How Low Can We Go?

The latest Harris / Wall Street Journal opinion poll shows GWB’s approval rating has dropped to 29%, putting Dubya within one or two warrantless wiretaps of breaking Richard Nixon’s Watergate-era approval rating of 25%, the worst ever recorded for a U.S. president, according to some pollsters. (Harry Truman once hit 23% in a Gallup poll.) So many of us have …

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Diverting The H8RS

Yesterday, from reading Kenneth Hill’s giggler on Worth Repeating, I learned that one must be careful when disparaging specific contestants on American Idol, lest your blog’s comments be overtaken by quasi-literate irate teenage girls who write all caps, screaming things like “OMG!!! IF YOU LIKE TAYLOR YOU MUST BE TRUE FAGG! OMG!!! CONSTANTINE 4EVR!!!” And today my pal Scott, author …

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HomoQuotable – Mary Cheney

“Go fuck yourself.” – Mary Cheney to 2004 vice-presidential candidate John Edwards, mouthing the comment from the studio audience after he mentioned her sexual orientation during a debate. In an interview, Cheney also calls Edwards “a total slime” and John Kerry “a son of a bitch”. Poor deluded Mary also thinks that GWB is a “very good man” who just …

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The Bigger Apple

The Mac-heads in my office are positively wetting themselves over the new midtown Apple megastore, which opens on May 19th. The new store is located in the underground concourse beneath the former Trump, now General Motors Building, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 59th Street, and will be Apple’s first ever store to operate 24/7, answering the city’s dire …

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The 3rd Annual Gay Blogger Invasion of New York City is coming up. Spawned from the sick mind of Dallas blogger Mark, author of Zeitzeuge, this entire event is nothing more than bunch of trampy alcoholic gay bloggers staggering from one sleazy bar to another, occasionally falling on each other in hotel rooms. And thank Zod for that. No meetings, …

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