
Maggie Gallagher: Dear Justice Kennedy

“Dear Justice Kennedy: Government cannot confer dignity on our relationships. My best friends, my adult children, my godchildren, my brothers and sisters, every single intimate relationship that I have and that gives meaning to my life, government has no role there. To imagine that a government stamp of approval is what creates value in human relationships, or gives dignity to …

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Hillary Welcomes Sanders To 2016 Race

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2Cellos – They Don’t Care About Us

From the rather bombastic press release: 2CELLOS, music’s most electric and dynamic instrumental duo, release a captivating new music video for “They Don’t Care About Us” by Michael Jackson. In the manner of such dystopian sci-fi films as The Hunger Games and Divergent, Luka and Stjepan have created an evocative, cinematic video filled with destruction, fire, and striking imagery to …

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Ben Shapiro Leaves TruthRevolt

Via the Washington Examiner: Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro has resigned as editor-in-chief of TruthRevolt, a non-profit news website site that he co-founded just two years ago. Shapiro’s departure from the young media group, which he launched in 2013 along with David Horowitz of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, comes amid the group’s decision to let go of many of its …

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New York City Council Speaker Seeks To Decriminalize Some Petty Offenses

The New York City Council is contemplating decriminalizing the six petty offenses listed above in a poll by the Wall Street Journal. New York City Council’s speaker and lawmakers are discussing amending the city’s code to make six low-level offenses civil violations, rather than criminal offenses. However, the plan to decriminalize these low-level violations has sparked intense debate among state …

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Glenn Beck: Gay Marriage Will Shut Down Half Of The Churches In America

“Mark my words. If gay marriage goes through the Supreme Court and gay marriage becomes fine and they can put teeth in it so now they can go after churches, like the president’s lawyer says, 50 percent of our churches will fall away. Meaning, within five years, 50 percent of the congregants will fall away from their church because they …

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NORTHERN IRELAND: Candidate Makes Audience Howl Over Child Abuse Claims

Via Pink News: A parliamentary candidate in Northern Ireland has claimed to have “proof” that gay people are 40 times more likely to abuse children than the general population. Susan Anne White, who is standing in West Tyrone in Northern Ireland, last week unveiled her “biblically correct” manifesto. Speaking at an election debate in Omagh on Tuesday, White defended former …

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Disney Broadway To Host LGBT Families

Via Playbill: Playbill will celebrate its second annual Playbill Pride initiative with Family Day OUT, a June 13 event that invites LGBT families and allies to attend special performances of Disney’s The Lion King and Aladdin on Broadway. A partnership with Disney Theatrical Productions and Family Equality Council, Family Day OUT is sponsored by Amtrak and will bring together LGBT …

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Bill Donohue: If Only All Christians Were Gay, Then Obama Would Have Their Back

“We know that President Obama is infinitely more sensitive to the concerns of Muslims than Christians. He cites Christians by name when he wants to blame them for some historical event, but he never mentions Muslims by name for their current slaughter of innocent Christians. His Secretary of State, John Kerry, is at one with him. “Seven months ago, the …

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One Million Moms Vs ABC Family

Just in via email: Obviously, ABC Family Channel is attempting to desensitize America’s youth. They haven’t let up, so neither will 1MM.  ABC Family has approved the series “Becoming Us” about two teenagers that begin dating and who both have fathers who are transgender and transforming into women. Many families have already discovered that ABC Family is anything but family-friendly. …

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CHICAGO: Gay Aldermen Threaten To Relocate Pride Parade Over Rowdiness

Via the Chicago Tribune: If the Pride Parade doesn’t clean up its act, 2015 might be the last year it marches through Lakeview, two North Side aldermen are warning. “If there is not a serious improvement in the parade’s impact on surrounding residents’ quality of life this year, the next step is to assemble an advisory group to make recommendations …

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#Pizza4Equality Raises $160K For Cyndi Lauper’s Homeless LGBT Youth Fund

Clip description: In the 26 days leading up to #40ToNoneDay, #Pizza4Equality has raised $160,000 from 4,224 donors! The campaign began with very high goals but low expectations. The support exceeded expectations and provided not only a lot of money but a statement of where our values lie. We’re wrapping up soon but wanted to release this thank you video for …

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Georgia Church: Death To Homosexuals

Via Talking Points Memo: The pastor of a church in Milledgeville, Ga., recently changed the sign outside his church to read, “Homosexuality is a death worthy crime,” according to Georgia television station WGXA. The sign caused a stir in the neighborhood, but Robert Lee, the pastor of Ten Commandments Church, defended his sign and claimed he was quoting the Bible. …

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Tweet Of The Day

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“From Academy Award winner Brian Helgeland comes the true story of the rise and fall of London’s most notorious gangsters, Reggie and Ron Kray, both portrayed by Tom Hardy in an amazing double performance. LEGEND is a classic crime thriller taking us into the secret history of the 1960s and the extraordinary events that secured the infamy of the Kray …

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Southern Baptists Turn On Ben Carson

Via the Washington Post: Southern Baptists find themselves in the midst of another political controversy over the upcoming appearance — now canceled — of Ben Carson at their Pastors’ Conference. Carson is a celebrated neurosurgeon, conservative commentator and likely presidential candidate. A number of Baptist pastors, especially those affiliated with Baptist21, spoke out against Carson’s appearance. Their concerns were primarily …

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Hillary Gives Away Pride Stickers

To get one you’ll need to sign up for her email list, of course.

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Jon Stewart Takes On SCOTUS Nutters

With a great breakdown of quotes by the justices.

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Gallup: 780,000 Married Gay Americans

Via Gallup: Approximately 0.3% of adults in the U.S. are married to a same-sex spouse, and another 0.5% identify as being in a same-sex domestic partnership. In examining the total population of 243 million U.S. adults, these survey estimates suggest nearly 2 million adults are part of a same-sex couple, of whom 780,000 are married. These data are based on …

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Capitol Prayer Service: God Will Punish America For Legalizing Gay Marriage

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