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Yesterday I ran into these folks in the Times Square subway station as they were handing out flyers for next’s week’s anti-war March On Washington. The events, according to the Troops Out Now site: A weeklong encampment directly in front of Congress. A giant billboard and round-the-clock political challenge to Congress to STOP funding the war . Actions every day …

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Alice Ghostley, 81

Beloved television sitcom character actress and Tony winner Alice Ghostley died yesterday at 81. Ghostley won the hearts of gay fans with her portayals of Esmerelda, the ditzsy witch of Bewitched (’69-’72), and Bernice Clifton, the stroke-addled senior befriended by the ladies of Designing Women (’87-’93). Ghostley was a pioneer of early television, appearing in a 1957 musical version of …

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Morning View – My Mezzuzah

Since today is Yom Kippur, I thought I’d show you my mezzuzah. Mah-mah-mah-my mezzuzah. It’s my-i-i-i-i-whoa! (Sorry.) According to the rules, a mezzuzah must be affixed to the right side of a home’s door frame, on the upper-third of the frame within three inches of the doorway opening. There’s a little scroll of Torah verses inside mezzuzahs, whose presence on …

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You may not be as fascinated with statistics as I am. But this list from BlogWorldExpo caught my eye. Over 57 million Americans read blogs. Over 12 million Americans write blogs. 1.7 million American adults list making money as one of the reasons they blog. 89% of companies surveyed say they think blogs will be more important in the next …

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HomoQuotable – Lisa Sanders

“I’m just very proud of my father. And to be a part of this. It’s about equality, and he’s doing the right thing, and I’m very confident in him.” – Lisa Sanders, lesbian daughter of San Diego’s Republican Mayor Jerry Sanders, who outed her during his press conference endorsing San Diego’s pro-gay marriage resolution. (Via – Rex Wockner.) Sanders is …

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When Eagles Dance

So I’m hearing that a certain West Chelsea leathertopia has finally gotten their cabaret license. The dance floor is being installed on the ground level right now. I wonder if it will be ready for the big pageant on October 7th? Insiders?

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NYC Tests Early HIV Detection System

New York City is testing a new early detection system for HIV, which can identify the virus as soon as nine days after infection. People are at their most infectious immediately after acquiring the virus, a period called “acute infection”, when they are 1000 times more able to transmit HIV to others. From the NY Blade: The trial system, called …

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To The Tune of Centerfold

Songwriter M. Spaff Sumsion, whom you might recall for his classic take on Ted Haggard, Supertelevangelistic Sex And Drugs Psychosis, has done it again as he takes on Larry Craig with My Men’s Room Date’s A Senator. Here’s the clip, performed by Robert Lund. Get the lyrics here. An excerpt: It’s okay, I understandYou’re still a Family Values man But …

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Disney, Vegas, Minneapolis Airport

As has been reported on many news outlets, the Minneapolis airport bathroom in which Sen. Larry Craig was arrested has turned into quite a tourist attraction, with many airport visitors demanding to be directed to the lewdy loo. JMG reader Brian visited the Larry Craig Memorial Tearoom this week and sent me a picture of the famous toe-tapping stall, however …

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Here’s The Story Of Jan & Marcia

Pink News is reporting that according to an upcoming book by Brady Bunch star Maureen McCormick, during the show’s run there was some “sexual play” between McCormick and her TV sister Eve Plumb. The National Enquirer reports: “The most explosive comments will be how the then-blonde, blue-eyed cutie developed a crush on Eve Plumb, which led to some sexual play. …

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