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“Ex-Gay”: God Is Burning San Diego Because Of Gay Rights

“They shook their fists at God and said, “We don’t care what God says, we will issue our legal brief to support gay marriage in San Diego!” Then Mayor Jerry Sanders mocked the Christian vote and signed off on this rebellious legal document to support same-sex marriage. And then the streets of La Jolla under the Mt. Soledad Cross began …

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How To Kill Nightlife

I ripped off this bottle service menu at Lotus last night, just to show you non-New Yorkers what this new “gilded age” is doing to nightlife in Manhattan. With hedge-fund managers and other Wall Streeters happy to plunk down $620 to have a $40 bottle of Grey Goose on their table, what sense does it make for club owners to …

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Grampa Goes Out

Last night Paul and I went to HX Magazine’s 16th anniversary party at Lotus. Lots of gay publishing types were in the house, including Genre editor Neal Boulton (former editor of Men’s Fitness) and Genre VP and publisher Bill Kapfer (pictured). Lady Bunny and Robin Byrd were cutting up in a corner, but I didn’t get a chance to grab …

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Foster Parents Lose Kid Over Gay Regs

In the UK, an 11 year-old boy is being removed from the custody of his foster parents, both ministers, after they refused to sign new sexual equality regulations which stipulate that they would not teach their foster children to discriminate against gays. According to the Labour party’s new Sexual Orientation Regulations, part of the Equality Act 2006, discrimination on the …

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White House Comes Out Against ENDA

The White House has finally officially come out against ENDA. Yesterday a “Statement Of Administrative Policy” was released. (PDF.) H.R. 3685 would extend existing exployment-discrimination provisions of Federal law, including those in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to “establish a comprehensive Federal prohibition on employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.” The bill raises concerns …

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Good Work Wednesday

SF: On Sunday, November 4th, the Alexander Hamilton Post 448, in conjunction with The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and SF Defenders is hosting “A Homecoming and Healing Celebration” for veterans of this HIV/AIDS era and those who support them. Room 207, War Memorial Building, 401 Van Ness Avenue. 1:30PM-5PM. Opening ceremonies with a color guard and invocations will be followed …

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ENDA Vote Delayed

The ENDA vote won’t be today after all. Originally expected to be voted upon as early as tomorrow morning, a vote on the rule for the bill by the Rules Committee, a process necessary to move the bill to the House floor, has been postponed until the committee meets at 2pm ET tomorrow. An earlier meeting of the committee was …

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Bad T-Timing

OK, first some background for non-Gothamites: Jeffrey Epstein, 54, is this billionaire New Yorker playboy financier who is fighting charges that he hired numerous underage female hookers masseuses. Epstein is being defended by Alan Dershowitz and last month it was reported that Epstein was about to plead guilty to reduced charges in exchange for a 15-month prison sentence. Epstein’s story …

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Welcome Wagon

Monday, 9pm, IM conversation…..Friend Of Joe: Hey neighbor!JMG: Hey. Neighbor? You moved?FOJ: Yup, my sister and I just moved to the UES.JMG: Cool! Where?FOJ: You know that hi-rise over Bed Bath & Beyond?JMG: Sure, fancy building.FOJ: Yeah, it’s great. Super convenient.JMG: Right, you’ve got BBB in the lobby and that giant Food Emporium next door. A queen’s dream. 🙂FOJ: And …

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iPod Death Watch

Maybe you don’t wanna know, but head over to iPod Death Watch and enter your iPod’s serial number for an estimate of how many days you’ve got left with your digital lover. According to the site, I’ve got 633 days on my brand new iPod, my third, provided it doesn’t meet the same fate as my first. What a racket!

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