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Britain Considers Gay Hate Speech Act

Britain will consider making it illegal to incite violence against gays. Gay hate speech is already outlawed in Canada and France. American Christianists have been using examples of hate speech prosecutions in those countries to mobilize their side against all LGBT rights advancements in the U.S., claiming that soon Christians in the U.S. could be sent to jail for condemning …

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Barney Frank Audio

Here’s the audio from Rep. Barney Frank’s appearance on the Michelangelo Signorile show on Friday. Frank’s position on ENDA marks the only time in recent memory that I’ve seriously disagreed with him. This issue notwithstanding, my respect for Frank remains deep. Download. Stream..

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Sweden Close On Gay Marriage

Sweden’s three opposition parties have formed a coalition and given Parliament a proposal to approve to gay marriage. With the ruliing party’s slim majority, activists are confident that the measure will pass. Sweden would join Holland, Spain, and Belgium as the fourth European nation to legalize same-sex marriage.

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HomoQuotable – Rex Wockner

“I agree that Larry Craig was, at minimum, enticed. It takes two to tango. If the cop hadn’t been sitting there peering back and playing footsie, Craig probably wouldn’t have made the come-hither finger gesture. Instead, he likely would have left frustrated, caught his next flight and returned to the Senate to continue his 100 percent anti-gay voting record. In …

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A Good Day For A Fair-y

A cloudless sky and temps in the 80s brought a horde of happy homos to the Castro Street Fair today. Ah, San Francisco summer. I’ve run into tons of people I knew when I lived here, some of which only remembered me by my old Manhunt screenname. I love my people. Down in the Sugar Valley section of the fair, …

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Queen To Queen

I’m blogging from Charlotte, North Carolina, the “Queen City”, waiting for my connection to San Francisco. Yay for free wireless! Boo for not flying direct. The airport is a morgue, from where I’m sitting I can see exactly two people. In SF, I’ll be staying with my old buddy Leif, operations honcho for Hot House. Tonight: Powerhouse. Tomorrow, the Castro …

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Bombshell From Mike Jones:
“Larry Craig Visited Me”

When the Larry Craig scandal first unfolded, Mike Jones told me that Sen. Larry Craig had been an escorting client of his. I asked Mike if he could prove his claim, but he said that while he didn’t have voice mail messages to backup his claim, as he did with Ted Haggard, he would nevertheless come forward IF Craig did …

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