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Zing Tones

OK, I can’t decide. Will the PC police get bent out of shape over this? I gotta admit, it made me laugh. It’s hard to tell if this is a real ad or a parody, but I’m guessing parody.

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NYC Knows Where You Are

In a precedent-setting decision, a New York judge has ruled that the city can fire a 21-year employee of the school system after GPS-tracking secretly installed on his city-issued cellphone revealed that he had left the job early on 83 occasions and may have falsified his timecards to cover his tracks. Although the secret tracking also revealed that the employee …

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Looney Tunes

One-time Jon-Benet Ramsey murder suspect and batshit loon John Mark Karr told the Bay Area Reporter this week that the reason he was in Thailand when police caught up with him was that he was seeking gender reassignment surgery to alter his appearance enough to elude capture. Karr says he doesn’t have any “driving desire” to become a woman and …

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Step aside Miss Teen South Carolina, move over Chocolate Rain, YouTube is sagging under the weight of hundreds of Larry Craig parodies, news clips, and late night recaps. Here’s a few of the best ones, including some common sense from Dan Savage, who is interviewed by Rick “Shocking!” Sanchez. Was there comedy before YouTube? It’s hard to remember.

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Open Thread Thursday

This morning I had to wait about 10 minutes to buy a bagel at Hot & Crusty, which, by the way, is just about the worst name for a chain of restaurants ever. While in line, I was treated to one of the dumbest/funniest/oldest discussions, with the conversation eventually taking over all the customers. The cashiers were even chiming in. …

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Morning View – Cedar Hill

The Central Park Conservancy has been rehabbing Cedar Hill over the last two decades, transforming one of the most blighted areas of the park into the lush picnicking and sunbathing area you see here. Before pictures are here.

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HomoQuotable – Dan Savage

“Oh, man. What a great day. I fucking live for the day when every asshole out there bilking gullible Christians out of their hard-earned dough—from the Nazi pope on down—is told the same damn thing: Get a fucking job, you parasite.” – Dan Savage, responding to the statement by Ted Haggard’s “overseers” that Haggard “won’t be fundraising for a Monument …

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GLAAD: Tucker Carlson And MSNBC
Must Apologize

GLAAD has issued a statement demanding that Tucker Carlson and MSNBC apologize for “remarks made Tuesday night that appear to condone violent assault.” As several JMG readers noted in the post below this one, today Carlson issued this statement, written in response to GLAAD’s complaint: Let me be clear about an incident I referred to on MSNBC last night: In …

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MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson:
I Smack Down Cruising Homos

The gays-as-dirty-potty-cruisers angle seems to be overtaking the coverage of Sen. Craig’s arrest. Last night on MSNBC, Tucker Carlson recounted having, with friends, beaten up a man who allegedly hit on him in a men’s room, much to the hilarity of his co-hosts. Carlson described himself as “the least anti-gay right-winger you’ll ever meet”. Yeah, cuz gay-friendly guys beat up …

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