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The ad-free ride on YouTube has ended. Today Google is launching “overlay” ads that will appear 15 seconds after the clip begins, running for 10 seconds on the lower fifth of the playback image. Viewers will be able close the ads, let them play, or click thru to the advertisers. At the start, the ads will only appear on clips …

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About My Email Suckiness

I created the Gmail address for this blog last November and yesterday the inbox counter rolled over 10,000. Again. I mention this only as a really lame excuse for my sucky track record in responding to everybody. Usually I scan the inbox for familiar names and try to get back to those folks first. But I’m way behind on a …

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Pay To Play

The next-gen DVD wars are heating up and Blu-ray might end up the loser. Paramount is being paid $150M by the makers of the HD-DVD format to release its movies exclusively on HD-DVD for the next 18 months. Similar to the VHS/Betamax wars of long ago, the technologically superior (according to some) Blu-ray format, which currently enjoys higher sales, may …

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Allen Apologies To NAACP

Rep. Bob “Tearoom” Allen apologized to the North Brevard chapter of the NAACP in Florida yesterday to deny charges of racism raised when he told cops that he feared that he was about to be “made a statistic” by the black men loitering in the park he was cruising. Allen told the NAACP that he now that he’s been arrested, …

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Morning View – Subway Poster

I found this depressing poster at the 23rd Street entrance of the A train. There was a whole series of posters with this image, all with increasingly dismal text. The message seems more East Village than Chelsea, but the image is appropriate for the ‘hood.

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The Dog Days Of Summer?

One thing WingNutDaily did get right: yesterday tied with August 1911 as the coldest August day in New York City history. The high was only 59 and it was in low 50s most of the day. I rather enjoyed spending the day in a hoodie. I wouldn’t mind living in these kind of temps year ’round. Seriously.

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Aaaaand We’re Back

I think. Blogger had one its semi-annual meltdowns this morning. At least the outages are shorter and farther apart than in years past. I understand the occasional glitch, that happens to everybody, I just wish Blogger hosted their status page somewhere that doesn’t go down when the rest of the service does. And Blogger outages make Shelley sad.

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WingNutDaily: Nuke ‘Dem Mosques

Here’s the result of a poll on WingNutDaily (via Pam’s House Blend), asking their readers, “Should U.S. threaten nuclear annihilation of Muslim holy sites for deterrence?” Frightening. Funny how they characterize Muslims as “religion-driven fanatics”, innit? Much as I used to watch 700 Club, I now read WingNutDaily for the pure entertainment value of watching how completely nutso the right …

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Feed A Cold

Louisana researchers have found that a common cold virus, adenovirus-36, can cause stem cells to turn into fat cells, lending credence to the oft-disputed theory that some people become fat due to being infected with a fat-causing virus. This discovery fuels speculation that obesity may one day be at least partially preventable with a vaccine, although lifestyle causes would remain. …

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