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The Power Of 10

The premise of the upcoming CBS game show, The Power Of 10, hosted by Drew Carey, is asking contestants to predict how Americans respond to certain questions. On the pilot episode one of the questions is this: If asteroids are headed for Los Angeles and New York City and the government only has the power to save one city, which …

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Morning View – Christopher Street Fashion

Finally. That hard-to-find rainbow-hued gay pride bikini you’ve all been waiting for is here – available now on Christopher Street – so please rush, ill-tempered Kazakhstani clerks are standing by, anxiously fingering their Saddam mustaches as you decide whether you want the matching suspenders, wristbands, and choker. Which, of course, you do. Sadly, the rhinestone tiara is for display purposes …

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Swag Tuesday

This week’s Swag Tuesday booty is an autographed copy of Out Magazine columnist, author, and actor Jesse Archer’s latest book, You Can Run: Gay, Glam, and Gritty Travels In South America. Archer’s acting resume includes the movies Boy Culture, Hustler WP, and A Four Letter Word –which he also co-wrote, earning him the Grand Jury Award for Best Screenplay at …

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UPS Reverses On Civil Unions

After pressure from NJ Gov. Corzine and Lambda Legal, UPS has reversed its previous stance denying benefits to the partners of civil-unioned employees. The lawyer representing the UPS employees for Lambda Legal said, “UPS is joined by hundreds of employers around the state in hearing that civil unions are different from marriage and that is to be expected when people …

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The Rules Of Leather
Are Simple And Finite

NYC Eagle, Sunday, 8:30PM Random Guy: I can’t believe what just happened. You know I’m a sub, right?JMG: No, but OK.RG: So I just tried to buy a collar in the leather shop and the guy wouldn’t fucking sell me one without my master being there!JMG: Do you have a master?RG: No.JMG: Well, rules is rules.RG: It’s so stupid.JMG: If …

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Newt: It’ll be Clinton-Obama

Newt Gingrich is predicting a Clinton-Obama ticket for the Dems, saying, “I think that either Mayor Giuliani or Governor Romney or Senator Thompson would be a very formidable opponent for what I expect will be a Clinton-Obama ticket, and I think that there’s a possibility that will work.” Right now, I’d prefer Gore-Clinton. Or Clinton-Edwards. Or Clinton-Bloomberg. And after Obama’s …

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Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan

I’m gonna tell you something good. Chaka Khan releases her first studio album in ten years, Funk This, on September 25th. Billed as a “return to her funky/r&b roots”, the album is produced by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis and contains a duet with Mary J. Blige and a cover of Prince’s Sign ‘O’ The Times. In 1984, she had …

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HomoQuotable – Perez Hilton

“I’m like Madonna, I’m not afraid to offend.” – Gossip blogger Perez Hilton, to the New York Times, in what the Times called “one of several self-generated comparisons to the pop star.” Hilton, who is curently defending multiple copyright infringement lawsuits from photo agencies (as well as a defamation suit), has an upcoming VH1 reality series titled What Perez Sez. …

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I was just tipped off by a reader about a LaChapelle-esque ad campaign that the Regional Tourism Committee of Paris has launched in London in a bid to draw visitors to the Rugby World Cup. Embiggen for the kissy hawtness.

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Big Voice Opens in SF August 1st

My pals Steve Schalchlin and Jim Brochu’s show, The Big Voice: God Or Merman?, a musical comedy about their 22-year marriage, opens in San Francisco at the New Conservatory Theatre on August 1st. The show had a great six month run in New York City, winning rave reviews from Variety and the New York Times. Our contemporary embrace of the …

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