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Dame Bassey Gets It Started

About ten years ago, I broke my hand and arm in six places when I tripped over a big pile of air that someone had negligently left lying on the Market Street sidewalk. But that didn’t stop me from attending Dame Shirley Bassey’s concert that night at the San Francisco Opera House, where in a vicodin haze I was chastised …

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Defying Gaiety

Documentary filmmaker Bill Hussung says the world will be “shocked” to see the Broadway stars and dancers that appear in his upcoming film, Gay No More, which follows about 20 performers who belong to a Life Ministry support group that meets twice weekly in “underground locations.” Hussung: “It’s an ex-gay movement with the core belief that you are gay because …

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A Klieg Of His Own

Last night my houseguest and I were wandering up 2nd Avenue after dinner and ran into a wild scene around 76th street – searchlights, paparazzi, a red carpet, and a couple of hundred screaming girls. All of this outside was taking place in front of a small restaurant. I walked up and asked a few of the girls, “What’s all …

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Morning View – 41st Street

I’m sure by now that most of you heard of yesterday’s explosion near Grand Central Terminal. I was at home, 30 blocks away, when the explosion took place around 6PM, and immediately got a dozen frantic phone calls from friends who know that my office is about 200 feet from the site of the explosion. It’s just amazing that more …

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Rabbit Season! Duck Season!

Rite Aid, Grand Central Terminal, Wednesday 2pmAn elderly woman approaches a pharmacist, who is out on the floor with a phone, examing the shelves. Elderly Woman (brandishng a pill bottle): Excuse me, do you have these in a suppository?Pharmacist (puts phone on his shoulder): If there aren’t any on the shelf, then we’re out.EW: I need them in the big …

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Hate Crimes Bill Suspended

Lacking the 60 vote threshold needed for approval, the Department of Defense reauthorization bill (to which the Matthew Shepard Act has been attached) was just removed from consideration by Senate Majority Leader Reid. Negotiations continue to get the bill reintroduced.

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Gay Adoption = Assimiliation?

My scientist buddy Dagon used to live in Manhattan but is now back in Austin, Texas, where he studies and teaches plant biology. Dagon also noticed Little David’s post about the two gay men who adopted an infant baby, but his take was a little different. I’ve been online too much reading theist vs. atheist fights, and as a result …

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Poz Soldier Arrested For Barebacking

A 25-year old Army private in North Carolina has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon and committing a crime against nature for having unprotected sex with an 18-year old male civilian. Fort Bragg officers warned Pfc. Johnny Dalton to not have unprotected sex after he tested positive for HIV last November. They were alerted by the civilian’s mother …

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