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HomoQuotable – Jonathan Capehart

“To gays and lesbians, flubbing the choice-vs.-nature question is like botching the answer to “What’s one plus one?” Note to [New Mexico Governor] Richardson’s current and former gay staffers and supporters: Do an intervention — and get him an Ambien — before he implodes again.” – Visible Vote ’08 panelist and Washington Post reporter Jonathan Capehart, commenting on Richardson’s contention …

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Bloomberg Revs Up Non-Campaign

NYC Mayor Michael “Not Running For President” Bloomberg will be touring the country this fall to raise money for the World Trade Center Memorial Fund. Purely by coincidence, the states he will visit happen to be the important early presidential primary states: South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Virginia, Wisconsin. Oh, and he also recently bought the following domains:, …

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Hey! What’s That Bright Stuff
At The End Of This Tunnel?

Dubya will announce later today that Karl “Voldemort” Rove will resign from his post at the end of this month. Rove told the Wall Street Journal that White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten told Bush administration officials that anybody who stayed past Labor Day would be expected to work out the remainder of the term. Once Rove leaves, Bush’s …

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Merv Griffin, 82

Merv Griffin, the quietly gay legendary talk show host, entrepreneur, and game show creator, died of prostate cancer this weekend. The creator of Jeopardy! and Wheel Of Fortune, Griffin made billions, occasionally landing on Forbes list of the world’s richest men. Married in 1958, divorcing 15 years and one son later, Griffin was well-known to be gay, although he kept …

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Another Smash Blowoff

Blowoff was a smash, as always: great tunes, cool video effects, hot banners, and packed with friendly faces. Two highlights: Bob Mould spinning a great reworking of Bronksi Beat’s Smalltown Boy and Why, during which a hot thing named Jocelyn (pictured below) blew us away singing along so amazingly on the dance floor that my goosebumps had goosebumps. Somebody needs …

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Eddie In Paradise

As you can see by his delighted expression, our little Eddie is never happier than when he is surrounded by giant hairy men. Pic taken last night at Titan’s Woof party.

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Richardson To Re-Recant For Signorile

Gov. Bill Richardson will appear on Michelangelo Signorile’s Sirius OutQ talk show today to recant last night’s “homosexuality is a choice” gaffe, which he has already repudiated to print media. Tune in at 4:25PM EST/ 1:25PM PST to hear Mr. Excitement say, “Let me be clear – I do not believe that sexual orientation or gender identity happen by choice,” …

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وي وإلل نت بي سلنت

The ACLU is suing JetBlue and the Transportation Safety Administration on behalf of a man who attempted to board a flight at JFK last year while wearing a t-shirt that read, “We Will Not Be Silent” in both English and Arabic script. Raed Jarrar was told by a TSA official that his shirt “made fellow passengers uncomfortable.” Jarrar say he …

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Tearoom For Two?

Bob “Tea-room” Allen says he is not a racist or a criminal and will not resign his seat in the Florida legislature. His lawyer says that based on the arresting officer’s own report, it was the police who did the soliciting, not Allen. The police contend that Allen initiated the incident by entering the police officer’s stall and leaning on …

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