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To Be Delivered By Bike Messenger

I spotted the Oracle of Randomocity working the corner of Crack and Ho, where she stuck her head into my taxi to reveal that this week’s winner of Swag Tuesday is fellow New Yorker, Croft, the 104th commenter, who gets Cyclizen, the new novel by Jim Provenzano. Croft sez: “I’d like to thank the academy, and, wait, I wasn’t finished, …

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PlanetOut To Shed Adult Division

Is PlanetOut beginning to dismantle? In a self-reported story posted on the Advocate’s site, PlanetOut Partners has announced it is selling its adult publishing division, SpecPub, as it attempts to stem the hemorrhage of red ink. SpecPub comprises four gay adult magazines: Unzipped, [2] Magazine, Men Magazine, and Freshmen. PlanetOut is revamping Advocate, with a planned redesign set to launch …

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Poofter Top Ten

Speaking of London Pride, today the UK Guardian lists their ten favorite songs about being gay: 1 Jet Boy, Jet Girl, Elton Motello2 Michael, Franz Ferdinand3 Homosapien, Pete Shelley4 Can You Forgive Her?, Pet Shop Boys5 BD Woman’s Blues, Lucille Bogan6 Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover, Sophie B Hawkins7 The Man That I Am With My Man, The …

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Kleenex, Xerox, Gaydar?

England-based Qsoft Consulting, owner of the gay dating site, has filed a trademark infringement suit in Delaware, claiming they own the word “gaydar” after another company began using a similar domain name for their own gay and lesbian dating site. Qsoft’s suit also contends that TDTong Ltd. violated the “Can Spam Act” by sending unsolicted messages to users of …

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Isaiah Washington: It’s Because I’m Black

Fired Grey’s Anatomy star Isaiah Washington is pulling out his race card, now claiming that he was canned from the hit show because he’s black. Saying, “Someone heard the booming voice of a black man and got really scared and that was the beginning of the end for me,” Washington says the real reason he got fired is because he …

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London Police Thwart Car Bomb
Attempt Near Gay Pride Route

The day before London Pride, today British police were tipped off about a suspicious car parked on Haymarket Street (in London’s West End) along the route of the gay Pride parade. Inside a Mercedes they found gas containers and a large number of nails, unnerving Londoners who plan to attend tomorrow’s event. Police described the bomb as similar to those …

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Morning View – Benjamin Hotel

Originally the Hotel Beverly, the Hotel Benjamin was built in 1927 by famed architect Emery Roth, the man responsible for dozens of Beaux Arts buildings in Manhattan. The hotel fell into disrepair for many years but reopened in 1999 as part of Denihan Hospitality Group, and is now named for DHG’s founder, Benjamin Denihan. Trivia: Back when it was the …

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Jodie Foster Gives Big To Trevor Project

The Trevor Project, the nation’s only 24/7 suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth, has just received the largest donation in its history from actress Jodie Foster. The Trevor Project is in the middle of a fundraising campaign aimed to support the opening of two new call centers. Foster made the donation in the name of the late Oscar winner …

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Montreal Pride Back On

Montreal’s Pride parade is back on, rescued by a new community group called Celebrations LGBTA Montreal. (The “A” in their LGBTA stands for “amis”.) Montreal Pride is now scheduled for July 28th & 29th. In May, Divers/Cité (the group that has put on the parade in the past) backed out, citing wishes to focus on their gay cultural festival which …

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