Recent Posts Gayest Moments In Music

Head over to for their list, The Gayest Moments In Music. I’m not crazy about their picking Village People’s YMCA as their number one, but there’s some great stuff on there. RuPaul’s talk show, Madonna’s kiss with Britney, and some seriously classic moments like Sylvester’s You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) all make the list. I’d have to think …

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Radical Homos Zap Speaker Quinn

Yesterday the activist group Radical Homosexual Agenda staged a protest at City Hall during the speech of openly lesbian City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, claiming that Quinn was the “civilian agent” of a new NYPD policy that subjects to arrest the members of any group of 49 persons or more that gathers without an approved NYPD permit. Activists claim this …

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Shelter Kitty: Week Seven

Shelley Winters has discovered climbing and there is no height in my apartment that she has not scaled. I came home yesterday to find her crying on top of the cabinets over my kitchen sink, which I presume she got to by a counter to microwave to cabinet route. Her favorite perches are the back of my desk chair (but …

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Eggs & Excrement At Jerusalem Pride

Jerusalem’s Pride parade was this morning, where marchers encountered hundreds of Haredi, Israel’s bizarre Ultra Othodox sect, who arrived with eggs and bags of human excrement to hurl. Just before the parade kicked off, police arrested a 32-year old man carrying a bomb which he said he’d planned to detonate near the parade to “scare people away.” Two hundred Haredi …

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Curb Alert

There’s a fascinating article in today’s NY Times about “freeganism” – folks who try to reject capitalism wherever possible by using thrown-away products such as damaged food or items found in dumpsters. The article talks at length about the perfectly good furniture and personal items tossed out by New Yorkers. If you go into just about any of my friends’ …

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Open Thread Thursday

A couple of posts down you’ll find my rant regarding those in our own community who heap scorn and insults on gay men that don’t meet their twisted personal standards of masculinity. Longtime readers of this here website thingy know that I regard that sort of divisive self-loathing as perhaps the greatest internal challenge that gay men face, both as …

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He’s Jon, The Winner, He Is

Shortly after last call at the Bada Bing, Lady Randomocity finished her lap dance to text me the winner of this week’s Swag Tuesday, Jon of Jersey City, who wins an advance box set of Showtime’s hit series The Tudors and Tudors t-shirt. Jon gushed: “Holy crap, that’s fantastic! You are awesome, Your web site is awesome and I can’t …

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How To Not Win Friends
And Influence Bears

You may recall the huge brouhaha a few months ago when complaints arose that the bear-themed hookup site Bear411 was routinely refusing membership to men whom the site owner felt did not meet his personal ideal of “bearness”, namely non-hirsute or smaller guys. Asian men in particular seemed to bear the brunt of the rejections, although some were allowed to …

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