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HomoQuotable – John Amaechi

“Probably 30 of my former (NBA) teammates have my e-mail and my telephone contacts and probably 16 or so of those I was in regular touch with and there are probably 10 people who I have (on instant messenger). And zero – nobody – who’s active in the NBA has been in touch with me since the day I came …

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Central Park Sunday

The last photo is from today’s Israeli Day Parade. The Farmboyz and I watched from Fifth Avenue for an hour or so, but after two or three dozen yeshivas had gone by, the thrill was gone. There were some floats, including one bearing the only Israeli WNBA player, but otherwise it was a rather sedate event, as NYC parades go. …

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In today’s On Language column, William Safire is taken to task for having referred to Harrison Ford, 64, as “middle-aged.” A reader points out, “If he were literally middle-aged, then he could expect to live to 128.” I’m reminded of my 36th birthday, when my mother called with good wishes and to welcome me to middle-age, because the life expectancy …

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Porn Again

Since today seems to be Hookers In The News Day, you might be amused to learn that Jeff Gannon/Guckert is now the spokesho for the International Bible Reading Association. It’s a crazy world, somebody outta sell tickets. I’d buy one!

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Brazil To Bootleg Sustiva

For the first time, Brazil will ignore patent laws and manufacture a generic version of an HIV medication, citing the World Trade Organization’s “compulsory license” mechanism that allows a country to bypass a drug patent in a health emergency or if the manufacturer uses abusive pricing. The medication is Merck’s Sustiva, a powerful non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, which Merck offered …

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Microsoft and Yahoo! are in merger talks, with Microsoft reportedly prepared to offer $50 billion for Yahoo, in a move seen as a challenge to Google’s dominance of internet advertising. Last month Google further entrenched at the pole position when it purchased branded placement experts DoubleClick for $3.1 billion. A merged Microsoft/Yahoo would still trail Google in search market share, …

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NYC Eagle, Thursday, 11pm At a birthday party on the Eagle’s rooftop, I ran into a recent acquaintance. Joe: Oh, hi. Nice to see you again, you’re looking good. Guy: Thanks, I’ve just started on testosterone. Joe: Oh, really? Are you taking the gel stuff or getting shots? Guy: The shots. Joe (shuddering): Yikes, do you have somebody giving them …

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Page Six Outs Porn Actor

In a seemingly pointless move, the New York Post’s Page Six gossip column has outed an employee of the Israeli consulate at the United Nations as a gay porn actor, after tricking administrative worker Dror Barak into revealing his sideline career as a “model” and budding porn actor. Although Barak specified that he did not escort, he did solicit a …

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Clinton: Repeal War Authority

Yesterday Sen. Hillary Clinton proposed a repeal of the 2002 authority Congress gave Bush to invade Iraq, joining Sen. Robert Bird in a call to end that authority by Oct. 11th, the 5th anniversary of the original vote. Analysts believe that such a repeal would undoubtedly become an issue for the federal courts, as it would raise constitutional issues about …

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Oregon Approves Civil Unions

Yesterday Oregon’s Senate approved a domestic partnership bill that will give the state’s gay couple most of the rights of full marriage. The bill is expected to be signed into law next week by Gov. Ted Kulongoski. Oregon will join New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, and New Hampshire as one of the five states to offer civil unions to gay couples. …

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