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Don’t Make Me Read Your Beads

It’s been almost 30 years and despite challenges from thousands of hilarious contenders, Rita Beads remains my all time favorite drag name. Rita was a hairy chested, butch mustached, roller-skating, pregnant nun sort of drag queen, back in late 70’s Orlando. The reason Rita Beads is such a funny name is probably sadly lost to most of you, but the …

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Stop Blocking The Fan!

It’s only the first day of June and I’ve already had more than enough hot. New York is just miserable during the summer and it’s a freakin’ 2-3 hour science project just to get to the beach. Not that I enjoy beaches all that much anyway, with my fishbelly complexion. Ten years in Fort Lauderdale and I probably went to …

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West Village, Summer 2004 It’s a beautiful afternoon. My friend Andy and I are killing an hour ambling around the shops on Bleecker street, wasting time before a show. Across the street, I spot a drag queen pulling off a spectacular Mary J. Blige impression. Big wig, big glasses, big bling, big Louis Vuitton handbag. I’m so impressed with how …

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Anthology Due July 28th

My book debut comes this July 28th, in the forthcoming Carroll & Graf anthology, From Boys To Men: Personal Essays Of Gay Coming Of Age. Rather than a traditional collection of coming out stories, “In these memoirs, coming out is less important than coming of age and coming to the realization that young gay people experience the world in ways …

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Is That Nana On The Overpass?

On a sunny day, New Yorkers are not above plopping themselves down just about anywhere to catch some rays, like this rather leathered old biddy who chose the pedestrian overpass of FDR Drive at 71st Steet. I guess the noise and exhaust of the 6-lane highway beneath her isn’t a bother.

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A Blaggle Of Bloggers

This weekend is the annual messy, sloppy, sodden gathering of gay bloggers in NYC. I stole this naughty graphic from Chris over at See My Briefs, who has an amusing listing of the schedule of activities. I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of familiar faces from around the country and hoping to meet some new ones. Btw, blaggle? What …

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It’s Getting Hot In Herre

So here’s my dilemma: Do I go see the Al Gore’s global warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and come out with sharply detailed information over which to obsess and worry? Or do I not go see the movie and merely continue with this vague, unfocused sense of dread?

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Remembering Memorial

Big weekend. Big in every way. Saturday: Up early and out for the Superbowl of gay rugby, the Bingham Cup. Emerging from the 6 train up in Harlem, Eddie and I ran into podcaster/tough guy Mike P and blogger hottie Bryce of Plastic Music, and we joined the curious mix of locals, ruggers and gay rugby groupies waiting in line …

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Brokeback Mounties

Canada’s upcoming high-profile gay wedding between two members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is beginning to cause some stir in Canadian government, as Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s office has issued a gag order warning Conservative members of Parliament to make no comments on the wedding to press. Harper is probably just really sick of hearing “Brokeback Mounties”. (- via …

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Pat Robertson Found With Pants On Fire

Sports journalists are calling bullshit on televangelist Pat Robertson’s claim to be able to leg-press 2000 pounds. CBS Sportsline columnist Clay Travis says: “There is no way on earth Robertson leg presses 2,000 pounds. That would mean a 76-year-old man broke the all-time Florida State University leg press record by 665 pounds over Dan Kendra. 665 pounds. Further, when he …

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