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Scratch Off

Here’s an interesting idea. In an effort to increase voter turnout, a group in Arizona has placed a measure on the November ballot which (if approved) will randomly award $1 million to an Arizona voter in every general election. Given Arizona’s population, the vote lottery would offer much greater odds of winning than Powerball. Latino activists see the vote lottery …

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WorldPride Cautiously Optimistic

Today’s press release from WorldPride: “Our hearts go to all the people affected by the violence, as we continue to hope that peace will prevail. As Jerusalemites, we are acutely aware of the complexities of the reality that we face in our city and in the region. We feel that these days, optimistic messages speaking for tolerance and against violence …

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Hey Tiger To Open For Bon Jovi

You may remember a January post I made about Hey Tiger, the band featuring hottie JMG-reader and occasional beer buddy Jim Lovegrove on bass. Jim just gave me the heads-up that Hey Tiger will be opening for Nickelback and Bon Jovi tomorrow, July 18th, at Giants Stadium. You can listen to the band being interviewed tomorrow morning on Scott And …

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HomoQuotable – Barney Frank

“I can sum up the Republican agenda in nine words: Burning the flag, spurning the fag and earnings that lag.” – Barney Frank, speaking to the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus, who did not invite Florida’s Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, due to his support of Florida’s gay marriage ban. (via NY Blade.) Trivia: As a freshman Florida state legislator, Bill Nelson …

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Two Kinds Of Soggy

The heat index in Manhattan is expected to reach 105 today. Right now in San Francisco it’s 55. The cold foggy SF summers that I used to curse? Yeah, kinda nostalgic for them today.

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HomoQuotable – Neil Tennant

“Blog is such an ugly word.” – Pet Shop Boys vocalist Neil Tennant, telling the Guardian that he and bandmate Chris Lowe “do not believe in blogs”. Ouch, Neil. That hurts! OK, fine. Here’s a picture of the three of us from 1999, when we were ALL much prettier. (Waiting in line to meet the Pet Shop Boys in a …

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Orange Goes Pink

Four years ago, my hometown of Orlando made it illegal to deny housing or to discriminate in the workplace based on sexual orientation. This week much larger Orange County, of which Orlando is the county seat, has added sexual orientation to their list of banned reasons to deny housing. Of course, in Orange County (outside of Orlando) you can still …

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