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And Speaking Of Feeling Old…

This morning I came across a list of the #1 singles so far for 2006. Out of 13 songs, I only definitely recognize two, James Blunt’s You’re Beautiful and Beyonce’s Check On It. Maybe I’d recognize some of the others if I heard them. Regardless, I find myself growing increasing nostalgic for a shared national musical experience. When I was …

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This morning the Spanish/Peruvian/Incan pan-flute band in the subway station was playing More Than A Woman, the R&B/downtempo/disco classic written/recorded by the Austrailian/British Bee Gees for the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever, the epoch-defining film tribute to Brooklyn/Italian-American/70’s disco nightlife. Hearing the pan-flute band version of More Than A Woman made me feel happy/old.

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Kaletra! You Leave Lexiva Alone!

Continuing the seeming protocol of giving HIV medications what Oprah Winfrey might call “ghetto names” (Kaletra, Sustiva, Lexiva), the new triple-drug HIV pill has been christened Atripla and will be launched within a week.

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HomoQuotable – Chris Ciccone

“Give me a fucking break.” – Madonna’s gay brother, Chris Ciccone, complaining to Attitude Magazine that men in gay bars won’t stop talking to him about his sister. Poor baby. I bet it never gets him laid either.

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Man In Black Still A Hitmaker

One of my favorite American male vocalists, the late Johnny Cash, has his first #1 album on the Billboard charts in 37 years, with American V: A Hundred Highways. Aside from my pleasure in seeing Cash top the charts again, it’s depressing to see that he did it with a first week sales total of only 88,000 units, the lowest …

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“Death To Sodomites”

Handbills and leaflets advocating using Molotov cocktails on WorldPride marchers began appearing around Jerusalem this week. AOL Gay & Lesbian editor Kenneth Hill reports that New York Rabbi Yehuda Levin said that if gays do descend on Jerusalem for WorldPride, “I promise there’s going to be bloodshed — not just on that day, but for months afterward.” The WorldPride website …

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Taking my temperature last night, I had to laugh at myself for feeling disappointed that it was only 100.3, because I felt so much sicker. Now I’m wondering if there isn’t one of those wonderful German compound adjectives that describes precisely the feeling of being disappointed that you aren’t really all that sick, no matter how you think you feel. …

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Little Man And The Mayor

When I moved in, he was the first person on the block that I noticed. A tall elderly gentleman somewhere between his early 80’s and late 100’s. Always outside. Always moving. Always talking. With a full head of white hair, and usually wearing suspenders over a crisply ironed short-sleeve shirt, he stands out on a block that is home to …

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