Tag Archives: crime

REVEALED: California Family Council An Illegally Run Sham “Charity”

It turns out the anti-gay Christers at the Focus On The Family-related California Family Council are a bunch of crooks. A look at their finances has revealed that almost all of their fundraising goes to pay the high salaries of their executives. From Justin McLachlan’s well-researched story: The money was supposed to go to support the California Family Council’s charitable …

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Gay Chelsea Teen Killed By Street Dealer

Pace University student Jason Pravia, 19, was murdered in his Chelsea apartment on Saturday morning after he left a downtown party. According to reports, Pravia left the party extremely drunk and went to Union Square to score drugs. There he met Jeromie Cancel, 22, an occasional dealer and former mental patient who accompanied Pravia back to his apartment. After Pravia …

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Killer Blames Murder On Transpanic

The confessed killer of Angie Zapata, the 20 year old transgender woman murdered in Colorado last week, says that he became so enraged when he discovered a penis under Zapata’s clothes, that he grabbed a fire extinguisher and beat “it” to death. The man arrested in the murder of a 20-year-old transgender person was on date with a person he …

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Tennessee: Two Killed, Seven Injured In Shooting At Gay Friendly Church, Shooter’s Letter Says He Hates Liberals And Gays

Days after the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville put up a sign welcoming gays to worship, yesterday a gunman shouting “hateful words” killed two people and injured seven others during a youth performance of the musical Annie at the church. The gunman was tackled by congregants and eventually taken into police custody. Jim D. Adkisson, 58, was charged …

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The Real Velvet Mafia

An Italian prosecutor who has brought down several local mafia families says that gay mafiosi are “too scared to come out of the closet”, but that American crime families are more forgiving of homo wiseguys. Antonio Ingroia, who has helped bring several bosses to justice, said: “Being gay is still a taboo for Italian society in general, let alone the …

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Gotham Still Safest Big U.S. City

The 2007 murder stats have been compiled and once again New York City has the lowest homicide rate of the 25 biggest cities in the nation. New York’s safe, but not this safe: There are nine big cities in the United States where not a single murder occurred last year. Ann Arbor, Mich.; Cambridge, Mass.; and Provo, Utah; are among …

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Proposed: Gun Cams For NY Cops

A New York state Senator has proposed providing cops with miniatures cameras attached to their guns which would turn on whenever the gun is unholstered. The technology has been around for awhile, but recent cases like NYC’s Sean “50 Shot” Bell shooting have renewed calls for its implementation. In a flash, a police officer draws a handgun from its holster. …

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America: Prison Capitol

From the New York Times: The United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. But it has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners. Indeed, the United States leads the world in producing prisoners, a reflection of a relatively recent and now entirely distinctive American approach to crime and punishment. Americans are locked up for crimes — …

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