Tag Archives: crime

California Man Busted For Preying On Gay Men Via Craigslist

California prosecutors have arrested a man they dubbed “the gay bandit” after he allegedly robbed numerous gay men he met through the M4M section on Craigslist. A convicted felon accused of targeting gay men who were looking for dates online was charged with kidnapping, robbery, carjacking and other crimes in Superior Court Monday. Angel Pena Ayala, 24, who was on …

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2009: Fewest NYC Murders In History

In 2009, NYC saw the fewest number of murders since comparable records began being kept. The city’s police department says the 2009 year-end total was 466, down from 523 in 2008 and 496 the year before. It’s the fewest since comparable records were kept in the 1960s. Overall crime is down in the city 11 percent from last year and …

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The Deadliest City In The World?

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Memphis: Vandals Destroy National Coming Out Day Billboard

A billboard marking next month’s National Coming Out Day was ripped down by Memphis vandals, leaving only the previous ad for a Patti LaBelle event visible. The Triangle Journal reports: The billboard, which contained a picture of community member Tim Smith dressed in his marine uniform proclaiming “I’m gay, and I defended your freedom,” was completely torn from the Clear …

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There Can Be Only One

Baltimore police are mulling filing charges against a John Hopkins University student who killed an intruder in his garage with a samurai sword. Two laptops and a Sony PlayStation had been stolen by burglars Monday from the home, on University Parkway just blocks from the school, said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. Early Tuesday, one of the four Hopkins students who …

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Don’t Steal Bikes, Bro

Gothamist tips us to this clip of two NYC bike messengers confronting a man who was allegedly caught trying to steal their bikes. According to witnesses, the man was spotted in the act of drilling the bikes’ locks. What followed is street justice, NYC-style, and I imagine that the alleged thief might have a case for assault, although I’m unclear …

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Gay FL Cop Charged With Sex Crimes

UPDATE: Father Tony points out that despite the wording of the below Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel story, Bleiweiss’ arrest report (PDF) makes it very clear that he was the one performing the oral sex, not his victims. The arrest report reads like a very, very bad porn script and may be NSFW. Openly gay Broward County sheriff’s deputy Jonathan Bleiwiess, 29, …

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Rhode Island: Four Lesbians Arrested For Assault On Anti-Gay Catholics

Rhode Island police have arrested three young women and a female minor for assaulting a group of anti-gay Catholic activists who were protesting same-sex marriage. Red-sashed members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property were waving anti-gay signs at a Warwick intersection when the women stopped to confront them. The salsa and eggs stopped flying, …

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Neigh Means Neigh

A horse is a horse, of course, of course. Except when she’s an irresistible hottie like Sugar. A South Carolina man was charged with having sex with a horse after the animal’s owner caught the act on videotape, then staked out the stable and caught him at shotgun point, authorities said Wednesday. But this wasn’t the first time Rodell Vereen …

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Arrested: All Of New Jersey

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Cops Catch One UES Serial Gay Basher

The NYPD has arrested a 19 year-old man who has admitted taking part in the recent spree of gay bashings in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Driton Nicaj, 19, is accused of two alleged attacks on gay men – and allegedly admitted to police he was on the scene when a third man was assaulted. He was charged with robbery and …

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Photo Of The Day

Ruth Madoff was photographed on the subway (horrors!) yesterday after being booted from her $7M Upper East Side penthouse “with only her purse and the clothes on her back.” She asked if she could take a fur coat, but was denied. It’s unknown where Ruth is staying, but it’s been reported that numerous Manhattan buildings have turned her down, not …

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SF’s Pink Triangle Burned

Every Pride week in San Francisco, a massive fabric pink triangle is placed on the hills above the Castro, a visible-for-miles reminder of the murder of homosexuals in the Holocaust. Yesterday vandals succeeded in burning a portion of the installation. Arson investigators were trying to determine what caused a fire that damaged the Pink Triangle on San Francisco’s Twin Peaks …

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25 Most Dangerous U.S. Neighborhoods

A compiling of recent FBI and local law enforcement data on violent crimes per capita reveals that Chicago has five of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the nation. I’m kind of surprised to see Orlando on the list, although the cited neighborhood is so famously sketchy I was once told that the local ER had a special admitting stamp for …

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Columbia Employee: I Stole As Revenge Because My Male Boss Was Hitting On Me

A former Columbia University employee says that he embezzled $180,000 from the school as revenge because administrators did nothing about his complaint that his male supervisor was sexually harassing him. He spent the money on a lavish wedding in the Poconos and luxury spa treatments. John Bzdil III claims in court papers that the university ignored his complaints about “continuing …

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Gay Youth Center Vandalism Committed By Former Clients

Now we know why it wasn’t classified a hate crime. According to David Kilminick, the executive director of the Long Island gay youth center, two of the men arrested for last week’s vandalism are former clients of the center. From his email: Over three years ago, two of the four people arrested were former clients of LIGALY. The individuals regularly …

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Sarah Palin’s Church Burns In Arson Attack, Palin And Associated Press Suggest Gay Involvement

Sarah Palin’s church in Wasilla, Alaska suffered an estimated $1M in damage from an arson-related fire yesterday. In the Associated Press’ account of the incident, their reporter connected the fire to outrage about the church’s hosting of an “ex-gay” conference after Palin told the press that she was sorry if the crime was related to “undeserved negative attention” the church …

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Ashley Todd Gets Off With Probation

Ashley Todd, the 20 year-old McCain campaign worker who falsely claimed she’d been attacked by a black mugger/Obama supporter, has struck a deal in which she will be on probation for one year, provided she gets mental counseling. Under the agreement, her criminal record will be expunged after if she stays out of trouble and gets mental treatment on probation. …

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Hackers Attack Gay Marriage Sites

The No On 8 and Say No 2 sites were the apparent victims of a cyber attack last night. Via press release: Today the NO on Prop 8 campaign’s Web site was the victim of what appears to be a coordinated attack designed to bring the system down. According to http://www.responsetrack.net/lnk/calitics/1855212/?14LGF0093D5/ , the denial-of-service attack (DoS) on the NO on …

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Lesbian Huffington Post Columnist Dead In Florida Murder-Suicide

Carol Anne Burger, 57, an openly lesbian columnist for the Huffington Post, murdered her ex-partner by stabbing her 222 times with a screwdriver and then committed suicide by shooting herself in the head on Friday. The murder occurred two days earlier and it was initially presumed that had Burger killed herself out of sorrow, but yesterday Florida police concluded that …

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