Tag Archives: Ian Reisner

NEW YORK CITY: Homocon-Owned Out Hotel To Close After Boycott Over Fundraiser For Ted Cruz

Lucas Grindley reports at the Advocate: The hotel that had become a symbol of support for Ted Cruz’s antigay policies is now closing. The Out Hotel in New York City faced a heated boycott last year after its gay owners held a fundraising dinner party at their home for the Texas senator and Republican presidential hopeful. Ian Reisner and his …

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Mike Huckabee Attacks Ted Cruz For 2015 Meeting With New York City Gay Nightclub Owners

And you thought that story was dead by now. Via The Hill: GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee joined the growing number of Republicans criticizing rival Ted Cruz by attacking him for meeting with gay businessmen despite being a staunch opponent of gay marriage. Huckabee on Wednesday tweeted a link to a New York Times article about the meeting, saying “I’ll …

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Circuit Party Leaves Fire Island Pines, Joins Boycott Of Manhattan Hoteliers

Edge Media reports: The drama in Fire Island Pines now officially spans two continents. The Ascension Party, a staple of the circuit scene for nine years, is packing up and leaving Fire Island Pines and traveling to Mykonos this August, citing the recent boycott against OUTpost Fire Island Pines properties as the impetus for the move. The announcement marks the …

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REPORT: Hotelier Mati Weiderpass Ejected From Fire Island Pines Nightclub

The New York Post reports that beleaguered Manhattan hotelier Mati Weiderpass was tossed out of the Fire Island Pines nightclub Sip-N-Twirl on Sunday after being confronted by patrons furious about his meeting with Sen. Ted Cruz. Customer Evan Lobel said, “One guy got up and asked him what the rationale was to have dinner with Cruz. They got kind of …

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Queer Nation To Fly Boycott Banner Over Fire Island Pines Businesses

Via press release from Queer Nation: A plane trailing a banner reading “Boycott Hi/Lo Tea! Fight For Full LGBT Rights!” will fly above the beach at Cherry Grove and Fire Island Pines on Sunday, June 7, between 2 pm and 3 pm. The action will underscore the LGBT community’s outrage over the April 20 meeting between Republican presidential candidate Senator …

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Beleaguered Manhattan Hoteliers Hit With Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

The Advocate reports: Out NYC Hotel owners Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, still doing damage control after their ill-fated dinner with antigay presidential candidate Ted Cruz, recently received more bad news — four former and current employees at the KTCHN restaurant and XL Nightclub, located within the Out NYC, are suing the establishment. The suit, alleging discrimination and withheld pay, …

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New York Times: Hotelier Ian Reisner DID Make A Campaign Donation To Ted Cruz

Via the New York Times: When the gay hoteliers Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass found themselves under siege for hosting a dinner for Ted Cruz, the Texas senator who is running for president and has been vociferously opposed to same-sex marriage, they repeatedly stressed that the event was not a fund-raiser. “There were no checks given, it was nothing like …

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HomoQuotable – Armistead Maupin

“I’m the only gay man I know who has never been to Fire Island. I have not made a point of staying away — its charms are legendary, of course — but the occasion has simply never presented itself. Now, it’s quite likely that I will remain forever virginal in that regard. Or at least until these guys are no …

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Hotelier Ian Reisner Continues Apology Tour, Donates $20K To Fire Island PAC

Per the president of the Fire Island Pines Property Owners Association, the below apology from Manhattan hotelier Ian Reisner was read at the group’s meeting over the weekend. Dear Members of our Community, First I want to clear up that Mati Weiderpass has zero involvement or ownership in the Pines. Now let me state unequivocally that I made mistakes. While …

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New York City Hotelier Mati Weiderpass:
I Won’t Be Silenced By Gay Extremists

“Since hosting a discussion with Texas Senator Ted Cruz in my home, I have been inundated with hateful, biased social media messages, and attacks from gay extremists (do I dare say the word?) who demand inclusion, but do not believe in dialogue. I know in my heart that these attacks do not represent the rich culture and diversity of the …

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Manhattan Club Promoter Fires Back At Hotelier Ian “Gays Are Cheap” Reisner

Longtime Manhattan nightlife promoter John Blair took to Facebook this weekend to react to beleaguered hotelier Ian Reisner’s declaration that his club is losing money because gays are cheap. Gays, like any group, will spend their money when you give them something that they want or need. Do not blame the community for any of your failures to make money. …

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New York City Council LGBT Caucus Backs Boycott Of Gay Hoteliers

Posted yesterday to the Facebook page for the boycott of hoteliers Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass: STATEMENT – LGBT CAUCUS – NEW YORK CITY COUNCIL “Owning businesses that cater to the LGBT community comes with a heightened level of responsibility. For the proprietors of the OUTnyc and Fire Island Pines, hosting anti-LGBT politicians like Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson …

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HomoQuotable – Ian Reisner

“You know, it’s so ironic — I wanted to build kind of a community center in the gateway to Hell’s Kitchen, which in 2008–2009 was already a gay place and now it’s even gayer. Very close to Broadway. We decided there’d be so many different ways to give back to the community. We show gay artists there. For gay performers, …

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Rep. Mark Pocan On Hotel/Cruz Flap

“I know there are Republican members of the LGBT community. And there are Republican legislators who support equality, albeit not many. Fine, go ahead and throw them a fundraiser they will remember for a long time. But let’s not support those who believe we’ll burn in hell because of who we are and who we love. Does a candidate for …

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Protesters Chant “Shame!” At Midtown Hotel Owned By Cruz Meeting Hosts

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’)); Happening NOW! #BoycottFIPOut Posted by Boycott Fire Island Pines Establishments & Out NYC Hotel on Monday, 27 April 2015 Photos by Matt Rettenmund at Boy Culture.

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Erick Erickson: The Totalitarian Gaystapo Is Like Islamic Radicalism Minus Killing

“The gaystapo has decreed that Mr. Reisner’s businesses must be boycotted. He dared to associate with a conservative. Consequently, Mr. Reisner, to protect his business interests in New York, has been forced to apologize for having an untouchable in his home. The totalitarianism of the gay rights movement is on display more and more. A pizza restauranteur doesn’t want to …

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TONIGHT: Activists To Protest At Hotel Owned By Hosts Of Cruz Meeting

Despite yesterday’s apologies by Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, activists are going forward with tonight’s protest at their midtown hotel. The call to protest was endorsed by the city’s LGBT Democratic clubs –– Brooklyn’s Lambda Independent Democrats, the Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens, the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club, and the Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City …

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Hotelier Ian Reisner: I Am Deeply Sorry

“I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake. I was ignorant, naive and much too quick in accepting a request to co-host a dinner with Cruz at my home without taking the time to completely understand all of his positions on gay rights. I’ve …

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Breitbart Headline Of The Day

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Hotelier Mati Weiderpass: My Meeting With Ted Cruz Was Good For LGBT Rights

“I am happy to see such passion and energy in support of gay rights. We just need to channel that passion and energy to those who would deny us those rights. The dinner with Ted Cruz happened only because IT WAS NOT A FUNDRAISER. It was about security for Israel, but it also gave me a rare opportunity to address …

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