Tag Archives: Jim Jordan

Ohio Rep Seeks To Subpoena Gym Jordan On Wrestlers’ Abuse: “What Did He Know And When Did He Know It”

NBC News reports: An Ohio lawmaker is seeking to compel powerful Republican Rep. Jim Jordan to testify under oath about whether he was aware that the wrestlers he coached at Ohio State University were being sexually abused by the team doctor. State Rep. Tavia Galonski said she intends to ask the chair of the committee she sits on to subpoena …

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Rep. Jim Jordan Claims Vindication After Revelation That University Knew About Sexually Abusive Doctor

The Associated Press reports: A now-dead Ohio State team doctor sexually abused at least 177 male students over nearly two decades, and university officials knew what he was doing and did little to stop him, according to an investigative report released by the school Friday. Dr. Richard Strauss committed the abuse from 1979 to 1997 — nearly his entire time …

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GOP Reps Defend Big Pharma At Drug Prices Hearing: The Left Is “Demonizing” Gilead For Making A Profit

The Hill reports: Republican members of Congress defended Gilead, the leading manufacturer of HIV drugs in the U.S., during a testy hearing Thursday focused on the prices of its products. “I just cannot understand why we are spending time sitting here listening to people lecturing companies about making money. I hope you make a lot of money,” Rep. Chip Roy …

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House Dems Laugh At Jim Jordan After He Complains About Using Subpoenas To Compel Witnesses [VIDEO]

The Washington Examiner reports: Complaints from House Oversight ranking member Jim Jordan regarding the politicization of the committee were met on Tuesday with derision from Democrats on the panel. Jordan, an Ohio Republican, ripped his Democratic colleagues during a meeting to discuss subpoenaing a former White House aide over the Trump administration’s security clearance policies. “I’ve been on this committee …

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Jim Jordan Shrugs Off Trump’s Hush Money Payoffs

Newsweek reports: Host George Stephanopoulos cited evidence that 14 associates of Trump had more than 100 contacts with Russian nationals and asked if that concerned Jordan, who didn’t respond to the question directly. “Well, look, the central charge of the special counsel was to see if there was conspiracy, coordination or collision. That was the focus of the entire investigation,” …

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House Republicans Refer Michael Cohen To DOJ Seeking New Perjury Charges Over Yesterday’s House Testimony

The New York Post reports: Two of President Trump’s top defenders on the House Oversight Committee issued a perjury referral to the Justice Department on Thursday seeking charges against Michael Cohen for allegedly lying during his high-profile public testimony. GOP Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr asking that he charge Cohen for …

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GOP Reps Already Jockeying To Block Impeachment

Politico reports: The audition to become President Donald Trump’s most visible defender in Congress — and lead the fight against any impeachment proceedings — is in full swing. One of Trump’s fiercest allies, Rep. Jim Jordan, on Friday began flirting openly with a bid to serve as the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, the panel where a flood …

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McCarthy Tops Gym Jordan In GOP Minority Leader Vote

Roll Call reports: House Republicans on Wednesday elected Rep. Kevin McCarthy as their minority leader over Rep. Jim Jordan, a decision that improves the chances that one day the California Republican might be speaker. McCarthy has vowed to lead Republicans back into the majority over the next two years. If he succeeds, the chances that he’ll be elected speaker are …

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“Handmaid” Narrates Anti-Jim Jordan Ad [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: The Democrat running to unseat powerful Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan has unleashed a campaign video that accuses him of actively working to limit the rights of women — and that is inspired by “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Titled “Before It’s Too Late,” the campaign ad by the Democrat, Janet Garrett, begins with footage of Jordan adamantly denying …

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REPORT: GOP Rep. Gym Jordan Had Retired Coach Pressure Wrestlers To Recant Claims But They Refused

NBC News reports: Retired Ohio State wrestling coach Russ Hellickson reached out to two ex-team members and asked them to support their former assistant coach, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a day after they accused the powerful congressman of turning a blind eye to alleged sexual abuse by the team doctor, according to the wrestlers and text messages they shared with …

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Cuccinelli Tweets Photo Of Jim Jordan: “Who Better To Wrestle Dems To The Ground? #JimJordan4Speaker!”

This really happened today: While trying to promote Congressman Jim Jordan’s campaign to replace Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as Speaker of the House, Ken Cuccinelli — who is the president of the Senate Conservatives Fund PAC and frequently appears on CNN — accidentally reminded everyone that the lawmaker has been accused of allowing physical abuse to take place while he …

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Jim Jordan Formally Unveils Bid For House Speaker

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports: House Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan – a conservative firebrand from Champaign County – announced Thursday that he’ll run for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. “Should the American people entrust us with the majority again in the 116th Congress, I plan to run for Speaker of the House to bring real change to …

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Sessions Defends Rosenstein After Impeachment Move

Reuters reports: U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday defended his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, and took a swipe at fellow Republicans in Congress who moved to impeach Rosenstein, who oversees the federal probe of Russia’s role in the 2016 presidential election. “My deputy, Rod Rosenstein, is highly capable. I have the highest confidence in him,” Sessions said during an appearance …

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House Republicans File To Impeach Rod Rosenstein

The Hill reports: A group of conservative House lawmakers on Wednesday introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the top Department of Justice (DOJ) official overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The impeachment document makes a series of charges against Rosenstein, the latest sign of escalating efforts among conservatives to oust the DOJ’s No. 2 official. …

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OHIO: Rep. Jim Jordan Named In Class Action Sexual Abuse Lawuit Filed By Former University Wrestler

Rolling Stone reports: On Tuesday, Jordan’s public-relations crisis became a legal nightmare. Attorneys filed a massive class-action lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Ohio on behalf of an as-yet-unnamed former OSU wrestler. The law firm Sauder Schelkopf is seeking to represent all the students and athletes “treated” by Strauss in his two decades at the school, from the late ‘70s …

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House Freedom Caucus Preps To Impeach Rosenstein

Today’s indictments are only speeding up the plan: House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election. House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark …

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GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz: Wrestlers Accusing Jim Jordan Have A “Loose Affiliation” With The Deep State [VIDEO]

Apparently the deep state went 20 years back in time: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on today said members of the so-called “deep state” are behind the allegations that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) turned a blind eye to sexual abuse while he was an Ohio State wrestling coach. “I think there are people that have some loose affiliation with the deep …

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Paul Ryan: Jim Jordan Is A Man Of Honesty, Integrity

The Hill reports: Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday vigorously defended Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who is facing allegations that he ignored reports that a team doctor was sexually abusing college athletes while Jordan was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University decades ago. “Jim Jordan is a friend of mine. We haven’t always agreed with each other over the …

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Eighth Wrestler Comes Forward: Jordan Just Snickered When I Told Him The Doctor Was Groping My Balls

CNN reports: Another former OSU wrestler has told CNN that Jim Jordan knew about the actions of Dr. Richard Strauss, the former Ohio State University medical doctor who treated athletes, and called Jordan, who is now a US Congressman, a “phony” for saying he was not aware of any sexual abuse allegations. “Jordan is denying this because obviously it would …

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Rep. Louie Gohmert: Accusations Against “Decent” Jim Jordan Are The Work Of “Dirty Tricks” DNC Lawyers

Via press release from Loony Louie Gohmert: Jim Jordan is a fine and decent person who has a lifetime history of being honorable and honest, unlike his accusers whose extremely troubled backgrounds and ongoing legal and financial troubles place the veracity of their allegations into the realm of ridiculous. Unlike the Olympians who were minor children at the time they …

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