Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

Tony Perkins: Louisiana’s Governor Wants To Ban Gay-Hating Christians From Getting State Contracts

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Government contracts available: Christians need not apply! That’s the unofficial motto of Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D), who’s taken it upon himself to exclude people of faith from partnerships with the state. In an executive order eerily similar to Barack Obama’s, Louisiana’s liberal governor decreed that any company or organization …

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Tony Perkins Denounces “Intolerant” Kellogg’s

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: There’s no sugar-coating the intolerance at Kellogg’s! Like a lot of corporate bullies, the cereal company bowled over shoppers with its decision to pull ads from media heavyweight Breitbart, because the outlet is supposedly too conservative for Kellogg’s taste. “We regularly work with our media-buying partners to ensure our ads do …

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Tony Perkins Has The Target Boycott Sadz After Web Hosting Company Shuts Down Hate Group’s Site

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: How do you know if a conservative message is effective? When the Left tries to shut it down! That’s the position our friends at 2nd Vote find themselves in after they launched a #AnywhereButTARGET campaign to build on the national boycott of a company that’s opened its bathroom and changing room …

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Tony Perkins: On Thanksgiving Be Sure To Praise Jesus For This New Opportunity To Undo LGBT Rights

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Americans should be eternally thankful for the wisdom possessed by our Founding Fathers, who, rooted in their Christian belief that there is no king but Jesus, instituted a form of government that requires the political leaders to be elected by the people. This means that no single president, administration or Member …

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Hate Group Leader Praises Jeff Sessions: As Attorney General He’ll Return God-Given Rights To All Christians

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: After the eight-year scandal-factory of the Justice Department, the president-elect is making it clear that it’s a new day at DOJ with the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general. For the senator, the first to endorse Trump, the DOJ is hardly new territory. “My previous 15 years working …

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Tony Perkins: Planned Parenthood Is Paying Protesters $1500/Week To Demonstrate Against Donald Trump

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: No wonder there are so many anti-Trump protests. Apparently, there’s good money to be made in joining them! Barely a week after his election, Donald Trump is already creating jobs. Thanks to Planned Parenthood Action, Americans can make a good living joining their phony demonstrations against the president-elect. Craigslist ads like …

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Tony Perkins Praises Trump’s Hire Of RNC Chair Reince Priebus: Maybe Freedom Will Mean Something Again

From a statement issued last night by the Family Research Council: “President-elect Trump made yet another wise selection by choosing Reince Priebus as his chief of staff. I have worked closely with Reince over the last 5 years as he revitalized the GOP by returning the party to its true conservative principles as is evidenced by the GOP’s solidly conservative …

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Tony Perkins: If The Left Thinks Obergefell Ended The Marriage Battle, They’re In For A Major Surprise

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: America may recognize same-sex marriage now — but not because voters asked it too! And if the Left thinks the Supreme Court has finally decided the issue, they’re in for a major surprise. Turns out, the court of public opinion has its own verdict on the subject — and new polling …

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Tony Perkins Applauds Australia For Killing Marriage Plebiscite (Which We Actually Wanted Them To Do)

Upon the urging of LGBT groups, yesterday the Australian Senate voted to formally kill a non-binding national plebiscite on same-sex marriage. We’ve known for weeks that the plebiscite was never going to happen, but Tony Perkins is calling the vote a victory for White Jesus. Via press release: So much for the worldwide movement to redefine marriage! Remember when liberals …

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FRC Money Beg: Pledge To Vote For Biblical Values

The Family Research Council has launched another one of its shady money begs, this time in the guise of a pledge to vote for “biblical values” on Tuesday. Because Trump is nothing if not biblical. Via email: Election Day is only a week away! Well over 100 million Americans are expected to cast ballots by Election day and sanctity of …

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New FRC Ad: Vote Donald Trump Or We Won’t Able To Impose Our Religion On Others Anymore [VIDEO]

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: A presidential term doesn’t last a lifetime — but their Supreme Court picks do! So when voters head to the polls next Tuesday (or before), they’re not just voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — they’re voting for at least one, and maybe as many as three or four, high …

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Dobbs And Perkins Chortle Over FBI News [VIDEO]

Hate group leader Tony Perkins and Fox anchor Lou Dobbs, who last week doxed one of Trump’s accusers, shared a laugh last night over the latest move by FBI Director James Comey. Perkins: “It’s a major game-changer. The question now is whether Hillary will end up in the White House or the big house.” Perkins went on to say that …

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Tony Perkins Blames Obama For Rise In STDs

From a Tony Perkins press release titled U.S. Deals with Negative Side Infects of Obama: “Chances are, Americans don’t go through their day worrying about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). But considering the panic, maybe they should at least consider the growing risk to our nation. According to the most knowledgeable experts on the issue, the spread of STDs may be …

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Tony Perkins: Trump Might Actually Win Because Many Of His Fans Won’t Tell Pollsters The Truth [VIDEO]

Hate group leader Tony Perkins appeared on Fox Business today to denounce the media, again, and bleat that Wikileaks has proven that leftist operatives are secretly working to steal the election from Donald Trump. Perkins then went on to point out (factually, for once) that successful anti-gay marriage amendments often underpolled because haters were too ashamed to say their mind …

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Tony Perkins Applauds “Courageous” Louisiana Attorney General For Backing Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: It’s hard enough to win a government contract. Now imagine that your beliefs are a disqualifying factor! In Louisiana, that’s exactly the hostile environment Governor John Bel Edwards (D) was trying to create when he issued an executive order excluding conservatives from state partnerships. Like President Obama, Governor Edwards thinks there …

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Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins Warns Fox Viewers: Hillary Is A Threat To Biblical Christianity [VIDEO]

Hate group leader Tony Perkins, who recently fled his Louisiana home in a leaky canoe after White Jesus smited his hood with a righteous flood, appeared on Fox News this afternoon to warn conservatives that they had better vote for Donald Trump because Hillary Clinton is a “threat to biblical Christianity.” Watch below.

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Family Research Council To Distribute Four Million Voter Guides Explaining The Evil Of The Democratic Party

Via press release: Before Election Day, Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), announced that it plans to finish distributing nearly 4 million voter guides targeting supporters, churches, activist groups, and state/local organizations. The voter guide outlines how the candidates stand on pivotal issues like Supreme Court nominations, religious liberty, Obamacare, marriage, abortion, taxes, education, the military, and free speech. A …

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Family Research Council Propaganda Fail [VIDEO]

The Family Research Council today issued the below four-minute video which compares the GOP and Democratic party platforms. While their obvious intent is to outrage their base, progressives who view the clip will very likely come away only more impressed with our Satanic, pinko, Marxist, libtard, homofascist agenda. Enjoy!

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Tony Perkins: The Cultural Bullies At The HRC Are Tricking Voters About North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Law

The recent polls have clearly rattled hate group leader Tony Perkins. He writes: The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is putting most of their marbles on the elections in North Carolina. HRC, assisted by a liberal and complicit media, has succeeded in deceiving a portion of the public into thinking that HB 2 is an anti-LGBTQ bill rather than what it …

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FRC’s Prayer Of The Day: Ask God To Wake Up And Save Christians From The Terror Of Losing This Election

Previous Family Research Council prayers of the day have asked God to stop the repeal of DADT, stop the repeal of DOMA, stop same-sex marriage, stop transgender rights, and protect Christians who kidnap the children of gay parents. Considering God’s spectacularly shitty response to all of those prayers, we can only find today’s plea encouraging. May God’s people recognize that …

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