Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

ABC Dumps Tony Perkins From Sunday News Show

Zack Ford reports at ThinkProgress: This week, a prominent news agency considered offering a platform to the leader of an anti-LGBT hate group to discuss the Orlando shooting, then quietly dropped him from the show without ever mentioning that it was a bad idea in the first place. On Friday morning, ABC News released a preview of its guest line-up …

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Tony Perkins: Obama Caused The Orlando Massacre

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Unfortunately, the attacks on U.S. soil have only grown in this administration’s refusal to call them what they are — Islamic terrorism. The gunman, a homegrown extremist who reportedly pledged his allegiance to ISIS before his bloody rampage, left little doubt about his motivation — a motivation the president still refuses …

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Tony Perkins Has The Pentagon Pride Sadz

Hate group leader Tony Perkins is EVER so upset about the Pride Month celebrations held this week by the Pentagon. He writes: It probably feels like every day is “gay pride day” in the Obama military, but yesterday, it came with cake. In the big courtyard inside the Pentagon’s five rings, the Obama administration continued the five-year rainbow parade it …

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Perkins: It’s Disgusting When Obama Cites Scripture

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: This week, the president is back at it, using his Bible of convenience to justify his outrageous decree on public school bathrooms and showers. To the disgust of most Christians, Obama insisted that “my reading of Scripture tells me that [the] Golden Rule is pretty high up there in terms of …

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Tony Perkins: Christians Are Being Quarantined By The Obama Administration Into Spiritual Ghettos [VIDEO]

“We are not disqualified from engaging in the public square simple because we’re Christian. And that’s where we’re at today, where people want us to check our Christian faith at the door of even public service; not just holding public office, but if you’re a fireman, a policeman, a teacher, a football coach, you’re supposed to leave your faith at …

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Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant: Christians Will Line Up For Crucifixions In Order To Stop LGBT Rights [VIDEO]

Kyle Mantyla report at Right Wing Watch: At least week’s Watchmen on the Wall conference, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins presented Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant with the first ever “Samuel Adams Religious Freedom Award” for having signed a radical anti-LGBT bill into law earlier this year that will allow businesses to deny service to gay people. While introducing the …

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Tony Perkins: President Obama’s “Transgender Agenda” Is One The Biggest Miscalculations Of His Tenure

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: If Ohio is the bellwether of America, then the president’s agenda is in a heap of trouble. The Buckeye State isn’t about to stand back and let the Obama administration take its schools hostage to a transgender agenda that puts its students at risk. This morning, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine …

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Tony Perkins: Obama Is Surrendering Children Like Lot Surrendered His Virgin Daughters [AUDIO]

Hate group leader Tony Perkins says that Obama’s transgender rights directives remind him of the Sodom & Gomorrah story about Lot’s daughters. Brian Tashman reports at Right Wing Watch: “We’re talking about our children,” he said. “We’re talking about the next generation. We’re talking about our children emotionally being scarred.” Perkins then compared the situation to the biblical story of …

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Tony Perkins: The Obama Administration Wants To Destroy The Fact That God Created Man And Woman

Last night it was learned that the Obama administration will issue new guidelines directing all public schools nationwide to allow trans students to use the bathroom of their choosing. This morning Tony Perkins is out with yet another frantic money beg. Here’s the entire thing: Protect Our Children! The Obama administration is ramping up its efforts to force public schools …

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Perkins: LGBT Rights Are “Preferential Treatment”

And we get this lie again: You have to hand it to the Left. They’re a persistent bunch. Even after state leaders repealed Charlotte’s bathroom ordinance, filed two lawsuits against the federal government, and stared down opposition from Big Business, the media, and entertainers, North Carolina Democrats are still trying to move their radical agenda forward. In a head-shaker, the …

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Tony Perkins: Just Because Roy Moore Ordered Judges To Defy SCOTUS Doesn’t Mean He Defied SCOTUS

Via press release: Alabama’s Chief Justice Roy Moore is probably one of the few judges who’s been cross-examined as much as his witnesses. The unapologetic constitutionalist has been under the microscope plenty of times in his long career — including a 2003 showdown over a Ten Commandments monument that he refused to remove from the court grounds. Now, the Left’s …

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Tony Perkins: Send Me Money Otherwise Republican Radicals Will Make The GOP Platform Less Anti-Gay

Earlier this year hate group leader Tony Perkins was named to the Republican convention party platform committee. Today he asks his supporters to send him money, otherwise GOP radicals like Paul Singer will “sabotage” the platform plank against same-sex marriage. He writes: For decades, the Republican Party platform has firmly stood for the sanctity of life and the vital importance …

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Family Research Council: Obama Panders To Radical Activists Rather Than Fight Terrorism [VIDEO]

The Family Research Council has issued yet another video attack on President Obama over the situation in North Carolina. According to the clip below, the president is obsessed with bathrooms rather than paying attention to ISIS. And of course, there’s an accompanying million-word press release. An excerpt: North Carolina is a textbook example of how the Obama administration has gone …

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Tony Perkins Has The Ted Cruz Sadz: Evangelicals Feel Like They’ve Been Told The Bridge Is Out [VIDEO]

Hate group leader Tony Perkins appeared on Fox News yesterday to lament the end of Ted Cruz’s campaign, telling the host, “Evangelicals feel like they’re on a elevated highway and they’ve just been told the bridge is out.” Watch below. More from Perkins via press release: In some of the most politically and culturally turbulent times of our history as …

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Tony Perkins: Target Is On The Ropes

Via press release: After more than 1.1 million people pledged to boycott Target, celebrities and corporations alike are having second thoughts about crossing Americans on such a consensus issue. The decision by the retail giant is not only sparking massive backlash, but it’s helping the country get a real picture of the controversy in North Carolina. It’s also shown liberals …

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Tony Perkins Applauds Effort To Override Obama’s Executive Order On Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Via press release: What’s so controversial about the First Amendment? Plenty, these days, as the very sound of the phrase “religious liberty” strikes fear in the hearts of liberals everywhere. In the handful of days since the House Armed Services Committee marked-up the latest defense spending bill, liberals are raising a stink about what should be a non-controversial (and unnecessary) …

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Tony Perkins: North Korea Is Firing Missiles Because Obama Is Distracted With Protecting LGBT Rights

Via press release: Apparently, zombies are too busy eating brains to use theirs! In a surprise announcement, fans of the flesh-devourers were sad to learn that the annual “Walker Stalker Convention” in North Carolina is being delayed over H.B. 2. Of course, most dead people don’t need bathrooms — but in some parts of the country, they do vote with …

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FRC Launches Petition Supporting NC Gov. Pat McCrory Against “Hypocritical Bathroom Bullies” [VIDEO]

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: North Carolina lawmakers were greeted by thousands of North Carolinians today as they returned to Raleigh for the start of their legislative session. Citizens from across the state rallied at the state capital in support of state leaders who are standing up to Big Business and LGBT activists by refusing to …

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Tony Perkins: Liberal Bullies At ESPN Fired Curt Schilling Merely For Expressing A “Colorful Opinion”

Via press release: Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is used to throwing people out — not being thrown out. But after the former World Series Champ expressed his colorful opinion about the bathroom debate in North Carolina, ESPN fired him. Although Schilling made the comments on his personal page (which included a disclaimer that the opinion was 100% his), it …

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Tony Perkins: Perverted Predators Are The Only People Affected By A Porn Boycott Of North Carolina

Duggar Duggar Duggar. Via press release from Tony Perkins: People have been wondering for years how to get porn out of their communities. Now they know: Make bathrooms gender-specific! That’s all it took in North Carolina, where one of the country’s leading adult sites is hitting the road to protest H.B. 2. A day after Bruce Springsteen’s tirade, xHamster is …

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