Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

REPORT: Ashley Madison Execs Hacked Competing Dating Site, Accessed Customer Details

The hackers who last week shoved Ashley Madison into the global headlines have yet another big reveal. Gizmodo reports: The revelation is buried in what hackers say is 30-gigabytes of [Ashley Madison CEO Neil] Biderman’s emails. One of those emails is from Ashley Madison’s founding CTO, Raja Bhatia, who claims to have hacked Nerve.com’s then-new dating website. Security expert Brian …

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Josh Duggar’s Brother-In-Law Vows In Facebook Postings: “I Won’t Stop Trying To Get That Pig Out Of Our Family”

Duggar family infighting! E Online reports: The Duggars might be turning to their faith during Josh Duggar’s ongoing scandal, but one person is set on having him ousted from the family, and that’s Daniel Keller, Josh’s wife’s brother. Anna Duggar’s brother commented several times on the picture of the Bible verse Jessa Duggar posted on social media Sunday, going on …

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Southern Baptists Head Ronnie Floyd Hints That Josh Duggar Cheated Because His Wife Didn’t Put Out Enough

Ronnie Floyd is head of the Southern Baptist Convention and preaches at a church attended by the Duggar family. Yesterday Floyd delivered a sermon which obliquely referenced the latest Josh Duggar scandal. According to Floyd, if spouses don’t put out, Satan steps in. “Adultery, being sexually or emotionally unfaithful to your spouse, that’s wrong. Some of you are on the …

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CANADA: Ashley Madison Hit with $578M Class Action Suit

Two Canadian law firms have filed a joint class action suit against Ashley Madison “on behalf of all Canadians.” From the New York Post: “They are outraged that AshleyMadison.com failed to protect its users’ information,” said attorney Ted Charney, who filed the suit last Thursday. “In many cases, the users paid an additional fee for the Web site to remove …

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Matt Barber: Satan Runs Ashley Madison

“Hypocrisy is sin. It is hypocrisy, for instance, to run around cheating on your wife, and to then self-righteously rebuke others for the sin of adultery or some other sexual depravity. But the sin being rebuked remains sin nonetheless, even when he who rebukes it is a hypocrite. Indeed, we don’t have to judge sin, because that which is sin …

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Nightclub DJ Threatens To Sue Disgraced Christian Leader Josh Duggar For Using His Photo In OKCupid Profile

The man whose photo was used by Josh Duggar in his OKCupid profile is threatening to sue. TMZ has the scoop: Josh Duggar turned the life of a Hollywood DJ upside down by apparently jacking his pic for his OKCupid profile. Matthew McCarthy tells us he was shocked see his pic on the dating site, and way more shocked to …

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Tony Perkins: Obama Thinks Christians Are The Military’s Greatest Threat, Not ISIS Or Iran Or Russia Or North Korea

And that’s why the president has droned the fuck out of Liberty University. (Today’s money beg is really totally about YOU, of course.) Via email from pedophile employer Tony Perkins: “President Obama, America’s Commander-In-Chief, is aggressively attacking what he believes is the greatest threat to the U.S. Armed Forces. No, not ISIS. Not Hamas. Not Russia, China, Iran, or North …

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REPORT: Anna Duggar Blames Herself For Josh’s Adultery, Divorce Is Out Of The Question Because Jesus

According to a widely-quoted Duggar family insider, Anna Dugger partially blames herself for her husband’s porn addiction and cheating, which maybe happened because she didn’t put out enough. Which totally lets Satan off the hook. The insider further claims that divorce is out of the question. From People Magazine: “Anna will not leave him,” says the source. “As with her in-laws, …

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Dan Savage Deplores Ashley Madison Hacking, But Says Josh Duggar’s Anti-Gay Hypocrisy Deserves Outing [VIDEO]

Dan Savage writes at The Stranger: Outing someone for their private sexual conduct—even if everyone agrees that it’s wrong—is a brutal tactic that should be reserved for brutes. Who’s a legitimate target for outing? I’ll let Barney Frank explain: “There’s a right to privacy,” Frank said on Real Time. “But the right to privacy should not be a right to …

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Tony Perkins Has The Duggaring Sadz: Josh’s Deceitful Behavior Has Hurt The Christian Family Values Movement

“Last night we learned from online reports about allegations concerning Josh Duggar and then read his confession today. We are grieved by Josh’s conduct and the devastating impact of his pornography addiction and marital unfaithfulness. Our hearts hurt for his family, and all those affected by Josh’s actions. His deceitful behavior harms his family, his friends, his former coworkers, and …

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REPORT: Josh Duggar Had Secret Facebook Page, Was Friends With “Strippers And Lingerie Models”

Yet another Duggartastic revelation, this time from Radar Online: RadarOnline.com can reveal even more bombshell details of the 19 Kids & Counting star’s depraved double life: A Facebook account registered to his email address is friends with local Arkansas strippers and lingerie models. Josh admitted to signing up for cheaters website Ashley Madison with the email address [email protected], and there …

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Porno Pete Has The Duggaring Sadz

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Josh Duggar Apologizes To Jesus, Blames Internet Porn Addiction For Membership On Adultery Site Ashley Madison

“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became an addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife. I am so ashamed of the double life I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain, and disgrace …

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Probable Josh Duggar Profile Also Found On OKCupid

It looks like Josh Duggar also had a hook-up account on OKCupid. Gawker writes: The picture is obviously not of Josh Duggar. And as of right now, it appears on WordPress under the title “random guy from Facebook.” If you search “random guy” on Google images, the same photo comes up as one of the very first results. So if …

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GAWKER: Josh Duggar Had Two Ashley Madison Accounts

Holy Family Duggar Research Duggar Council Duggar! Gawker has found TWO paid Ashley Madison accounts for Josh Duggar among the millions of user profiles released today by hackers. They write: Josh himself took to his family’s Facebook page to absolve himself of his past indiscretions and assure the world he was back on a righteous path. But data released online …

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ARKANSAS: Activists Booted From Anti-Gay Rights Rally Led By Martyred Oregon Bakers [VIDEO]

Thanks in large part to the work of the Duggar family, last December voters in Fayetteville, Arkansas repealed that town’s LGBT rights ordinance. Activists have placed another LGBT right bill on the ballot and last night four of them were booted out a “Protect Fayetteville” rally held at a Baptist church where martyred Oregon bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein spoke …

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FRC Staffer Craig James Sues Fox Sports For Anti-Christian Religious Discrimination

Former New England Patriots running back, failed US Senate candidate, and current Family Research Council staffer Craig James has filed an employment discrimination lawsuit against Fox Sports, alleging that the network fired him as a commentator over his Christian stance on same-sex marriage. Yahoo News reports: In 2013, Fox Sports Southwest fired James two days after it hired him upon …

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Duggar Family Issues Money Beg

Via Radar Online: How low will they go? Thanks to their former lucrative TLC contracts, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are reportedly millionaires. However, now that the network has canceled the family’s reality show, 19 Kids And Counting, following disgraced son Josh’s sex abuse scandal, the shameless parents and their ultra-Christian brood are begging fans for financial support, RadarOnline can …

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Rick Perry Confirms For Duggar Fest 2015

That makes six of the GOP presidential candidates: Perry, Walker, Huckabee, Santorum, Cruz, and Carson. So far. Who will say no?

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Michelle Duggar Roller Skates To YMCA

Raw Story reports: The Duggar family is clearly not sulking around their aircraft carrier of a house and hanging their heads in despair after being dumped from TLC last week. E! Online reported Thursday that the reality-TV family posted a grainy cell phone video to their Facebook page this week of family matriarch Michelle Duggar roller skating to the Village …

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