Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

Headline Of The Day

“The Duggars want to return to TV because they truly believe it was part of God’s plan for them to spread the word about their faith.” – Via People Magazine.

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Josh Duggar Has Fourth Child

There’s another Duggar in the world. Anna and Josh Duggar have welcomed their fourth child, a baby girl named Meredith Grace Duggar. Josh Duggar broke the news of the birth with a photo posted on Instagram, saying: “Announcing the arrival of Meredith Grace Duggar — 7lbs 14 ozs, 20-1/2in — Anna and Meredith are resting & doing well!” The “19 …

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The Duggar Family Has The Sadz

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Charleston Mass Murderer Researched The Same White Supremacists Group Once Addressed By FRC President Tony Perkins

As I have mentioned here many times over the years, in 2001 then Louisiana state Rep. Tony Perkins addressed (photo above) the Council Of Conservative Citizens, an SPLC certified racist hate group with active chapters in more than a dozen states including South Carolina. Perkins’ speech to the CCC (formerly the White Citizens Council) came only five years after he …

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FRC Launches Publicity For VVS 2015

Kelvin Cochran was fired for proselytizing at the workplace and the Benham brothers lost their show after Right Wing Watch publicized a host of vile anti-gay statements, including their claim that gay people are controlled by Satan. And of course, the Kleins were fined for violating public accommodation laws in Oregon, which added sexual orientation to those protections seven years …

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Headline Of The Day

Via Talking Points Memo: Voters who cast their ballots for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in the last election have a higher opinion of the scandal-plagued Duggar family than of President Barack Obama, according to a poll provided Tuesday to TPM. A survey conducted by the Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling found that 67 percent of respondents who voted for …

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NEVADA: Legal Brothel Bans Josh Duggar

The owner of Nevada’s famed Bunny Ranch is rather notorious for trying to inject himself into national stories by banning those making the headlines from his brothel. So here he is again. Via press release: The world famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch, famed legal brothel that has been featured on HBO’s smash hit series “Cathouse”, has taken the extraordinary step of …

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Hate Groups Publish Full-Page Message To SCOTUS In The Washington Post: We Won’t Honor Your Ruling On Marriage

A coalition of hate groups and Christian pastors calling themselves Defend Marriage has published a full-page message to SCOTUS in the Washington Post. Among the signers at the bottom of the ad are Mat Staver, Elaine Donnelly, the Benham brothers, Alveda King, Jim Garlow, John Hagee, E.W. Jackson, Don Wildmon, Dave Welch, Robert Jeffress, and Penny Nance. From the text: …

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State Workers Call 911 After Duggar Family Objects To New Investigation

In Touch did promise us new revelations: The Duggar family is under investigation again by the Arkansas Department of Human Services and police were called when the family refused to cooperate, In Touch magazine is reporting exclusively in its new issue that hits newsstands today. A representative from the Washington County DHS called 911 on May 27 at around 11 …

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LIVE VIDEO: FRC Explains Plans For Battle After SCOTUS Rules For Gay Marriage

UPDATE: The live-stream has concluded but you can still watch the full nonsense below.

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Franklin Graham Won’t Do Business With Bank That “Promotes Sin” – Moves All Accounts To Bank Sponsoring Gay Pride

Brian Tashman writes at Right Wing Watch: Graham spoke with Craig James of the Family Research Council, which is cheering on Graham’s announcement, on yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch,” where he explained that he will be switching to BB&T, another North Carolina-based bank. Graham may not have done much research, as BB&T has received an 80 percent score in the …

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Tony Perkins Duggar Celebrates Franklin Graham’s Call To Boycott Everything Gay

“Wells Fargo may be the first American bank to feature a lesbian ad — but it may also be the last. The outrage over these in-your-face commercials is finally reaching a boiling point with consumers, who are sick and tired of watching companies pitch agendas over products. American powerhouses like General Mills, Tiffany & Co., Amazon, Starbucks, Tylenol, Target, Nabisco, …

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REPORT: Lesbian Couple Helped Break The Duggar Family Molestation Scandal

Early this year the Duggar family invited couples to post kissing photos on their Facebook page, which naturally spurred many submissions by gay couples. After the Duggars deleted all of the gay photos, Texas couple Tandra Barnfield and Samantha Muzny went viral with a photo they took right in front of the Duggar home in Arkansas. The pair returned to …

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FRC Celebrates Vote Denying Benefits To Veterans In Non-Marriage Equality States

Via press release from the FRC: There may be a consensus in the courts for same-sex “marriage,” but not Congress. In a quiet — but significant — vote, the Senate made it clear that the legislative branch understands exactly where the people stand on marriage — and it isn’t where the Left would have you believe. During yesterday’s vote on …

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Duggar Sisters Speak Out On Fox: Josh Was Just A Little Too Curious About Girls

Via CNN: What happened to Josh Duggar’s victims was “very mild” compared to what other victims of sexual molestation have experienced, two sisters of the reality TV star told Fox News in an interview that aired Friday night. Jessa Duggar Seewald and Jill Duggar Dillard said their brother began inappropriately touching them before they were teenagers. Dillard said she was …

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REPORTS: Jim Bob And Michelle Duggar Lied During Fox News Interview

Yesterday afternoon In Touch published a seven-point refutation of claims made by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar during their Fox News interview. An excerpt: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar broke their silence about son Josh’s sexual molestation scandal on Wednesday night, but their interview was filled with misinformation and the reality TV couple also withheld crucial facts, according to public …

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Huckabee Scrubs Duggar Endorsement

Via Talking Points Memo: Endorsements from Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, of TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting,” have disappeared from former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s (R) presidential campaign website. The Duggar endorsements enjoyed top billing on the campaign site’s “I Like Mike” sidebar on May 22, the day Huckabee issued a full-throated defense of the family following the publication of …

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Sarah Palin Defends The Duggars: Media Is “Spitting On The Graves” Of Those Who Died For Freedom Of Speech

“The shocking, unethical leak of a private, legally protected counseling document by a politically motivated law enforcement official. Media – time to go after her or him for illegalities and for destroying the public’s trust in law enforcement. The media’s hell-bent mission to go after the entire Duggar family for one member’s wrongdoing, while giving a total pass to perverted …

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Duggars On Fox News: Josh Is Not A Pedophile And Keeping Trans People Out Of Restrooms Is Just Common Sense

Via the Washington Post: At one point, Kelly asked Michelle Duggar about a robocall she made that,Kelly said,”suggested transgender people might want to go into the bathrooms of girls, locker rooms of girls, and that they may be child molesters.” “I think that protecting young girls and not allowing young men and men in general to go into a girls’ …

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NOM Chairman John Eastman: I Hope That Uganda Reinstates The Life Sentence For Homosexuality “In Short Order”

“Contrary to the way it was reported here in the United States, it provided life imprisonment for aggravated homosexuality, that is homosexual acts committed by somebody infected with HIV/AIDS, who knew that by conducting that act they knew they were very likely to give that deadly disease – death sentence – to their sex partners. And homosexual acts with minors. …

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