Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

Tony Perkins: Pray That Chick-Fil-A Goes Anti-Gay Again

From the Family Research Council’s prayer of the day: Father, only you can change the hearts of people; only you can repair the damage that has been done. Move upon this company. Stir them to see the damage and to repent. Grant discernment from heaven. Cause those who are taking a biblical stand to persevere and not be influenced by …

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Homeland Security Raids Josh Duggar’s Workplace

Fox News reports: Homeland Security agents paid a visit to the car dealership in Arkansas where former reality star Josh Duggar works as part of an ongoing federal investigation, according to reports. The family denied a report earlier this week that the family home had been raided. However, it seems that the Duggars are in federal agents’ sights after all, …

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Tony Perkins: Pray Against “Egregious Sin” Of Sex Ed

From the Family Research Council’s prayer of the day: On Tuesday morning, October 29th, just after midnight, the Austin, Texas Independent School District (AISD) unanimously approved a new sex-ed program to be taught to children in grades 3-8, despite overwhelming opposition by district parents. What happens in our public schools will rapidly impact our culture, whether we opt our children …

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Tony Perkins: Send Me Money To Stop Drag Queens

Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins: As a parent, I will do anything to protect my children. Won’t you? That’s why this email is so important. There is a coordinated movement to not only oppose the biblical worldview but also groom younger generations to accept dangerous ideas about gender and sexual identity. Have you seen the headlines? Public …

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Tony Perkins: Send Me Money To Stop Impeachment

Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins: “Impeachment!” That word has spread like a virus from Washington, D.C., across our land for nearly three years. After desperately searching for a crime — turning our legal system’s “presumption of innocence” on its head — the Left hasn’t been able to produce a single legitimate charge against President Donald J. Trump! …

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Tony Perkins: Joe Biden Spells Extremism “L-G-B-T”

Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins: They may only be four percent of our country — but the LGBT community is getting 100 percent of the Left’s attention. Over the weekend, 10 of the Democrats vying for President Trump’s job tried to persuade Americans that the most pressing issue facing our country is the pursuit of taxpayer-funded gender …

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Tony Perkins Rages: House Democrats Want To Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Over 60 Christian Hate Groups

Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Thursday’s hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee wasn’t the first time liberals have tried to use the IRS to do their dirty work — but it might be the most revealing. At a Thursday event that was either unnoticed by the press (or intentionally sidestepped by it), Democrats spent almost …

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Perkins Blames Mass Shootings On Teaching Evolution

“I agree, praying alone is not enough. It’s time to act. And it’s not just about having a conversation about restricting those who should not have guns — criminals — but it’s also a discussion of the absence of a moral core in our culture today. “I mean, look. We’ve taught our kids they come about through chance through primordial …

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Duggar Sisters Win Right To Sue City For Revealing Info About Being Incestuously Molested By Their Brother

The Associated Press reports: A lawsuit filed by four reality show sisters can proceed against an Arkansas city that released confidential information about their alleged sexual abuse by a brother, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Jill Duggar Dillard, Jessa Duggar Seewald, Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Joy Duggar had an expectation of …

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Tony Perkins: Hooray, Some Young People Hate LGBTs

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: For everyone who’s tired of scrolling through rainbow pride, here’s some good news. This constant saturation of LGBT messaging may finally be having an effect — and not the one liberals were counting on. Turns out, the Left’s in-your-face approach to sexuality is backfiring, and in the least likely generation of …

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Tony Perkins: The Equality Act “Quarantines Faith Within Your Mind” And “Memory Holes” Your Religious Freedom

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: As the Equality Act (H.R. 5) just passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, I remind you, that this is an all-out assault on parental rights, on the family, and on the millions of people of faith in this country. The legislation goes far beyond just quarantining faith behind the four …

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Tony Perkins: Defund PBS Because Of Gay Cartoon Rat

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: “Arthur” isn’t just the longest-running cartoon series on television – it’s also the most controversial! That’s all thanks to PBS, who’s spent the last umpteen years using its half-billion taxpayer dollars promoting the agenda of the far Left. Now, apparently, that agenda includes pitching same-sex marriage to kids as young as …

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FRC Cites Leviticus In Prayer Against Mayor Pete

From the Family Research Council’s prayer of the day: What Mayor Pete and his tribe don’t get is that most evangelicals who support President Trump don’t rationalize or excuse his personal failings; rather they endorse the policies of his administration that reflect biblical truth on everything from protecting pre-borns and defending religious liberty to reversing Obama’s transgender military policy and …

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Tony Perkins Celebrates Dip In Support For LGBT Rights Among Some Young Republicans: All Hope Is Not Lost

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: For everyone who’s wondered if the battle for the under-30 crowd is lost, here’s hope. In this post-Obergefell world, not every young person is signing up to march in their local pride parade. The first generation to come of age in a same-sex marriage society is finally feeling the effects. And soon, …

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Tony Perkins Warns Of “Dehumanizing Tyranny” Should Joe Biden Or Elizabeth Warren Be Elected President

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: It’s going to take some clever strategists to get liberals out of the box they’ve put themselves in for 2020. In a field of Green Deal-infanticide-open borders-socialists, Joe Biden actually seemed like a semi-moderate choice for voters. That all fell apart last Friday, when he apologized for throwing a lukewarm compliment …

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ARKANSAS: State Supreme Court Strikes Down LGBT Rights Law Opposed By Famous Christian Child Molester

The Associated Press reports: Arkansas’ highest court says a city can’t enforce an ordinance banning discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, saying it’s already ruled the measure violates a state law aimed at preventing local protections for LGBT people. The state Supreme Court on Thursday reversed a Washington County judge’s decision to allow Fayetteville to continue enforcing its …

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Tony Perkins: Send Money Now To “Undermine” Pelosi

From hate group leader Tony Perkins: With so much on the line for faith, family, and freedom, we need you to stand with us today. FRC needs $3.1 million in December to keep your voice heard in Washington. D.C. and continue winning battles for the issues of faith, family, and freedom that you and I believe in. With only days …

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Perkins: All Anti-LGBT Discrimination Should Be Legal

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: In recent years, efforts by LGBT activists to insert “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (“SOGI”) as specially protected categories in the law have continued at the state and local levels, but they have not made much progress in Congress. With Democrats taking over the House in 2019, that may change. We …

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Tony Perkins Mocks Boy Scouts’ Bankruptcy Woes

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: A half-decade into its LGBT experiment, the Boy Scouts are a step away from bankruptcy. Turns out, their defining moment may also be a fatal one. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the group has been bleeding members since it broke camp and allowed in kids and leaders who openly identify …

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FRC’s “Christian Heritage Tour” Includes Three Nights At Trump’s DC Hotel And “Possible” WH Briefing For $2500

Politico reports: The Family Research Council’s “Washington D.C. Christian Heritage Tour & Summit” in March is the latest conservative confab scheduled to take place at the Trump International Hotel. The three-night jaunt includes accommodations at the hotel and the possibility of a briefing at the White House, plus a day at the Museum of the Bible and a private tour …

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