Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

Tony Perkins Cheers Trump Latest Anti-Trans Move

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: This isn’t exactly the age of responsible journalism — so this weekend’s New York Times probably doesn’t surprise anyone. But for every American sick of fake news (and according to polls, that’s everyone), Sunday’s headline was one for the record books. “‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined out of Existence under Trump Administration,” …

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Tony Perkins Backs Trump’s Claim That Democrats Will Become Violent If They Win The Midterms [VIDEO]

Raw Story reports: Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on Monday agreed with President Donald Trump’s sentiment that Democrats will become “violent” if they are allowed to win midterm elections. During a dinner with evangelical leaders, Trump raised the specter of violence to motivate Christian voters. CNN’s Erica Hill spoke to Perkins on Wednesday after he attended the dinner with …

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Tony Perkins: California’s Ex-Gay Torture Bill Could Ban The Bible, It’s The Worst Attack On Religious Liberty

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: There have been many recent attacks on religious liberty, but this latest one may be the most aggressive and a harbinger of what is coming to the rest of America. On August 16, the California Senate passed an extremely anti-religious freedom bill. And if egregious attacks on religious liberty like this …

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FRC Prays Against California Ex-Gay Torture Ban

The prayer of the day from the Family Research Council: California AB2943 Counseling BAN Vote Expected Tomorrow — Believers are rallying in California to prevent the criminalization of counseling, speech, books, advertising, and every kind of therapy to help people who seek to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. The U.S. Supreme Court, in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, rebuked …

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Tony Perkins Hails New DOJ Task Force To Promote Hate Groups: “We Are Witnessing The Revival Of Freedom”

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: In the wake of the Obama administration, we are witnessing a revival of freedom! The announcement of the creation of a new Religious Liberty Task Force by Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the launch of the next phase of President Trump’s campaign promise to protect the religious freedoms of all Americans. …

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Tony Perkins Laments Legalization Of Homosexuality

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: To most people, July 19th is just another day. If you asked them what happened on this date 25 years ago, only a handful would probably know that President Bill Clinton made “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” the policy for America’s military. Even fewer would know that the summer of 1993 help …

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Tony Perkins Hails GOP Maine Gov. Paul LePage: The Real Torture Is Denying Help To People Who Want It

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Imagine being stuck in a cycle of depression or an unhealthy relationship and not being able to get help. Well, people in 13 states don’t have to imagine it. Thanks to a string of bad laws, something as simple as sitting down and talking to a counselor of your choice about …

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Family Research Council: Send Us Money Right Now So We Can Influence Trump’s Supreme Court Nomination

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: After months of rumors, we have the answer: Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced he is retiring from the U.S. Supreme Court! Following a series of 5-4 decisions regarding such fundamental freedoms as religious freedom and speech, today’s announcement will turbo charge this fall’s election. In a closely divided U.S. Senate, every vote …

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Tony Perkins: Right Wing Turnout In The Midterms Will Be “Turbo-Charged” By The SCOTUS Nominee Battle

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: On cases involving abortion and issues of sexuality and gender, there stands to be a major sea change with Trump’s next SCOTUS pick. As the first GOP nominee in history to say that he would only appoint pro-life justices to the bench, Trump won over plenty of skeptics by releasing his list …

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Perkins: Leftists Bullies Are Falsely Comparing The Red Hen Incident To Anti-LGBT Discrimination By Christians

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Some on the Left try to justify driving conservatives from public spaces by saying it’s the same as Christian bakers and florists, but the only ones denying service to people are liberals! Unlike the Red Hen’s owner, Christians Jack Phillips, Melissa Klein, and Barronelle Stutzman all offered to sell their customers anything …

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Tony Perkins: Robert De Niro’s F-Bombs Only Prove That Hypocritical Liberal Elitists “Truly Have No Culture”

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Once again, some on the Left are coming unhinged. There’s no longer even a fig leaf of impartiality with the entertainment industry and liberal extremists. This administration, through their reversal of President Obama’s anti-family, anti-faith policies, is clearly revealing what the 2016 election did: the fault lines in America. As we’ve …

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Tony Perkins Claims “Victory” In Anti-Gay Baker Ruling

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: This is a victory for Jack Phillips and our nation’s long cherished freedom of following one’s deeply held beliefs without fear of government punishment. The Supreme Court made clear that the government has no authority to discriminate against Jack Phillips because of his religious beliefs. Misguided government officials singled out Jack’s …

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Tony Perkins: Patriotism Is “No Longer Optional” In The NFL Because They Learned Not To Tangle With Trump

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: The NFL season hasn’t started, but the league is doing its best to make sure they still have fans when it does! After a year-long controversy that cost him fans, advertisers, and ratings, Commissioner Roger Goodell finally decided to step in and stop the bleeding. A new anthem policy will take effect …

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Perkins: LGBT Activists Have Subpoenaed My Secret Anti-Trans Messages To Trump So Send Me Money

Just in from hate groups leader Tony Perkins: You’ll recall that this started last July when President Trump kept his pledge to end the Obama era of social experimentation in our nation’s armed forces. Moving away from political correctness and putting the focus on the military’s mission of preparing to fight and win wars, he announced that the military would …

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Tony Perkins: Foreign Christians Were Raped, Tortured, And Beheaded Due To Barack Obama’s “Indifference”

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: The world’s worst actors got away with an awful lot when Barack Obama was president. When tyrants across Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, and other countries started sensing the White House’s indifference toward religious persecution, they exploited it. Little by little, they let their deep hatred for certain faiths turn violent. As time …

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McConnell Appoints Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins To US Commission On “International Religious Freedom”

Via press release from the Family Research Council: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) today announced the appointment of Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) as its newest commissioner, for a two-year term. Mr. Perkins will remain FRC president during his time with USCIRF. Majority Leader McConnell appointed Perkins …

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Tony Perkins Blames Obama For US Deaths In Niger: Diversity Lectures Have Distracted From Real Training

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Readiness has been a major focus of this administration, and after eight years of Barack Obama, it’s obvious that there’s still work to do. FRC’s Lt. General Jerry Boykin (Ret.), who once commanded the Army’s Special Forces, can’t help but think that the politically correct agenda of the last commander-in-chief is …

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Tony Perkins Celebrates Anti-LGBT Adoption Bills: Lawmakers Are Hitting Back At Anti-Christian Bullies

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: LGBT activists have been fond of saying that same-sex marriage would never affect you. Well, now, it’s not only affecting you — it’s affecting needy kids. Across the country, Christian charities and adoption services have been bracing themselves against wave after wave of attack from liberals, desperate to kick them out of …

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Tony Perkins: If Bars Can Refuse To Serve Trump Fans, Christians Should Be Able To Turn Away Gay Customers

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: If Kanye West wears his “Make America Great Again” hat to a New York City bar, beware! He might not be served. When a Trump supporter sued The Happiest Hour for saying he wasn’t welcome, a Manhattan judge sided with the bar. As far as the court is concerned, if a business …

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Tony Perkins: We Need $5 Million To Stop Public School Students From Attending Events With Same-Sex Dates

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: The Declaration of Independence proclaims that Americans are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Our nation’s foundational document undeniably originates from a biblical worldview. But in our current social and political climate, those “unalienable Rights” are under attack more …

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