Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

Republicans Introduce Joint Bill To Legalize Anti-LGBT Discrimination By Adoption Agencies Nationwide

Hate group leader Tony Perkins is thrilled: If federal lawmakers want to show they care about children and families, there’s perhaps no better opportunity in the near term than by passing the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (CWPIA). Pending in the House as H.R. 1881 (introduced by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Penn.)), and in the Senate as S. 811 (introduced by …

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Tony Perkins: Gays Have Subpoenaed Our Secret Anti-Transgender Messages To Trump, So Send Us Money

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: As a trusted friend of FRC, I wanted to make you aware of this developing situation and ask for your prayers. You’ll recall that last July, President Trump kept his pledge to end the Obama era of social experimentation in our nation’s armed forces. Moving away from political correctness and putting the …

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Tony Perkins: Mike Pompeo Is A Ray Of Anti-Gay Hope After Years Of Obama’s Harassment Of Christians

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Under Barack Obama, world leaders were furious with the way the president used the State Department to export his LGBT agenda globally. Trump’s predecessor not only sent openly gay ambassadors into countries that are culturally opposed to homosexuality, they used foreign aid to bully other nations into accepting Obama’s twisted agenda. He …

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Tony Perkins: It’s “Fake News” That Evangelicals Are Planning Sit-Down With Trump Over Stormy Daniels

“The president is actually keeping his promises that he made two years ago and so his agenda is actually in jeopardy – which is an agenda that we agree with – is in jeopardy because so many evangelicals and conservatives are frustrated with Congress and they are likely not to show up and vote in the fall. We need to …

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Perkins: There Are No Google Doodles For Religious Holidays Which Means Google Totally Hates Christians

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: If you were hunting for eggs yesterday, you didn’t find them on Google. For the 18th straight year, the site blackballed Easter, refusing to give Christians’ holiest day the time of day on its homepage. To users, who are used to Google’s rotating calendar of politically-correct “Doodles,” the message was clear: if …

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Tony Perkins Cheers Latest Trans Ban: Trump Is Keeping His Promise To End Obama’s Social Experimentation

Via press release: President Trump is keeping his pledge to end the Obama era of social experimentation in our nation’s military. In the fall of 2016, I co-moderated a veterans townhall meeting where candidate Donald Trump was asked how he would handle social engineering and political correctness being forced on the military. He responded saying, ‘We are going to get …

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Tony Perkins: The Liberal Media Rehashes Trump’s Adultery Daily To Discourage Evangelicals From Voting

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Although the liberal media won’t admit it, there’s a deliberate effort to try to discourage evangelicals from voting and being involved. That’s why we’re seeing an almost daily rehashing of Trump’s past. Americans can’t make it through a half-hour of cable news without hearing about the president’s behavior back in 2006. They …

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Perkins: Intolerant Gays Are Ruining Country Music

Via press release from Tony Perkins: Through all of the cultural ups and downs, country music has always been a place conservatives felt welcome. While so many other celebrities started picking up activist causes and shaming fans who held Christian beliefs, American could always count on Nashville to stay true to their values (or at least tolerate them). Not anymore. …

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Tony Perkins Warns Evangelicals That The “Unhinged Left” Will Impeach Trump If Dems Win Back The House

Tony Perkins spoke today at National Religious Broadcasters convention. An excerpt from his remarks: Because of the importance of the evangelical voter, there is an intense effort on the Left to suppress their turnout in the upcoming elections, by dampening the enthusiasm of conservative voters. If they succeed and your listeners and viewers get discouraged and stay home in the …

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Tony Perkins Praises Papa John’s For Cutting Ties To The “Pathetic” NFL And Their Unpatriotic Players

Via press release from Tony Perkins: When it comes to sending the NFL a message, Papa John’s delivers. After six months of back and forth with the League over its pathetic handling of the anthem crisis, the pizza chain is finally cutting ties with Commissioner Bob Goodell. Papa John’s, new CEO Steve Ritchie announced, will no longer be the official …

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WH Promotes Column On Trump’s “Moral Failures”

Last night the White House tweeted out a promotion of Tony Perkins’ latest “mulligan” column in which he again declares that evangelicals don’t care about Trump’s history of “moral failures” because he’s keeping his promise to attack all the people they hate. An excerpt from USA Today: I’ve heard the allegations about Donald Trump’s past moral failures. I don’t pretend …

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Family Research Council Prayer: Thanks Be To God For Sending Us Trump Even Though He Commits Adultery

From the FRC’s prayer of the day: The election of a president who champions religious liberty, as President Trump has shown himself to be, was an answer to prayer even if God’s answer was not exactly what many of his people envisioned. Most experts believe a Hillary Clinton White House would have continued the conscience-violating, even dictatorial policies of the …

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Michael Steele On Tony Perkins’ Hypocrisy: Shut The Hell Up And Don’t Ever Preach To Me Again [VIDEO]

“I have very simple admonition: just shut the hell up and don’t preach to me about anything ever again. I don’t want to hear it, because after telling me who to love, what to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter, the grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter, the …

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FRC Offers “Pray For President Trump” Bumper Stickers

Jared Holt reports at Right Wing Watch: Tony Perkins, president of the anti-LGBTQ group Family Research Council, urged FRC Action members to join him in praying that God grants wisdom and protection to President Trump and to display a “PRAY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP” bumper sticker on their vehicles so others do the same.  Perkins begins a fundraising letter dated December …

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Family Research Council: Pray To Jesus That He Stops Godless Indoctrination By Transgender Servicemembers

Today’s prayer of the day from Tony Perkins: Lord, you ordained use of “the sword” for national security and police protection a core role of civil government. You created the two distinct, biological sexes as fundamental to life and decreed that sexual anarchy is a serious sin with profound consequences to individuals and society. Lord, intervene! Prevent our military from …

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Perkins: There Will Be No Statement On Wes Goodman

Yesterday the Christian Post published a lengthy recounting of the Wes Goodman sexual assault scandal and resulting coverup, concluding their story with this sentence: “The Christian Post reached out to FRC and Perkins for comment, but was told the organization will not be releasing a statement on the issue.” Meanwhile right wing columnist Rod Dreher lays into Perkins at the …

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EGYPT: Tony Perkins And Michele Bachmann Meet With Dictator President Amid Renewed Anti-LGBT Persecution

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports: Tony Perkins, president of the anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council (FRC), joined a group of evangelical leaders from the United States to meet with Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been criticized as a dictator responsible for Egypt’s harshest political repression in the country’s history. The el-Sisi government is also responsible for …

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Tony Perkins Has The Transgender Military Sadz

“This is where judicial activism is leading us. The courts have moved beyond legislating on the invented rights of abortion and same-sex marriage to clearly usurping the constitutional authority of the executive branch. The president has the primary task of protecting Americans but we see the courts weakening his immigration policies designed to protect America from threats and now telling …

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Family Research Council: Pray That God Makes Evil George Soros Kneel In Repentance Before Jesus

Well, this is subtle. From the Family Research Council’s prayer of the day: God, intervene! Glorify your name! Protect and preserve your people. Be a shield to them against the schemes of evil men. May your people know your blessing and provision and be fully equipped to counteract the plans of those who scheme for evil. Cause every dollar intended …

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Hate Groups Launch Black Anti-LGBT Campaign

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Baking cakes can be a dangerous line of work these days. It’s certainly no industry for cowards, as Edie and David Delorme, Aaron and Melissa Klein, Victoria Childress, and Jack Phillips will attest. In the last few years, their families have gone from selling confections to defending their convictions in court. …

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