Tag Archives: Josh Duggar

Tony Perkins Blames US Army Straight Sexting Scandal On “Moral Confusion” Of Gays Serving In The Military

This week a two-star US Army general lost his job because he’d been sexting the civilian wife of an enlisted man under his command. According to hate group leader Tony Perkins, that’s the fault of gay soldiers because their mere presence in the military creates “moral confusion.” Here’s a quote via Jared Holt at Right Wing Watch: “People think, ‘Well, …

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Former FRC Leader Josh Duggar Loses Privacy Suit Against Tabloid That Broke Molestation/Incest Story

The New York Post reports: Josh Duggar has lost his lawsuit against In Touch Weekly, Page Six has learned. The celebrity magazine revealed in 2015 that Duggar was accused of molesting his younger sisters—all of whom starred on the hit “19 Kids and Counting” reality show—in 2006 while Duggar and the women were all minors. In June of this year, …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Speaks At Values Voter Summit, First Sitting President To Address Hate Convention

The Independent reports: Donald Trump is to address the annual conference of an anti-LGBT group which has been classified as a hate group. The US president will become the first sitting president to address social conservative activists and elected officials at the Value Voters Summit in Washington DC on Friday. President Trump has addressed the event which is hosted by …

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Trump To Speak At Hate Group Convention

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Last year, he spoke to the Values Voter Summit as a candidate — this year, it will be as the 45th President of the United States. Today we have confirmation from the White House that President Donald Trump will speak to the VVS crowd this Friday morning. If you’re on the …

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FRC Launches Snitchline To Report On LGBT Americans Who Flagrantly Have Civil Rights At The Workplace

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Today, the Department of Justice (DOJ), issued guidance directing federal agencies to respect religious freedom. As you may remember, President Trump issued an executive order on May 4 making clear that the administration will pursue policies that “protect and vigorously promote religious liberty ” and thus directing the DOJ to issue …

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Tony Perkins Has The Tom Price Resignation Sadz

Last week hate group leader Tony Perkins declared that Democrats had “invented” Tom Price’s private jet scandal in order to keep him from stopping abortions. In a separate press release, Perkins also claimed that “most STDS are incurable.” It took Perkins six days, but he’s finally issued a reaction to Price’s resignation that manages to link both of those lies. …

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Tony Perkins: Most STDs Are “Incurable”

Hater Tony Perkins weighs in on yesterday’s CDC report: The outbreak of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis reached an astounding two million cases last year, “the highest number ever,” according to the Centers for Disease Control.  Unfortunately, this is just another by-product of sexual liberalism that’s coming home to roost in a nation that’s spent the last eight years — not …

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FRC Joins Demand For Boston To Fly Christian Flag

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: There’s a new four-letter word in Boston: FLAG. For months, Massachusetts capital city has welcomed any group to schedule an event at the city council and fly their flag. “Any kind of group, that is… but Christian,” LifeSiteNews reports. Despite flying everything from a transgender banner to a nod at the …

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Tony Perkins: Pray For Jesus To Stop The SPLC

Today’s FRC prayer of the day: Pray that the SPLC’s leaders, deeds, and motives will be exposed and that their influence will diminish. May God mercifully reach into the lives of the SPLC’s leaders, staff, and supporters, and convict them of the wrong they are doing. May the Holy Spirit lead them to repentance. May many encounter Christ dramatically, just …

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Josh Duggar To Face Jury Trial In Lawsuit Filed By DJ Whose Photo Was Stolen For Duggar’s Hook-Up Profiles

The Inquisitr reports: Josh Duggar is headed for a jury trial in the Ashley Madison lawsuit brought against him by a D.J. and model. The latter is claiming damages, after alleging Duggar family’s eldest child used his images on the adult website. Los Angles-based D.J. Matthew McCarthy has alleged Josh Duggar stole his image for use on Ashley Madison and …

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Tony Perkins On Trans Military Ban: Trump Is Keeping His Promise To End Obama’s Social Experimentation

Just in from hate group leader Tony Perkins: “I applaud President Trump for keeping his promise to return to military priorities – and not continue the social experimentation of the Obama era that has crippled our nation’s military. The military can now focus its efforts on preparing to fight and win wars rather than being used to advance the Obama …

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Tony Perkins Celebrates Obamacare Repeal Vote

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: When Majority Leader Mitch McConnell woke up this morning, he knew today was about one thing: moving on. Whether that meant moving on to the much-awaited health care debate or moving on to another strategy, no one knew. Halfway through the GOP’s weekly lunch, even the senators themselves had no idea …

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Family Research Council: Pray For God To Force Donald Trump To Repent For Transgender Military Service

From the Family Research Council’s daily prayer: Heavenly Father, it is time for you to act, for your law is being broken! This policy must be rejected: it brazenly defies You, God our Creator, and Your fixed, eternal moral laws. We defied your definition of marriage, now we defy the very apex of your created order, mankind created in your …

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FRC’s Tony Perkins Defends Trump Junior: The Biased Far-Left Media Is Out To Destroy A “Political Novice”

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: On the desk of any liberal media outlet, there are two rulebooks: one for Republicans, one for Democrats. If the election coverage didn’t convince you, then Donald Trump’s first seven months ought to. Despite making good on dozens of campaign promises, the Trump team has faced a lopsided barrage from an …

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FRC: Send Us Money To Help Get Obergefell Overturned

Today is the second anniversary of the Obergefell ruling. Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins: According to inside sources, President Trump may soon have another Supreme Court vacancy to fill. And it will make the last nomination fight look like a picnic. Even with the appointment of Justice Gorsuch, constitutional conservatives do not have a majority on America’s …

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Tony Perkins Celebrates “Good News” That Federal Court Approved Mississippi’s License To Discriminate

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: It’s rare to get good news from the courts these days, but in Mississippi, Governor Phil Bryant (R) got exactly that. Before the ink had even dried on his Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, a group of liberal activists at the ACLU filed suit. In one of the …

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Tony Perkins Calls On Trump To “Take A Wrecking Ball” To LGBT Pride Month Recognition By Federal Agencies

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: The problem at the U.S. Embassy in Romania wasn’t that officials were saluting the flag. The problem was which flag they were saluting. In a tradition most Americans hoped was gone with President Obama, a handful of U.S. diplomats decided to fly the rainbow flag on par with the stars and …

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Josh Duggar Seeks To Sue Police For “Emotional Distress” Over Being Exposed As Incestuous Molester

The Associated Press reports: Reality TV personality Josh Duggar faced “unwarranted public scrutiny” after a magazine disclosed that sisters told police they had been molested by him years earlier, lawyers for Duggar said in a complaint in which he seeks to join his sisters’ breach-of-privacy lawsuit over the revelation. Four of Duggar’s sisters are suing the city of Springdale and …

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Tony Perkins Flips Out After US Embassy Flies Rainbow Flag, Calls On Rex Tillerson To “Put A Stop” To It

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Yesterday, the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia posted this on Twitter: “We’re flying the rainbow flag today to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, & Biphobia.” This kind of activism is hardly likely to endear our country to the Macedonians. The former Yugoslav republic is facing a political crisis in the …

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FRC Prayer Of The Day: Ask White Jesus To Stop Special Rights For LGBTs And End Their Moral Subversion

From the Family Research Council’s prayer of the day: Lord, Obergefell v. Hodges was an assault upon Your institution of marriage, the cornerstone of society. The effort to mainstream transgenderism is an assault on You as Creator and the heart of Your created order. Please help us to prevent the conferring of special rights and privileges for those who embrace …

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