Tag Archives: Julian Assange

Julian Assange Offers Wikileaks Job To James Comey Because He “Knows Where Many Bodies Are Buried”

Heavy.com reports: James Comey may have just been fired by President Donald Trump from his position as FBI Director, but he already has a new job offer from a surprising source: WikiLeaks. Shortly after he was fired, Julian Assange tweeted that he would be happy to offer Comey a new job if he wanted to continue to properly investigate the …

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Assange Blames Marine Le Pen’s Loss On “Sexism”

The Hill reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday lamented Marine Le Pen’s loss in France’s presidential election, appearing to link it to Hillary Clinton’s loss in last year’s U.S. election as examples of women being held back. “First Hillary, now Marine. It’s 2017 and the patriarchy’s grip is as strong as ever,” Assange tweeted. Shortly before, he posted a …

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Julian Assange: CIA Head Mike Pompeo Has Declared War On Me, But He Loved Wikileaks During The Election

From an op-ed Julian Assange has written for the Washington Post: When the director of the CIA, an unelected public servant, publicly demonizes a publisher such as WikiLeaks as a “fraud,” “coward” and “enemy,” it puts all journalists on notice, or should. Pompeo’s next talking point, unsupported by fact, that WikiLeaks is a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” is a dagger …

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Sessions: Arresting Julian Assange Is Now A “Priority”

The Guardian reports: The arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is now a “priority” for the US, the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has said. Hours later it was reported by CNN that authorities have prepared charges against Assange, who is currently holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Donald Trump lavished praise on the anti-secrecy website during the presidential …

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REPORT: Feds Mull Charges Against Julian Assange

The New York Times reports: The Justice Department is weighing anew whether to charge Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, for his role in the disclosure of highly classified information that the United States government claims has harmed national security and diplomatic relations, a law enforcement official said. The debate among prosecutors, which the official described as vigorous, is being …

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Showtime Debuts Trailer For Assange Doc [VIDEO]

From Showtime: Showtime Documentary Films will release RISK, the latest documentary from Academy Award winner Laura Poitras (CITIZENFOUR). Filmed over six years including through the 2016 presidential election and up to the present moment, RISK takes viewers closer than they have ever been before to Julian Assange and those who surround him. With unprecedented access, Poitras give us the WikiLeaks …

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LONDON: Nigel Farage Meets With Julian Assange

Nope. Not suspicious at ALL. Buzzfeed reports: Nigel Farage visited the Ecuadorian embassy in west London on Thursday, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been living since he claimed asylum in 2012. The former UKIP leader spent around 40 minutes in the building and left at noon, accompanied by Christian Mitchell, the head of operations at radio station LBC, where …

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Wikileaks Posts Thousands Of CIA Documents

The New York Times reports: WikiLeaks on Tuesday released thousands of documents that it said described sophisticated software tools used by the Central Intelligence Agency to break into smartphones, computers and even Internet-connected televisions. If the documents are authentic, as appeared likely at first review, the release would be the latest coup for the anti-secrecy organization and a serious blow …

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Julian Assange Rushes To Defend Homocon Milo

Via Mediaite: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange decided to get in on Milo Yiannopoulos‘ most recent controversy by denouncing the “liberals” who are happy that the Breitbart tech editor has been exiled from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Yiannopoulos was meant to give a speech at CPAC this week, but after a video surfaced of him apparently defending pedophilia, he …

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Wikileaks: Send Us Trump’s Tax Returns

This morning Kellyanne Conway flatly declared that contrary to his many, many promises to do so, Donald Trump will never release his tax returns. Conway added, “The people voted for him, they just don’t care.” Wikileaks immediately responded, calling Trump’s “breach of promise” worse than Hillary Clinton’s refusal to release the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs, and offering …

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Assange Lawyer: Chelsea Manning’s Commutation Didn’t Meet Our Extradition Offer’s Conditions

As we all predicted. The Hill reports: The lawyer for Julian Assange said President Obama’s commutation of Chelsea Manning’s sentence does not meet the conditions of the WikiLeaks head’s offer to be extradited to the United States if Manning were pardoned. Obama on Tuesday commuted Manning’s sentence for leaking diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks, leading many to wonder whether that meant …

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BRITAIN: Julian Assange Offers To Surrender To US If Obama Pardons Imprisoned Wikileaker Chelsea Manning

The International Business Times reports: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is willing to be extradited to the US in exchange for the release of the imprisoned military whistleblower Chelsea Manning, Wikileaks has tweeted on 12 January. “If Obama grants Manning clemency Assange will agree to US extradition despite clear unconstitutionality of DoJ case”, the tweet read. Wikileaks has made similar pledges …

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Trump Accepts Marching Orders From Julian Assange

It’s totally a coincidence that Wikileaks tweeted this exact thing just a few hours ago, right? Via Reuters: President-elect Donald Trump said on Friday that he would ask congressional committees to investigate NBC’s receipt of top secret information, apparently referring to a report on Russian hacking to influence the 2016 U.S. election. “I am asking the chairs of the House …

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Trump Logic: Just Because I Approvingly Quoted Julian Assange Doesn’t Mean I Actually Believe Julian Assange

CBS News reports: On Twitter Thursday, Donald Trump objected to news stories that have suggested he places a higher value on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s statements than on the findings of the U.S. intelligence community. In the tweet that mentioned Assange Wednesday, Mr. Trump cited the WikiLeaks founder, who had claimed in an interview with Fox News that Russia was …

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CNN Unearths 2010 Clip Of Trump Telling Fox Host That “Disgraceful” Wikileaks Deserves Death Penalty [VIDEO]

CNN reports: Donald Trump called WikiLeaks “disgraceful” and suggested there be a “death penalty” for their actions during a 2010 interview. Speaking on camera to preview Brian Kilmeade’s radio show, the Fox News anchor brought up the topic of WikiLeaks. At the time, WikiLeaks had published hundreds of thousands of classified documents and videos that were leaked to the organization …

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House Speaker Paul Ryan Bucks Trump On Trade Tariffs, Slams Julian Assange As “Sycophant For Russia”

Roll Call reports: Speaker Paul D. Ryan, in a break from President-elect Donald Trump, said Wednesday that Congress is not going to increase taxes on imports and exports. “We’re not going to be raising tariffs,” Ryan said on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” Trump has called for a “big border tax” on companies that leave the United States but continue to …

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GOP Sen. Tom Cotton Defies Trump On Wikileaks: I Trust Our Analysts More Than I Trust Assange [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) on Wednesday said he had more trust in the country’s intelligence community than in WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange. “I have a lot more faith in our intelligence officers serving around the world, very smart and experienced analysts that we have here in the nation’s capital, than I do in people like Julian Assange,” …

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Putin Fan Sarah Palin Apologizes To Julian Assange After Calling For Him To Be Hunted Down As A Terrorist

“To Julian Assange: I apologize. Please watch Sean Hannity’s interview with Julian Assange (Wikileaks). Exposing the truth re: the Left having been oh-so-guilty of atrocious actions and attitudes of which they’ve falsely accused others. The media collusion that hid what many on the Left have been supporting is shocking. This important information that finally opened people’s eyes to democrat candidates …

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Trump Takes Word Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

Donald Trump this morning issued the above tweet in response to Sean Hannity’s interview with Julian Assange, which aired late last night. The Hill reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned it would be a “stupid maneuver” for Democrats to continue to hound President-elect Donald Trump for Russian hacking on various Democratic agencies. “[Y]ou watch. They will seize on this and …

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BRITAIN: Hannity To Interview Julian Assange Inside Ecuadorian Embassy For Congratulatory Fox Special

The Daily Beast reports: Despite having once called for Julian Assange’s arrest, Fox News host Sean Hannity will reportedly interview the WikiLeaks founder inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London in a special that will air on Tuesday. Hannity gave Assange a warm welcome in a September satellite interview on Fox News, praising the rabblerouser’s “harsh words” for both Hillary Clinton …

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