Tag Archives: Julian Assange

Trump Vows To Make Revelation About Hacking [VIDEO]

The New York Times reports: President-elect Donald J. Trump, expressing lingering skepticism about intelligence assessments of Russian interference in the election, said on Saturday evening that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking, and that the information would be revealed “on Tuesday or Wednesday.” Speaking to a handful of reporters outside his Palm Beach, Fla., club, …

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Wikileaks: Maybe Those Expelled Russian Diplomats Should Just “Hole Up” Until Trump Takes Office

Wikileaks this afternoon suggested that Russian diplomats should defy President Obama’s expulsion order and simply “hole up” in their US compounds until Trump is inaugurated. Because Julian Assange definitely knows a thing or two about holing-up in diplomatic compounds. In a follow-up tweet, Wikileaks declared that if the expelled Russians do leave, “US intelligence will covertly break in, copy everything …

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Julian Assange: Don’t Blame Me For Trump

The Hill reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says he deserves no blame for Hillary Clinton’s election loss. In an interview with Italian newspaper la Repubblica, Assange denied that he was seeking to damage Clinton’s campaign by publishing hacked emails that reflected poorly on her. The documents were what Clinton’s inner circle was “saying about their own campaign, which the American …

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BUT THEY TOTALLY DIDN’T HACK US: Putin Declares That Only Russia Believed Donald Trump Would Win

Via Politico: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday claimed that his country correctly predicted Donald Trump’s electoral victory and characterized Democrats as sore losers eager to blame anyone else for their losses. Speaking at his annual news conference, Putin said he hoped to have a productive relationship with Trump. “Nobody believed he would win except for us,” he said. On …

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Obama Vows To “Take Action” Against Russia [VIDEO]

Politico reports: President Barack Obama vowed to take retaliatory action against Russia for trying “to impact the integrity” of the 2016 presidential elections, in an interview broadcast Thursday. “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action,” the president told NPR. “And we will …

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Kremlin Denies Putin Was Involved In Hacking

The Washington Post reports: The Kremlin has denied a report that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed how hacked data from U.S. Democrats was used during the U.S. presidential election. NBC News on Wednesday quoted U.S. intelligence officials as saying that Putin “became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign.” Asked about the report, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday …

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Josh Earnest: You Don’t Need A Security Clearance To See Who Benefited From Russia’s Hacking [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest fielded a lot of questions today on reports of Russian interference in the election. “You didn’t need a security clearance,” he said, “to figure out who benefited from malicious Russian cyber activity.” Earnest even said of Donald Trump, “He called on Russia to hack his opponent… so he certainly had a pretty good …

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Clinton Campaign Backs Call For Electors To Get Intelligence Briefing On Russia’s Election Intervention

Politico reports: Hillary Clinton’s top political adviser John Podesta said the campaign is supporting an effort by members of the Electoral College to request an intelligence briefing on foreign intervention in the presidential election. “The bipartisan electors’ letter raises very grave issues involving our national security,” Podesta said in a statement Monday. “Electors have a solemn responsibility under the Constitution …

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Harry Reid: James Comey Cost Hillary The Election

The Hill reports: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s loss in the presidential election. “Comey helped [President-elect Donald] Trump significantly,” Reid said in an interview with CNN. “A week before the election, he came out with this, ‘Oh, we found some more emails,’ and, as a result of that, we …

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Possible Trump Pick John Bolton: Maybe President Obama Hired Russian Hackers As A False Flag [VIDEO]

Politico reports: Ambassador John Bolton claimed Sunday that hacks during the election season could have been “a false flag” operation — possibly committed by the Obama administration itself. In an interview with Fox News’ Eric Shawn, Bolton questioned why FBI Director James Comey said during the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private server, there was no direct evidence found of foreign …

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Explosive Reince Priebus Tries To Divert Russian Hacking Story: I’m Telling You The RNC Wasn’t Hacked [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: Reince Priebus vehemently denied that the Republican National Committee had been hacked alongside its Democratic counterpart as part of what the CIA concluded was a Russian attempt to influence the outcome of the United States election in Donald Trump’s favor. “Number one, the RNC was not hacked. I don’t know of any employees, on any of their …

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Former US Ambassador: Russia Hacked The Election To Get Revenge Against Hillary Clinton [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: Russia interfered in the U.S. elections to get revenge against Hillary Clinton, a former U.S. ambassador to the Kremlin said Sunday. Michael McFaul, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 2012 to 2014, said he thinks Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to help Donald Trump win the presidency to hurt Clinton. “Let’s remember that Vladimir …

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Trump Tells Fox News: Stories About Russians Hacking To Help Me Are Just A Ridiculous Excuse [VIDEO]

Politico reports: President-elect Donald Trump called reports that the Russian government endeavored to help him win last month’s presidential election “ridiculous” and “just another excuse” in an interview that aired Sunday morning, once again questioning the intelligence community he will take charge of when he is inaugurated next month. Trump told “Fox News Sunday” that he suspected that Democrats are …

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REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Conspired With Wikileaks To Influence US Election In Favor Of Trump

The Guardian reports: US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered in last month’s presidential election to boost Donald Trump’s bid for the White House, according to reports. A secret CIA assessment found that Russian operatives covertly interfered in the election campaign in an attempt to ensure the Republican candidate’s victory, the Washington Post reported, citing officials briefed on the …

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Obama Orders “Full Review” Of Election Hacking

Politico reports: President Barack Obama has ordered a “full review” of hacking-relating activity aimed at disrupting last month’s presidential election and he expects that report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, a top White House official said Friday. “We may have crossed into a new threshold and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, …

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House Democrats Announce Bipartisan Commission To Investigate Russia’s Intervention In US Election

David Corn reports at Mother Jones: Congressional Democrats are increasing the pressure for an official and public inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. On Wednesday afternoon, Rep. Eric Swalwell, (D-Calif.), a Democrat on the House intelligence committee, and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the senior Democrat on the House government oversight committee, announced they were introducing legislation to create …

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Sweden Rejects Ecuador’s Demand For Guarantee That Julian Assange Won’t Be Extradited To United States

But only because the US hasn’t yet formally asked. ABC News reports: Ecuador’s Foreign Minister says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should receive guarantees that he will not be extradited to the US if he faces justice in Sweden after four years of living in the South American nation’s embassy in London. Mr Assange, who enraged Washington by publishing a flood …

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Julian Assange To Ask Trump For Presidential Pardon As Payment For Helping To Sabotage The Election

Via Breitbart: Lawyers for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange are set to launch an appeal to US President-elect Donald Trump to end criminal investigations over the release of classified documents. Assange, who is currently seeking asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, is wanted by American authorities after releasing classified documents surrounding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan provided by former …

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NSA Director Michael Rogers: Never Doubt That The Election Was Sabotaged By A Foreign Government

The Week reports: Adm. Michael Rogers, head of the National Security Agency and the U.S. Cyber Command, spoke at a Wall Street Journal forum on Tuesday, and much of the focus of his discussion with WSJ Deputy Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Blumenstein was about joining government and business to fight the scourge of cyber crime. The number of hackers is “so large …

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Top Russian Official: Maybe We Helped With Wikileaks

The Guardian reports: After an election campaign in which Russia has been openly accused of interfering in favour of Donald Trump, his surprise victory led to applause in the Russian parliament, a swift call from the president, Vladimir Putin, for a new era of “fully fledged relations” between his country and the US, and the suggestion that US-imposed sanctions could …

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