Tag Archives: Julian Assange

Hacking Wave Continues, Feds Investigate, Anonymous Takes Credit As Revenge For Assange Losing Internet

This morning numerous major sites were inaccessible across the northeast of the United States after unknown hackers launched a denial of service attack on a major DNS host. The initial attack was “mitigated” in about two hours but another wave launched early this afternoon is presently also affecting accessibility on much of the west cost. Politico reports that your earlier …

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LONDON: Comedian Trolls Julian Assange [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: After the Ecuador Embassy in London cut off Julian Assange‘s access to the Internet, one man took it upon himself to keep the Wikileaks founder up to speed. Comedian Bobby Mair showed up outside the embassy Wednesday armed with a bullhorn and adorned with a sign announcing himself as “Julian Assange’s Personal Internet Service.” “What I’ve done is …

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Marco Rubio On Wikileaks: I Refuse To Discuss This Attempt By Foreigners To Interfere With The Election

A little payback for “Little Marco.” ABC News reports: Sen. Marco Rubio tells ABC News Republicans are making a mistake by jumping on allegedly hacked emails released by Wikileaks to criticize Hillary Clinton. In fact, he says he won’t talk about the hacked emails at all. “As our intelligence agencies have said, these leaks are an effort by a foreign …

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Ecuador: Yes, We Cut Off Julian Assange’s Internet

The Associated Press reports: Ecuador’s government has acknowledged that it has “temporarily restricted” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s internet access at its embassy in London after the whistleblowing site published documents from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign The foreign ministry in a statement Tuesday said that while it stands by its decision in 2012 to grant Assange asylum, it doesn’t interfere in …

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Wikileaks: It Was Ecuador That Cut Assange’s Internet

The Hill reports: The anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks on Monday afternoon said that the Ecuadorian government has cut off founder Julian Assange’s internet connection. Assange is currently living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, avoiding a Swedish rape charge. Leaving the embassy to address the charges, he says, would result in his extradition to the United States. WikiLeaks on Monday morning …

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Wikileaks: Julian Assange’s Internet Has Been Cut

The Associated Press reports: WikiLeaks says that founder Julian Assange’s internet access has been cut by an unidentified state actor. Few other details were immediately available. Assange has been up holed up at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for more than four years after skipping bail to avoid being extradited over sex crimes allegations. The cramped quarters haven’t prevented the …

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WATERGATE 2016: Clinton Campaign Accuses Donald Trump Of Colluding With Russia To Hack Their Emails

Politico reports: Four decades after five men broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is trying to frame the hacking of her campaign manager’s email as a repeat of the most famous political scandal in American history – and to directly implicate Donald Trump. “What did Trump know, and when did he know it?” …

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Alex Jones Has The #WikiFizzle Sadz [VIDEO]

After his Wikileaks live-stream in which he delivered one of his trademark screaming meltdowns, calling Julian Assange “Hillary’s buttplug,” Alex Jones posted the below more somber clip in which he declares that Assange has been promised “some kind of immunity deal” in return for not releasing information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Watch and enjoy.

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WIKIFIZZLE: Julian Assange’s Much-Heralded Berlin Press Conference Produces No “October Surprise”

The Hill reports: A Tuesday morning WikiLeaks press event in Berlin did not produce an “#OctoberSurprise” to derail the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign that many had expected. “I’ve seen the internet and I understand there is enormous expectation in the United States,” said WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange via video conference at the event, celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the document-leaking …

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Wikileaks: We’ll Now Do Our Big Reveal From Berlin

The Daily Mail reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange cancelled a planned appearance to mark the 10th anniversary of his organization from the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London over security fears on Sunday. He had been planning to give a speech – amid claims he was about to release damaging information about Clinton which some claimed could be an …

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REPORT: Wikileaks Cancels Tuesday’s Announcement

Heat Street reports: Wikileaks has abruptly canceled a much-anticipated announcement on Tuesday, according to NBC News. The announcement had been expected to be founder Julian Assange’s long-promised document dump on Hillary Clinton. NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez reported that the Tuesday announcement — which was to come from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years – …

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Roger Stone: Wikileaks Will Hit Hillary On Wednesday

Three days ago US Rep. Jerrold Nadler questioned FBI director James Comey about Trump surrogate Roger Stone’s self-proclaimed ties to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who will supposedly issue an announcement from the balcony of his London hideout on Tuesday night. Early this morning Stone posted the above tweet. Media Matters has the transcript of Nadler’s questions: REP. JERROLD NADLER (D-NY): …

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SWEDEN: Appeals Court Refuses To Drop Rape Arrest Warrant For WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

NBC News reports: The arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over a rape accusation will not be dropped, a Swedish appeals court ruled Friday. Assange, 45, has always maintained extradition from the U.K. to Sweden could lead to him being sent to the U.S. over WikiLeaks’ huge dump of secret documents. However, the European warrant was upheld. “After reviewing …

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Wikileaks Issues Mocking Poll On Hillary’s Health

The Huffington Post reports: WikiLeaks was forced to remove a contentious Twitter poll asking people to speculate why Hillary Clinton suddenly left a 9/11 anniversary ceremony on Sunday. More than 6,700 people voted in the online poll, which gave users the option to vote for “allergies and personality”, “Parkinsons”, “MS” or “Head injury complications” for the reason why the Democratic …

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Julian Assange To Sean Hannity: My Next Round Of Anti-Hillary Leaks Might Come Next Week [VIDEO]

Fox News reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Tuesday that he plans to release several batches of documents pertaining to the Hillary Clinton campaign within the next few weeks and the first could come out as soon as next week. “The first batch is coming reasonably soon,” Assange said in an interview on “Hannity.” “We’re quite confident about it now. …

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Julian Assange: The Pro-Hillary Media Is Backing A Demon Who Will Put A Noose Around Everybody’s Neck

Politico reports: In an interview with New York Times investigative reporter Jo Becker on Wednesday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused the press of supporting Hillary Clinton, whom he likened to a “demon.” “The American liberal press, in falling over themselves to defend Hillary Clinton, are erecting a demon that is going to put nooses around everyone’s necks as soon as …

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Jill Stein: Julian Assange Is A Hero

Jill Stein went on a pro-Wikileaks tweetstorm today because, hey, so what if Julian Assange has facilitated the criminal hacking of a major US political party? So what if Julian Assange is a tool of the murderous Putin regime? So what if Julian Assange has outed gay men and male rape victims in Saudi Arabia? She’s talking big picture, people!

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Assange Promises More Anti-Hillary Leaks [VIDEO]

Via Politico: WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange on Wednesday night promised to leak “thousands” of document pages pertaining to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and the presidential election. Speaking to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, the mysterious Assange claimed an upcoming leak would have a “significant” impact on the coming general election. “We have a lot of material, thousands of pages …

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TONIGHT: Fox’s Megyn Kelly To Interview Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange About “October Surprise”

The Hill reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will appear on Megyn Kelly’s “The Kelly File” on Fox News on Wednesday night as part of a two-part interview. The two are expected to discuss the possibility of a WikiLeaks “October surprise” that could impact the presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Fox News says Kelly will also tackle WikiLeaks’s …

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SAUDI ARABIA: Wikileaks Outs Gay Men, Male Victims Of Rape, And People Living With HIV & Hepatitis C

The Associated Press reports: WikiLeaks’ global crusade to expose government secrets is causing collateral damage to the privacy of hundreds of innocent people, including survivors of sexual abuse, sick children and the mentally ill, The Associated Press has found. In the past year alone, the radical transparency group has published medical files belonging to scores of ordinary citizens while many …

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