Tag Archives: Maine

Editorial Of The Day

From Maine’s Kennebec Journal: Protect Marriage Maine, the coalition opposing same-sex marriage, bases this ad in part on an interpretation of a state law passed in 2004 to allow gay couples to register as domestic partners. The ad says the law allowed rights that married couples have in “virtually all” circumstances. “Virtually all” should come with a pretty high standard. …

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TheFour: Moneybomb For Equality

TheFour has launched a moneybomb for marriage equality: It’s 25 days until the election. Give $25 today to support marriage equality in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. It’s #25out25in. This is crunch time for any campaign. Just a few weeks out, and our opponents are giving it everything they’ve got. Their lies are already showing up on television in Washington …

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HRC Adds $1M To Marriage Push

The Human Rights Campaign has committed another $1 million to the marriage equality campaigns in the four contested states. There is no doubt 2012 is the year of marriage and HRC is committed to making marriage equality the law of the land in Maine, Maryland, and Washington state, and to defeating the discriminatory anti-marriage amendment in Minnesota. Today we are …

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AFER Rips Lying Marriage Ads

Watch as Matt Baume rips apart the lies.

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MAINE: Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins Orders Pastors To Raise Money To Fight Civil Rights

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MAINE: Despite SCOTUS Loss, NOM Continues To Evade Donor Disclosure

Via press release from Mainers United: In a campaign finance report filed Thursday with the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices, NOM reported raising and spending more than $250,000 to influence Question 1 on the November ballot. Question 1 would allow same-sex couples to receive a marriage license from the state while protecting religious freedom. In a practice …

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Marriage Polls Recap

(Via Scott Wooledge)

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NOM Reacts To SCOTUS Loss

“While we are disappointed that the US Supreme Court did not grant review in our challenge to Maine’s application of campaign finance law in 2009, we will be reviewing the state’s requests in light of the ruling.  In their briefs before the US Supreme Court, the state appeared to have substantially narrowed the type of information they were requesting from …

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TheFour: Stories From Maine

This is the first in a four-part series highlighting the states voting on same-sex marriage next month.

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Red-Caped Catholic Loons In Maine

Disappointingly, this clip does not include any dramatic staged attacks from homofascists, just a broken egg on the sidewalk. But apparently truckers love loons with bagpipes.

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Marriage Leads By 21 Points In Maine

The Morning Sentinel reports that a new poll shows Maine’s marriage equality ballot measure is leading by 21 points. No one expects the 21-point lead to last, however. Maine has proven to be narrowly divided on gay marriage in past elections. Even with a strong lead, the issue is clearly dividing Maine voters along partisan, social and economic lines. The …

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NOM Loses SCOTUS Appeal

We didn’t see any action on Prop 8, but in the meantime we can totally enjoy this: The Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from a national anti-gay marriage group that tried to thwart Maine’s campaign disclosure law requiring it to release its donor list. The high court on Monday turned aside an appeal from the National Organization …

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Maine Firefighters For Marriage

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Bernhard & Waters For TheFour.com

For more on how to help the four states voting on marriage in November, go here.

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NOM Gives $500K To Maine’s Haters

The Boston Globe reports: The Maine Legislature legalized gay marriage in 2009, but the law was overturned in a “people’s veto” vote later that year. Gay marriage supporters gathered signatures to put it on the ballot again. Gay marriage opponents are also stepping up their efforts. The Roman Catholic Church has kicked off a series of meetings to promote its …

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Lesbian Super-PAC Backs Maine Marriage

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New Campaign Launches To Support Marriage Equality In Four States

Those four states, of course, are the ones with the issue on their November ballots. Visit The Four 2012 for information on helping.

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MAINE: Marriage Repeal Leader Gets Gun To Protect Himself From Murderous Gays

Maine’s weirdo marriage repeal leader Michael Heath has told the press that he’s applied for a concealed weapon permit so that none of them gays try to murder him. Heath continued, “If Maine doesn’t end this decades long conflict over the evil of sodomy with an overwhelming NO vote in November we can expect to see this sort of violence …

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Human Rights Campaign Donates $1M To Fight Marriage Referenda In Four States

Politico has the details: The HRC funds, which are being unveiled Monday, are $250,000 apiece for Maine, Washington, Maryland and Minnesota, all of which have ballot measures in November on gay marriage. Officials said there will be more spending coming, and that it makes the total spent by HRC in 2011 and 2012 on marriage-related efforts to $4.8 million. “These …

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Wonderful New Maine Marriage Ad

Kleenex alert!

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